Chapter 50

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September 5, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 11:00

First Foreign Affairs Bureau, Parpaldia Empire

"What in the world... is this..."

Elto was shocked by the image projected before her.

A large atoll in the middle of the ocean suddenly glowed, and in an instant, a white pillar soared into the sky. The pillar quickly formed into a spherical shape, swallowing even the surrounding clouds. At the moment of the explosion, a large ship anchored nearby raised splashes and soon disappeared from view, enveloped by a large cloud. It was as if being engulfed by a mushroom-like cloud, and the white mist lingered endlessly at the site of the explosion. Comparing the size of the large ship to the aircraft observing the bomb, it was evident that it wasn't a small boat.

'That explosion... even if we assume the ship's size to be 100 meters, it wiped out over 2 kilometers... to obliterate a 2-kilometer range with a single shot... Such weapons are unheard of...'

No matter how advanced magical technology might be, there shouldn't be any nation capable of handling a weapon with such destructive power. Moreover, by openly disclosing this information to them without concealment, it wasn't classified technology from the Japanese perspective.

Understanding this, Elto sought details of this unknown weapon from Kaios.

"Kaios... what in the world is this?"

"This is a thermonuclear weapon... dropped by the Japanese Empire on their enemy's island towards the end of the World War. They call it the 'atomic bomb,' a weapon that incinerated fleets and 50.000 civilians stationed on the island with a single shot..."

"W-what... 50.000 people...!? With just one shot...!?"

"Yes... After that, that country walked its own path due to disagreements among allied nations. They pushed forward with the development and deployment of atomic bombs, mainly in their homeland, to keep up with other countries..."

"This is like... something out of a myth, like core magic!!"

"Regarding that, Japanese diplomats also mentioned something interesting... 'It's probably a similar weapon, just with different mechanisms...'"

"So then... Japan..."

"It means that Japan possesses a weapon with power equal to or greater than the core magic once used by the mythical Ravernal Empire."

According to legend, the core magic used by the Ravernal Empire, which was said to have dominated the entire world in the Age of Myths, left behind tales of annihilating the precursor to the Kingdom of Emor, Infidragoon. If this legend is true, then the Japanese Empire which possesses this thermonuclear weapon comparable to core magic, holds power and technology comparable to the Ravernal Empire... assuming this, there wouldn't even be weapons capable of countering core magic, making them formidable opponents.

Finally, Elto understood. If by some chance, hostilities were to break out with Japan, this country would be reduced to ashes by Japan in an instant. The Parpaldia Empire was as good as a literal thin sheet of paper to the Japanese.

That bomb easily blew away that rocky reef. If they could throw a bomb that could obliterate anything within a radius of 2 kilometers, then the military strategies that Parpaldia excelled in would be in shambles. Even if their forces are dispersed, it's clear they won't be able to exert their full strength and will be defeated one by one. If it comes to that, the Parpaldian homeland will vanish without a trace, just like the rocky reef they saw earlier.

...What would happen to the Imperial Capital, Esthirant, where administrative ministries and government agencies are concentrated, if that weapon were dropped there? Of course, not only the Emperor but also the countless civilians living in the city would vanish in an instant.

Mercilessly, everything changes with a single bomb. If they lose air superiority, it's almost certain that the atomic bomb will be dropped over Esthirant.

Elto, understanding this, was overcome with intense nausea.

"...Wait, Kaios... I'm starting to feel sick..."

"Yeah, it's understandable. I couldn't stop feeling nauseous when I learned about it either... Japan doesn't see us as enemies... They see us more as 'babies' or 'mischievous kids'..."

"So... are we going to comply with Japan's demands?"

"If we don't, Esthirant will be reduced to ashes after being trampled. If that atomic bomb falls on us... at that time, not only us but also countless civilians will die."

"...When it was dropped on the island, 50.000 people died instantly, right? If it's dropped on the capital..."

"...Depending on the location, the death toll from immediate casualties alone will easily exceed 100.000... Moreover, Japan doesn't just have one bomb, they claim to possess atomic bombs that can destroy not only cities throughout the Empire but also all places, including cities and ports in the territories..."

At this point, Elto understood the mocking meaning behind Kaios likening Japan to the Sorcerous Empire. They possess at least hundreds, if not thousands, of bombs with power equivalent to core magic. If such a mad nation were to clash with the Parpaldia Empire, no, the moment they clashed, the Empire would perish.

Kaios, after explaining this fact to Elto, proposed negotiations.

"Elto, won't you lend a hand... to save this country..."

"...Kaios, what exactly are you planning to do?"

"...To purge the radicals from this country. At this rate, this country will be blown to smithereens like that rocky reef..."

"...!? Are you planning... a coup?"

"Unfortunately, it's only a matter of time until war breaks out. Through contacts in the oversight force and various ministries, members of the Imperial Family advocating a hardline stance and the military personnel following them are plotting a military invasion of the Kingdom of Altaras. They plan to kill multiple Japanese nationals and then demand that Altaras be turned into a vassal state..."


"Elto, we're running out of time. We have to save this country from destruction."

Elto looked into Kaios' eyes. They were the eyes of someone who had already made up their mind.

To the determined Kaios, Elto nodded after a moment of hesitation.

"Very well... Let's do it."

And so, the hierarchical divisions within the ministries, which had been deeply entrenched, came together as one.

Order 18.

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