Chapter 55

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September 20, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 14:00

Atenor Palace, Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

Black smoke billowed from various parts of the royal capital, the pride of the Kingdom of Altaras. The city, where many members of the royal family, including King Taara XIV, resided, had now turned into a battlefield.

With the Parpaldian Embassy under attack and the arrival of the Oversight Force Eastern Fleet's wyverns, the heart of the capital was in chaos. Rumors spread like wildfire, causing panic among the people who fled from the squares, seeking refuge in buildings and elsewhere. The sudden outbreak of hostilities caught even King Taara XIV off guard; he never anticipated Parpaldia to resort to such extreme measures.

"Parpaldia... no, that bastard Cast... Has he gone mad...?"

"Your Majesty, it's dangerous here. Please evacuate from the palace immediately! Gather at the central area inside the castle for shelter!"

"Father! Let's go together with everyone!"

"Yes, I understand, Lumies. Let's head that way right now..."

The guards defending the palace gathered the royal family, including the king, in the central square, intending to lead them to safety. However, their actions backfired.

A squad-sized surprise attack by Parpaldian officials and soldiers targeted Atenor Castle, initiating bombardment towards the castle. Several shots were fired from Parpaldian handheld magic cannons, one of which hit the foundation of the main tower in the center of the palace, causing the roof's foundation supporting the main tower to collapse. As a result, the main tower collapsed, and the debris rained down on the royal family gathered in the central square.


Screams echoed as the parts of the main tower and debris rained mercilessly down on the royal family gathered in the square. Their bodies were mercilessly crushed by bricks and debris, leading to the deaths of most of Altaras' royal family. Only Princess Lumies and the female knight Lilceide, who had been entrusted with her protection, managed to escape the disaster.

At that moment, King Taara XIV, in a desperate attempt to protect Lumies and Lilceide, pushed them away. His body was crushed under the rubble, with only his right hand barely visible.


"Your Highness! Please evacuate immediately! Your safety is the top priority now!"

"NOOOOOO! My father! That's my father!!!"

"Your Highness! Forgive me for my insolence!"

"No! Let go! Let me goooo!!!"

"Survivors, rise! We must protect the princess at all costs!"


Carrying Lumies, who couldn't accept her father's death, they ran away without looking back. The surviving guards surrounded Lilceide who was carrying Lumies and hurriedly boarded the carriages to escape from Atenor Palace. Five carriages, including the lead and trailing escorts, dashed away, intending to evacuate Lumies and Lilceide safely to a distant location, even if the lead or trailing escorts were incapacitated.

"Milady! Which way shall we head!?"

"...We'll be killed by the Parpaldians if we run aimlessly. Head for the radio station!"

"T-The radio station!?"

"That's right! At least we can seek help from the Japanese. I believe there were members of the security force stationed there. Hurry!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

They headed towards a radio station operated by a zaibatsu, where many Japanese and Altaran people working at the radio station had taken refuge. It was sending out information that the Japanese mil—security force units were on their way, and whether Lilceide knew or not, she chose the radio station.

And her decision was correct. When they reached the radio station, they were immediately allowed inside. They confirmed from the armed police guarding the radio station that the main force of the security force was heading towards the capital. Then, Lilceide switched the radio to a wide-area broadcast, ensuring that the current events would reach Japan, and initiated an emergency broadcast.

"This is... broadcasting from the capital of the Kingdom of Altaras, Le Brias. I am Lilceide, a senior knight serving the Altaran royal family... Earlier, gunfire and shelling suddenly erupted from the Parpaldian Embassy, and various parts of the capital were under attack. Atenor Palace is no exception... The shelling from the magic cannons caused the collapse of the main tower of the castle, resulting in the deaths of many, including His Majesty, King Taara XIV..."

Due to Parpaldia's attack, not only the capital but also the palace where the royal family resided was shelled. It was conveyed that the king, who governed the heart of the nation, had died. Though it was difficult for Lilceide to voice it, it must have been even harder for Princess Lumies, who witnessed her own father's death. Overwhelmed by shock and stress, Lumies went limp on a bench in the rest area.

Seeing that sight, Lilceide held back tears as she spoke. "...However, Princess Lumies is fortunately unharmed. Parpaldia, which is attacking the capital, has not only targeted the citizens but also the royal family, including the king. This is an unforgivable act of aggression. We have formally requested the deployment of the Japanese security force stationed here. All forces of the Kingdom are to commence security operations based on wartime measures immediately. And to Parpaldia, who killed the king and continues to act without restraint... may justice be served..."

After Lilceide's impassioned speech, she collapsed from exhaustion.

The security police, upon receiving the broadcast, were given the moral justification for a decisive counterattack against Parpaldia's decisive brutality. On the other hand, Parpaldia's argument was that the assailants that attacked the embassy had taken refuge in the castle, but this was fabricated by Cast. In reality, most of those who had assaulted the Parpaldian Embassy had perished due to attacks by muskets and wyverns launching fireballs. Cast's aim was to destabilize the governance structure of Altaras and seize control amidst the chaos...

Upon learning that the royal palace had been critically damaged by shelling, Cast smiled gleefully as he drank wine, rejoicing that he could kill the barbarians who attacked Parpaldia. He firmly believed that he and Parpaldia were the victims, clinging to this belief without realizing that everything he did was wrong...

Unforgivable. You will never be... forgiven.

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