Chapter 56

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September 20, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 15:00

Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

Chaos ensued due to the Parpaldians' attacks, and the situation in every corner of the capital was spiraling out of control on the scene. Not only in Altaras but also in the Eastern Fleet of the Oversight Force, a similar situation was unfolding.

...Commander Poktoar has been contacting the mainland for about an hour now, but unfortunately, the communication officers on the mainland seemed to have overconfidence in their own military strength.

"This is the Parpaldian Imperial Army First Communication Room."

"This is Poktoar of the Oversight Force's Eastern Fleet. I urgently need to contact the military headquarters."

"...The headquarters? What has happened?"

"Riots fueled by anti-Parpaldian sentiments have broken out in the Kingdom of Altaras, and the embassy is under attack. We have dispatched the wyverns to defend the embassy."

"...So, is the embassy safe?"

"For now, it is. However, Ambassador Cast has demanded punitive action and is requesting an attack on the capital, including Atenor Palace. I would like to seek permission from the military headquarters regarding this demand."

"In that case... Currently, the superiors are dealing with another matter, so except for emergencies, we leave the decision to the judgment of the scene."

...Such evasive responses were given, and upon explaining the situation again, the communication officer, without changing the tone of his voice, spoke with a serious expression.

"...Isn't it His Majesty's policy to teach a lesson to those who oppose the Empire?"

"That's true, but Ambassador Cast has already taken excessive defensive actions. We can only approve defensive actions within the regulations."

"Excessive or not, those who attack the embassy are evidence of disrespect towards our country. Such individuals need to be taught a lesson. Commander, please approve Ambassador Cast's request immediately."

...Poktoar's advice was casually dismissed.

'It's no use, the military headquarters can't be relied upon... It can't be helped, I'll try contacting the Foreign Affairs Bureau instead...'

With no progress in sight, communication was attempted through the Foreign Affairs Bureau... And to make matters worse, it was the radical Remille who responded to the communication through a bureau member.

"This is Remille. Commander Poktoar, what is the situation?"

"Uh, currently, the Parpaldian Embassy in Altaras is under attack, and we have dispatched the wyverns for defense."

"Altaras...? Then, Ambassador Cast is safe?"

"Yes, he's currently safe. The mob attempting to attack the embassy is being dealt with by the wyverns."

"...So, has the punishment against Altaras been carried out?"

"No, ma'am, we are prioritizing the safety around the embassy—"

During Poktoar's explanation, he could hear the sound of something being slammed against the communication device echoing nearby. After that, Remille's tone turned angry and confrontational.

"Why haven't you done it!!? This is an attack on our country!!! Altaras has aimed its spear at us! That alone is a serious crime, and even if our nation is destroyed, there should be no complaints!!!"

"But if the conflict escalates, there's a risk that the armed forces of Japan stationed in Altaras might attack our troops..."

"I'm not interested in excuses! With the authority of the Foreign Affairs Bureau Inspector General, the Eastern Fleet of the Oversight Force is hereby ordered to attack the capital! Refusal will result in charges of insubordination and execution!"

As soon as Remille, known as a radical within the empire, entered the communication, he was not only berated but also issued a full-scale attack order on the Kingdom of Altaras. Still, while Commander Poktoar was devising a plan to secure control of the capital while landing wyverns for embassy staff evacuation to avoid an all-out war, the worst report came in. It was reported that Atenor Palace in Le Brias had collapsed due to attacks by the Parpaldians.

"Commander! It's an emergency! We've just received information that Atenor Palace in the capital has collapsed!"

"What!? Did the wyverns attack on their own!?"

"No, according to magical communications, it seems the embassy organized a ground force and launched a surprise attack on the palace!"

"...Is the palace partially collapsed or completely destroyed?"

"From the communication, the central tower has collapsed, and a large portion of the building is damaged."

"The widespread magical communications from the capital repeatedly report multiple members of the royal family, including the king, as deceased! Additionally, an official request for deployment has been sent to the Japanese security force stationed there!"

Upon receiving the information from the communication officer, Commander Poktoar immediately felt nauseous. This must be Ambassador Cast's selfish actions.

Commander Poktoar's fears had become a reality. While riots could still be quelled by both sides' security forces, the insertion of ground forces and the bombardment and destruction of Atenor Palace changed the situation entirely. As it was the place where several members of the royal family resided, there were inevitably numerous casualties. Furthermore, it seemed the Japanese security force were also mobilizing. Without a doubt, Poktoar realized that this had escalated into a war, not only involving the Kingdom of Altaras but also Japan.

And before the eyes of the communication officers, he slammed the wall with all his might.


With his anger laid bare, Poktoar had no choice left but to fight.

Since the war has already begun...

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