Chapter 42

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July 30, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, a little after 02:00

Jin-Hark, Lourian Interim Government Territory, Former Kingdom of Louria

The city fell into a state of desolation unlike anything before.

This place, once the capital of the foremost military power on the Rodenius Continent, is now under the control of the Japanese and Qua-Toynian militaries, serving as their puppet state called the "Lourian Interim Government."

It was 02:00...

A convoy illuminated the dark streets with bright lights. Trucks and armored vehicles formed the convoy, with the Qua-Toynian military police, trained in military tactics by the Japanese, aboard. Elves and dwarves armed with Type 38 rifles and Type 5 rifles, secondhands from the Japanese military, boarded the trucks. As the lead jeep stopped, the trucks halted too, and the occupants disembarked one by one.

"Over here! Second and fourth squads have already deployed."

"All right... Third squad, dismount! Dismount!"

"Listen up, surround the buildings before storming in! If there's any resistance, don't hesitate to use live ammunition!"

In Jin-Hark, simultaneous searches by the MPs of Japan and Qua-Toyne were underway. The Japanese military convoy was lined up in the dark, illuminating the ruins of the bombed-out cathedral and the site of the magical college. Reconnaissance helicopters of the Japanese military illuminated the buildings from above.

The reason for the search was that "individuals planning attacks against the Japanese military or the Principality of Qua-Toyne were gathering." It was not a mere prank but precise intelligence, prompting the deployment of the gendarmerie.

The southern fiefdoms, which had separated and declared independence from the Kingdom of Louria, were the first to establish relations with Japan and Qua-Toyne. The defeated Louria had already split into at least four factions, with tribes opposing the king in various regions. Furthermore, amidst the chaos, there was the "Holy Kingdom of Louria," a new nation claiming the title of the Great King, believing that the old King of Louria had not died. As the former great nation collapsed in an instant, dividing into countless regions and tribes, a Japanese soldier couldn't help but mutter: "It's like Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union..."

"If the Soviet Union collapsed and the warlords are replaced with tribes... that seems about right..."

"Far East with Divine Mandate of Siberia... and then the eastern Red Army faction, right? The central area was so chaotic, it's hard to tell..."

"Indeed... how many years will it take for the country to reunify..."

In their world, the Soviet Union had been defeated by the Germans' relentless assault, leading to the fracturing of the nation called Russia itself. The Soviet Union completely collapsed due to the failure of the defeated German-Soviet War and subsequent counteroffensive operations by remnants of the Communist Party. Warlord-controlled territories emerged in various regions.

There were those aiming for the revival of the Soviet Union under the Communist Party, those aiming for the restoration of the imperial family, those seeking to revive Russia through the teachings of Christianity, and even places controlled by the notorious 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a military unit composed of criminals that butchered multiple civilian populations.

This became a region resembling hell on earth, and in the previous world, Russia, even among the great powers, could be described as a place akin to the Warring States Period.

What about the Kingdom of Louria?

The upper echelons of the Lourian government were decimated, with most senior officials except for a few killed in the Battle of Jin-Hark Castle. However, in terms of still having a functioning central government, they were luckier than the Soviet Union.

Although surviving barely as a prisoner of war of the Japanese military after the Battle of Jin-Hark, Yamirei was appointed as the head of government, thanks to proposals from Japan and Qua-Toyne. The reason for this was his non-involvement in planning the extermination of demi-humans during the early stages of the war. Being a respected figure within the Kingdom of Louria, he had been friendly with the southern fiefdoms for some time, even amidst the de facto civil war in Louria, which contributed to his appointment. Above all, due to his position in the upper echelons of the government, he was a crucial informant barely hanging on by a thread.

In such a position as the head of the provisional government, Yamirei cannot effectively refuse proposals from Japan or Qua-Toyne. To do so would mean ultimately being replaced by someone else. Effectively a puppet, he plays the role of a responsive mechanism, forced to accept the demands and proposals of Japan and Qua-Toyne. In this process, as several wanted individuals associated with the Lourian military plotted rebellion, both Japan and Qua-Toyne intervened militarily under the guise of maintaining public order.

Most of the Qua-Toynian soldiers are demi-humans. In particular, those who lost family, relatives, or friends in the massacre at Gim are prioritized for deployment in the military police tasked with maintaining public order, and they gladly exert armed force in suppression operations. As if in retaliation for the brutal deaths of their families, relatives, and friends, they suppress the resisting Lourians while loudly echoing the commands issued by Japanese commanders.

"Military police! Drop your weapons and surrender immediately!"

"Can't you hear me!? Drop your weapons and surrender!"

"Stop! If you don't stop, we'll shoot!"

They entered the buildings with rifles at the ready. While most Lourians, influenced by the Battle of Jin-Hark Castle, quickly surrendered, former regular army soldiers, convinced they would be executed upon capture, armed themselves with spears and bows, and charged forward screaming.


"Don't hesitate! Fire!!!"

"Open fire! Shoot anyone who moves!!!"

The cathedral, the magical college... Inside the buildings that barely escaped collapse, flashes of rifles and the sounds of gunfire echoed.

The Kingdom of Louria, which advocated for the extermination of demi-humans, has been defeated, and the pitiful soldiers who embraced the ideology of the Great King and his beliefs are dying one by one on the ground, creating a pool of red.

Even as July drew to a close, the gunfire showed no signs of stopping.

Chain of Hatred.

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