Chapter 51

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September 8, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 01:00

Kaios' Residence, Parpaldia Empire

Even after passing 1 o'clock in the morning, the lights never went out at the Kaios' estate.

He was now in the midst of executing a once-in-a-lifetime plan, risking the lives of his family and the existence of the nation. The individuals gathered here were all those who had viewed the film footage provided by Japan. In addition to Elto, the Director of the First Foreign Affairs Bureau, there were also Mouri, the Director of the Finance Bureau, and Martal, who served as the Chief of Operations in the military, all involved in this plan.

Even in the military, it was apparent to those who could think realistically that once nuclear weapons entered the stage, the opponent became formidable, and it was clear not to confront them. Therefore, discussions were underway focusing on how to avoid a war with the Japanese Empire, given the emergence of a superpower outside the Third Civilization Area with economic and military power surpassing even the Holy Mirishial Empire, which had shattered their pride to the core. If a war were to break out with the Japanese Empire, undoubtedly the Parpaldia Empire would be dismantled.

At best... it would be the dissolution of the nation.

In the worst-case scenario, nuclear weapons would be dropped over Esthirant, and hundreds of thousands of imperial citizens would perish in the flames. The national structure would collapse, and after inciting rebellions in the vassal states, the Parpaldia Empire would be left exposed like a corpse, decaying amidst the stench and corruption. There would be nothing left. Only the death of the people and the nation. This was the shared understanding among those currently at Kaios' residence, as they had entered a stage where they must take measures to avoid annihilation, transcending factions, roles, positions, and ranks.

...Nevertheless, some radical factions within the Imperial Family and the military were plotting a military invasion of the Kingdom of Altaras, whose Siltras Mine was acquired by Japanese enterprises, using punitive measures, including the Oversight Force and the wyvern carrier fleet, as well as ground forces.

Leading this initiative was Remille, a close confidant of the young Emperor Ludius.

It has been leaked that when she viewed the dealings with the Japanese Empire, she appeared furious, accusing her subordinates of being manipulated by strategies from a nobody from the periphery. Furthermore, due to Remille's close relationship with Ludius, there was even a fear that she might persuade the emperor to directly oversee negotiations with the Japanese Empire. In such a case, no matter how capable Elto and Kaios were in advising, the emperor would not listen. On the other hand, Ludius might support the radical Remille's idea to crush anyone who looked down on the Empire and hailed from the periphery. In that case, it would be an act equivalent to stabbing the Empire's own neck with a knife rather than punishment.

To prevent this, they were planning to execute a meticulously planned scheme involving seizing control of the state apparatus and usurping power.

The young Ludius, not hiding his ambitions as an emperor, wished for the empire to grow by repeatedly intimidating neighboring countries. At the same time, due to his youth, he exhibited political naivety at times, coupled with arrogance that led him to overlook important issues despite his exceptional abilities and talents. If Ludius were to truly heed Remille's advice, there would be no future for Parpaldia.

Thus, Kaios made his decision.

He would orchestrate a military coup centered on the Foreign Affairs Bureaus and the army in the Esthirant, seize Emperor Ludius' authority after capturing the Administrative Assembly Hall, the Military Command Headquarters, and the Military Defense Headquarters, and execute the purge of radical members of the Imperial Family, military, and politicians who were deceiving the emperor, eradicating the corruption and political decay pervading the Parpaldia Empire.

Since the operational plan had reached 44 items detailing post-action policies and political strategies after the coup, Kaios named this coup operation "Order 44," mobilizing a force of up to 70.000, including Foreign Affairs Bureau personnel, military police, and army units.

They were not informed of the specifics of the coup but were simply instructed to conduct large-scale live-fire exercises, involving the Foreign Affairs Bureaus, the Army, key personnel from the Capital Defense Command, military police, and the aerial combat capabilities of the wyverns, in preparation for a "serious and urgent situation in the capital." Already, the army had begun to move under Martal's orders.

The elimination and purge of radical factions, starting with Remille, had become an unavoidable decision for the survival of the empire. For the nation to be reborn, it was necessary to expel the rot and remove those who had grown fat on corruption and bribery within the empire. Even if it meant resorting to the use of force...

Order 36.

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