Chapter 53

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September 20, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, noon

Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

Not since the founding of the kingdom had so much blood been spilled in the capital city of Le Brias. Under Cast's furious order, projectiles were being thrown from the corridor facing the window glass of the Parpaldian Embassy, using furniture such as cabinets and tables for cover, while musket shots roared from the gaps, aiming at targets. The military officers and soldiers stationed at the embassy, numbering around 200, suddenly opened fire at the crowd of civilians who were marching in protest in front of the embassy.

And it wasn't just once or twice. They fired dozens of volleys, beginning the butchering of the protesting Altaran citizens.


"Defenseless lots. I can hit them with my eyes closed..."

"Shoot to your heart's content as soon as you finish reloading! There's no way these people armed only with swords or bows can defeat us."

The military officers and soldiers stationed there were trained in basic firearms handling as well. Therefore, killing and injuring unarmed civilians who were protesting was an easy task for them. Like a trophy hunt, the barrels of guns were aimed and fired at the demonstration against the Parpaldia Empire, with no mercy. Women and children were not spared from the ruthless gunfire, and within three minutes of the initial shots, the main street in front of the Parpaldian Embassy was littered with corpses.

Some had holes in their abdomens or heads from the gunfire, blood soaking through. Some had been trampled to death like fallen chess pieces in the panic as they fled. Dozens of victims lay motionless on the main street in front of the embassy.

Seeing this scene, Cast burst into laughter from the depths of his belly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! BARBARIANS!! If only they had stayed down before the mighty powers, such sacrifices wouldn't have occurred... Honestly, we great powers must educate these savages... Hey, make sure to 'educate' those who are still hiding behind the buildings as well."

"Sir... well, muskets won't reach them from here..."

"Then use handheld magic cannons, and if necessary, summon wyverns from the Oversight Force's carriers on the sea to burn them. After all, the Altarans have attacked us."

Originally, the Oversight Force fleet had been dispatched to return Cast to the Parpaldia Empire tomorrow. This was because, in order to prevent the major powers from being looked down upon by neighboring countries or puppet states, it was customary for troops to be sent from the homeland when embassies changed, and the surrounding countries accepted this under coercion. By realizing this in the worst possible way, Cast sent a request for assistance via manacomm to the Oversight Force's Eastern Fleet, which was sailing off the coast of the Kingdom of Altaras.

"To the Oversight Force Eastern Fleet, this is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Parpaldia Empire, Cast. Urgent, urgent request for rescue."

"This is Commander Poktoar of the Oversight Force Eastern Fleet, Sir Cast... What has happened to require such an urgent contact?"

"A large-scale anti-Parpaldia Empire movement has erupted in the Kingdom of Altaras, and the embassy is under attack. We've temporarily repelled the assailants, but since we don't know when the next assault will occur, we urgently request aerial support by wyverns."

"A-are you certain!?"

"Why, yes! Can't you hear the gunfire right now!? The military officers and soldiers in the embassy are desperately fighting back. Due to the emergency situation, I also request an attack on key facilities in Le Brias, as a punitive measure!"

"While it's possible to attack those assaulting the embassy with wyverns, we cannot proceed with attacks on key facilities. That would only escalate the conflict. Let's first communicate with the homeland and request permission before taking any action."

"Dammit, there are 200 staff members in the embassy! Some of them have connections to the imperial family! If any harm comes to them, it will be our responsibility!"

Cast urged the Oversight Force fleet with fervor, but Commander Poktoar, though steadfast, instructed that the deployment of wyverns should be limited strictly to a 'threat to the Parpaldian Embassy.' Meanwhile, Cast authorized unlimited use of handheld magic cannons to his subordinates, military officers, and soldiers, initiating bombardment against the citizens protesting and throwing stones around the embassy.

Magic cannons were deployed in the courtyard, bombarding those hiding behind the buildings. With each blast, the demonstrators were hit, and human parts flew everywhere. Upon confirmation of the use of magic cannons, people started attacking the embassy with ballistae and catapults from unknown sources. In addition to expressing their anger and protest against the dead, fireballs rained down on them from above.

Wyverns launched from the carrier arrived at Le Brias, mercilessly burning those attacking the embassy.

"Confirmation of fireball hits from the wyverns! The crowd is scattering in all directions!"

"Transmission from the Oversight Force Eastern Fleet anchored offshore: 'Initiating attack with flying dragons, personnel are not to step out of the embassy...'"

"SPLENDID!!! Alright! Educate those who are fleeing by shooting them from behind! Shoot to kill anyone who moves!"

Cast executed the order of massacre with vivacity. With a grin on his face, he delighted in the scene of Altarans being butchered.

Wyverns danced in the sky, and Altaran citizens were killed by magic cannon bombardments and musket gunfire. And, convinced of their superiority, Cast issued orders to his military officers and soldiers.

"This is an attack on the Parpaldia Empire!! And we have repelled the barbarian attack... Now, form the assault contingent! This attack was surely plotted by Taara XIV. Surprise attack Atenor Palace and separate the king's neck from his head!!!"

Even among the military officers and soldiers, those skilled in combat gathered, and though it was on a squad scale, fully armed soldiers with magic cannons and muskets headed towards Atenor Palace for the attack.

Omen of Chaos.

Summoning Japan × The New Order: Last Days of EuropeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz