Chapter 31

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Thank you for waiting.

- Alexei Seizon BOT Ojisan


June 30, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 01:00

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria

The Kingdom of Louria was already on the brink of collapse.

What remained in this country that sought to dominate the continent was only waiting for the rebellion of various fiefs and the destruction of the existing system. Not only the foundation but also the limbs had already decayed, resembling a body rotting away, emitting a foul stench. The dominion structure of the Rodenius Continent has been radically overturned by a country with overwhelming destructive power and military might.

Despite efforts to secure military support from the Parpaldia Empire, including acts that wouldn't hesitate to bow down and submit, those efforts were in vain. Now, only newly recruited soldiers remained in the capital city of Jin-Hark.

Within the Jin-Hark Castle, King Hark Louria XXXIV sat alone, clutching his head in a dimly lit room. Even his daily routine of bathing had been neglected for the past three days, such was the extent of the erosion deep into his psyche.

"This... this can't be right... Yes, it must be..." he muttered through gritted teeth, his face turning pale at the unrealistic war reports presented by General Patagene.

The Eastern Conquest Army, which had aimed to exterminate the demi-human races, was practically annihilated, and the naval forces were reduced to little more than small boats. In the western region of the Kingdom of Louria, large flying objects, suspected to belong to the Japanese military, continued to rain fire despite efforts to extinguish them with water, resulting in the destruction of factories built with Parpaldia's support.

In the southern fiefs, which had prior interactions with the Principality of Qua-Toyne, efforts were made to establish contact with spies from Qua-Toyne. Through political maneuvering, these fiefs switched sides to Qua-Toyne via wide-area magical communication and abandoned Louria.

Fiefdoms abandoning the kingdom. Soldiers scattered in defeat. Even the skies offered no safe refuge, and envoys from the Parpaldia Empire, stranded without the means to return home, lamented their fate within their chambers.

As the Eastern Lords attempted to evade responsibility for the kingdom's withdrawal and defeat, a joint force of the Qua-Toynian and Japanese military began their invasion. The Eastern Lords, who had pledged allegiance to the kingdom, sought aid, but there were no remaining forces to dispatch.

From the northern ports, the iron legions of the Japanese military began their invasion, and the fall of the capital city seemed imminent.

"It has come to this..." the king muttered to himself, realizing that the fate of the kingdom his ancestors had built was nearing its end.

Everything was being crushed by overwhelming force. Convinced that the fate of the kingdom... and his own fate had been sealed, the king took a deep breath, rose from his throne, and summoned the maid who had been waiting outside his chamber.

"Fetch Patagene. I have made my decision."

Five minutes later...

When the king summoned Patagene, he noticed the king's eyes were different from before. They no longer held the fear they once did; instead, they bore the resolve of a warrior who had made up his mind.

'Your Majesty...? Have you made your decision?'

With a gesture of loyalty, Patagene responded, and King Louria XXXIV murmured, "Patagene, do you believe we can achieve victory against the Qua-Toynian and Japanese forces in a decisive battle in the capital city?"

"It will be extremely difficult, Your Majesty. However, if we focus solely on the capital, there is a slim chance of victory."

"Very well. Then I shall take to the battlefield myself and join this fight."

Patagene was shocked.

Rarely in history had a king personally taken to the battlefield; it was a practice so rare that it could be counted on one's fingers. Not since the previous king's reign had a monarch decided to go to battle in the capital himself. And thus, they decided to turn the capital itself into a spear and fight.

"By order of King Rouria, thirty-fourth of his name: Mobilize every inhabitant of the capital. From infants to the elderly, arm yourselves and fight against the invaders. Dye the capital in their blood, and let our lives end in glorious death."

Having done what he deemed necessary, King Hark Louria XXXIV prepared for the battle against the Japanese forces.

While moved by the king's resolve, Patagene resolved to take the necessary steps, even if it meant reducing the capital to ashes to take the enemy down with them. Weapons such as spears and bows were distributed to the civilians remaining in the capital. Orders were given to load combustible magic stones onto catapults and the few surviving wyverns, to carry out ramming attacks against the iron wyverns of the Japanese forces flying low over the city. Every individual was mobilized, and the capital showed its determination to fight as one unified force.

At this point, the survival of the capital's inhabitants became secondary. It was more terrifying to silently perish without doing anything, than for the nation of Louria to disappear.

By the afternoon of this day, combat preparations were completed throughout the capital, and all 560.000 inhabitants, from infants to the elderly, had become soldiers.

"The way of the warrior is found in death" -Tsunetomo Yamamoto-

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