Chapter 61

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September 21, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 00:00

Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire

It was the first time that the sounds of loud artillery and musket gunfire echoed in the capital city. The Foreign Affairs Bureaus, military police, and Capital Defense Force were engaging in the use of force to remove the radicals. Given the surprise night assault, most members of the radicals were unable to react. Establishments frequented by radical members such as bars and brothels were also surrounded, and even among those present, anyone associated with the radicals was ordered to be killed without hesitation.

"This is not a massacre, but an act to save our nation. Your actions, including arrests and killings, will all be overlooked."

So declared Kaios to soldiers and staff during the coup.

In other words, sacrifices and killings resulting from the coup were highly recommended as "inevitable measures." It was not desirable for the radicals to remain alive, nor was it desirable for them to later cause trouble after the coup. Therefore, the decision was made to expel the festering sore within the Empire.

Many commoners had also been oppressed by arrogant members of the imperial family and nobility. Their resentment was even greater than that of the oppressed ethnic groups in puppet states. The moment it was deemed that this negative sentiment would not be addressed, the pent-up emotions exploded, and under the pretext of executing the radicals for a just cause, the purge was carried out.

Many upscale brothels in Estshirant had patrons among the radicals and were places of interaction, thus they came under attack from the military police and Capital Defense Force. Nobles who frequented these brothels found their nightly pleasures interrupted by gunfire, many ending up in their disheveled state. In the midst of the sudden events, soldiers shouted at the scrambling nobles.

"Those are the radical nobles!"

"W-what are you people doing!?"

"You radicals have had your privileges suspended and revoked effective immediately. Even nobles are not exempt."

"What!? This is outrageous! What purpose do nobles serve then..."

"It matters not. There's not a hint of remorse. Execute them."

"Sir! Fire!!!"

Smoke rose from musket guns, and gunfire echoed in each room. They were not even allowed to offer explanations. With every gunshot, the radicals were being killed. And it wasn't limited to just the brothels. Tragedy was unfolding in their homes as well. Many of those associated with the radicals, including servants and butlers, were killed.

Never before in the history of the founding of the empire had such a situation of bloodshed occurred in the capital. It was truly an unprecedented massacre. Even amidst such a horrific scene unfolding, Kaios calmly listened to reports from his subordinates.

"We are capturing or eliminating radical nobles one after another."

"How many are we looking at?"

"So far, over 160 have been neutralized."

"What about the Army Ministry?"

"Sir, the military police have already taken control of the Army Ministry and eliminated radical military personnel. Thanks to the military police's actions, seizing control of the military is now feasible."

"Are the marines deployed in the urban areas as planned... Hm. What about the Emperor... Have we taken control of the palace?"

"Yes, however, there is ongoing combat with some of the Imperial Guard at the palace. To ensure the Emperor's safety, we are transferring him to the Navy Headquarters."

"My apologies, Your Majesty, for the inconvenience... but until we've dealt with the radicals who brought about this situation, some restrictions are unavoidable..."

For Kaios, there was no choice but to resort to such ruthless measures to eliminate the radicals. The emperor had been taken away by the First Foreign Affairs Bureau staff and escorted to the Navy Headquarters. Moreover, there were signs that even the emperor might have been influenced by the radicals, so some constraints on his authority were also being considered.

Furthermore, the most pressing issue for Kaios was that the leader of the radicals, Remille, had escaped from her mansion. Though information had been obtained about her escape, the military police and the Capital Defense Force were already mobilized. Orders were given to capture Remille if possible. However, if that couldn't be done, orders for unwarned shooting and kill-on-sight were issued.

Not only was she held accountable as a radical for her role in the scandal involving Ambassador Cast in the Kingdom of Altaras, but also for her orders to kill royal family members in the kingdom, a matter of grave concern for the survival of the Parpaldia Empire. If possible, capturing her and extraditing her to the Kingdom of Altaras as a criminal to repair relations was considered a "minimum necessary action" for reconciliation. In any case, one of the factors destabilizing the domestic situation had to be eliminated.

"We must capture or kill Remille by any means necessary. She's too dangerous. Even if she's of imperial lineage, there will be no mercy. That woman is nothing but a pest to our empire... She's like a harmful beast. She can only contribute to the country by being extradited to Altaras or paying for her crimes with her life..."

"Not only should we issue a capture order, but it might also be advisable to call for information from the general public. Offering a substantial reward might encourage information from ordinary citizens..."

"Very well, put out a reward immediately. We cannot afford to let her, the leader of the radicals, live. We must find her by any means necessary."

Remille's fate had already been sealed. Nevertheless, she continued to run for the emperor she admired, and at 01:38... she reached the Paradis Palace to the sound of gunfire.

Treasonous and insane witch-hunt.

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