Chapter 63

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September 21, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 08:00

Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire

The sunlight shone upon the capital city. However, the eyes of many lying on the streets remained unmoving in the abyss. Many who were deemed radicals have been captured and killed by the military police and the Capital Defense Force. Even in the urban areas, executions were ordered solely through verbal commands without trial, involving gunfire and military judgments.

Combat with 6,5 mm heavy machine guns, smuggled from the neutral Mu, had also commenced. Bullets discharged from the heavy machine guns pierce through human heads, hearts, and organs one after another. With gunfire sounds, bullets penetrated through the radicals, ruling with a method akin to semi-public executions.

There is no need for a lenient regime. To eradicate the widespread corruption and decay of power among the radicals, they must be killed. Mechanically, like checking for anomalies in products flowing through a conveyor belt, soldiers aimed their guns and killed the radicals listed for execution in mansions, in parliament, and in the streets; coup forces diligently carried out purges. Some black smoke already rose in several parts of the capital, yet this is not necessarily a bad thing.

This is the dawn.

For the Parpaldia Empire, a new imperial regime begins today. Before corruption and decay rot the empire to its core, the roots of all evils must be severed. It's what they call "painful surgery."

Considering many of the radicals were from the upper echelons, most of them resisted until their last breath, spewing insults at commoners as they perished. Even the Foreign Affairs Bureau Audit Office staff, who were Remille's closest advisors, were executed by gunfire to silence them from speaking the truth.

It must not be realized that this is a usurpation of power by Kaios through force. It must strictly be seen as a scapegoat to eradicate the calamity caused by the radicals centered around Remille. The only solution is to silence those who speak the truth.

Soldiers patrolled the capital under martial law. The markets, usually bustling with commuters, are now deserted, with only stray dogs wandering. Even in this state of economic halt, the chaos must be contained, and peace with Japan and the Kingdom of Altaras must be established as soon as possible. For that, blood must be spilled in the capital. Kill the corrupt and decadent powers built around Remille, seize power, and even constrain the authority of the emperor under the national emergency. This nation will be reborn under the new state centered around Kaios.

As evidence, broadcasts from the magic stone radio are announcements spoken by a monotone male voice. Usually known for playing cheerful music or discussing international affairs, it now stiffly propagates the current situation by reading out scripts prepared by Kaios.

"Today, under the name of His Majesty, the Imperial Government has declared to sweep away those who have fattened themselves by harming the interests of our nation, starting with the traitor Remille, and establish a new order regime."

The radio station was already under the control of the coup forces, and both the army and navy were aligning with this coup.

Remille had lost. She was already captured and subjected to humiliation by colonists and puppet state nationals under pressure. It was an opportunity to vent their frustration towards her numerous atrocities after being stripped of everything. Even if she was of imperial blood, she couldn't just be killed for free. Even if she begged for mercy, she had to taste despair and suffering first.

After gathering all the people from Altaras in the square, she was set free as long as she wasn't killed. She still needed to be handed over to the Japanese government and the Kingdom of Altaras as a bargaining chip. But, if she were handed over unscathed, would she truly repent?

No, she wouldn't.

If one holds power, they would justify their actions as a despot, continuing to oppress as long as their power lasts. Therefore, Kaios, with a heart as cold as a demon, presented her destruction in front of Emperor Ludius, who had a special affection for her. The act of destroying human dignity had a tremendous effect in front of the emperor, and he asked Kaios with a trembling voice.

"K-Kaios... What does this mean..."

"Your Majesty, that woman is the mastermind behind our nation's crisis. We are eliminating the radicals."

"T-then... What will happen to Remille... Will she be killed just like that?"

"No, once her sentence is served, she will be handed over to Altaras through the Japanese government. And then, we will start taking actions to resurrect this country into a glorious nation once again, bringing prosperity from scratch. Your Majesty, I apologize for causing you concern, but we will act to ensure our resurrection."

"Ah... ahhh..."

"Therefore, Your Majesty, please rest now. We will take care of the rest."

Kaios spoke like an emotionless robot as he exercised authority in place of the frozen emperor. Even an emperor couldn't do much under his sharp and cold gaze.

Kaios had made up his mind. Even if it meant being temporarily disgraced under the rising sun, he was determined to revive this country, even if it meant taking ruthless and brutal measures. Operations were being read out dispassionately from the military radio, and soldiers were beginning their actions.

"All combatants, immediately reinforce the defense of the capital and eliminate those listed on the enemy list..."

"Orders of punishment have been issued by His Majesty to eliminate the radicals aiming to destroy this country."

"All members, annihilate the radicals. Annihilate them. Eradicate corruption and decay from this country forever."

The orders were absolute. Soldiers marched with the sound of military boots to kill the radicals.

On this day, the Parpaldia Empire is dead.

The nation committed suicide.

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