Chapter 27

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June 18, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 06:00

Gim, Lourian occupied territory

Decimated by the Lourian Eastern Conquest Army, the town of Gim was quiet. As a form of entertainment, the Lourians would use the demi-human women, subjecting them to violence before taking them away to be slaves in their country, or playing games like impaling residents suspected of being spies with spears, but the residents had already fled the town.

Now, this place is filled with virulent anti-demi-human supporters, even among the Lourians themselves.

They have amassed a force of 50.000 soldiers, including militia and prisoners conscripted into military service through amnesty, for the siege of Ejei. In terms of scale, regardless of quality, it was the largest among the land forces.

In the midst of this, General Pandour's forces eagerly awaited the order to begin the siege.

"Hey, you lot from the cavalry, are you stealing loot on the side during reconnaissance missions to Ejei?"

"Hahaha, even if we do, we'll leave some women for our entertainment. They may be hot-blooded even among the Eastern Lords, but that just means they charge bravely, right!?"

"They're just driven by their base desires, aren't they? But seriously, why such an early morning emergency meeting... something happened up top?"

"...That Adem went into headquarters with a stern expression, so I'm sure something serious went down... he tends to lash out at us when he's in a bad mood too..."

Meetings in the headquarters were not uncommon. In the military, carrying out operations takes precedence over Sundays.

However, soldiers witnessing General Pandour and his sadistic deputy Adem, both with grim expressions, heading to the headquarters, intuitively sensed that something bad had happened.

In the headquarters, in addition to the indispensable chief of staff and members of the Eastern Lords, they were currently organizing the situation that had occurred in the Kingdom of Louria.

"Chief of Staff, please report the situation to everyone..."

"Yes, the Lourian mainland is under attack from Japan, and the northern port has been captured, and the enemy is advancing... that's the initial report we've received..."

"What!? The northern port has been taken!?"

"No way... that's an important base where the navy's headquarters are located! Defense should have been tight..."

"The navy headquarters were bombarded and destroyed, and it seems all the remaining fleet from the Naval Battle of Rodenius was sunk..."

The commanders, upon learning that the northern port had been overran by Japan, an ally of the Principality of Qua-Toyne, all displayed expressions of shock. Adem, in particular, stood there with his eyes and mouth wide open in disbelief. It took time for them to realize that a crucial stronghold of the homeland had been swiftly captured, just as the Eastern Lords were about to set out for the siege of Ejei.

"...If I may ask... the northern port was supposed to be under the protection of the wyvern force, just like the capital... what happened to them?"

After a brief silence, Mage Washuna raised his hand and asked the chief of staff about the condition of the wyvern force stationed in the capital to defend the northern port.

The chief of staff shook his head and replied weakly. "...Unfortunately, most of the wyvern riders perished. When the northern port was attacked, there was suddenly an aerial assault resembling flame magic, and the wyvern force headquarters in the capital was destroyed... it seems that only five of the wyvern defenders for the capital survived..."

The capture of the northern port, the total annihilation of the wyverns in the capital...

Just these alone constituted bad news, but the situation was turning even worse for Louria.

What General Pandour said next was about the Eastern Conquest Army.

"His Majesty is gathering troops from all over in preparation for the decisive battle in the capital. A mobilization order has been issued to the 400.000 feudal troops. While our homeland's army is pinning down the enemy at the northern port, we need to swiftly capture Ejei and, if possible, the capital."

Not only Ejei, but without capturing the capital, any attempt at peace negotiations would be futile in the current situation where the northern port is under military control. Indeed, the navy has practically been wiped out, with only civilian fishing boats remaining operational, and the capital's air defense capabilities are almost non-existent.

"The navy has been annihilated except for land forces, and with the capital's air defense in shambles, even Jin-Hark's defense is compromised. Politically, to reach a resolution, we have no choice but to take Ejei. This is also His Majesty King Louria's decree."

In such circumstances, strategic defeat was inevitable, and at the very least, to conclude a peace treaty, Ejei needed to fall. Moreover, if it's the King's decree, failure is simply not an option. Given it's for political reasons, currently, only the Eastern Conquest Army is allowed free action, and they must act with this force.

Adem understood; this battle meant imminent defeat for Louria. Without communication from the homeland regarding subsequent supplies, they had no choice but to fight with the current forces alone.

"So, does this mean that not only the Eastern Lords but also our main force must simultaneously begin the attack?"

"That's right, Adem, within the next hour, leave minimal defense forces behind and advance with the entire army toward the siege of Ejei."

"Yes, sir. I'll order the army to prepare to march... hmm? What's this noise?"

Just before Adem issued the marching orders to the entire army, a strange roar suddenly echoed from the sky above Gim, and an explosion occurred at the base of the Eastern Conquest Army's wyvern rider squadron. The blast shook the headquarters' windows, and a glass on the table fell to the floor.

"Th-this is an enemy attack! The wyvern base is under attack!"

"Where did the attack come from!? Were the sentries asleep!? This is unforgivable!!!"

"Commander Adem! Unidentified flying objects are approaching from the northeast! We didn't detect any magical reaction!"

"W-wait, no magical reaction...? What does that even mean!?"

Suppressing his rage, Adem looked in the direction where the soldiers were shouting. As the bells of the tower began to ring violently, multiple silhouettes were visible from the northeast outside the window. At that moment, they realized that an unprecedented, grotesque army was attacking.

Hunting Ground.

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