Chapter 60

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September 21, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 00:00

Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire

"Quick march! All personnel, commence forward march!!!"

"Wyverns take off, I repeat, the Navy's wyverns have successfully taken off. They will soon arrive over the capital."

"Issue orders to the regular forces to gather at Paradis Palace, and the military police are to proceed with the elimination of the radicals as planned. Show no mercy, even to members of the imperial family or nobility."

Soldiers armed to the teeth were rushing through the streets of Esthirant. The Navy's wyverns were circling overhead the capital, while soldiers carrying muskets and portable magical cannons were forming ranks and rushing forward. Weapons ranging from guns to cannons and portable magic cannons are being brought out from both the Army and Navy armories.

At the sudden military action, the owners and patrons of the taverns, still open until late into the night, peered outside to see fully armed soldiers of the Army and Navy marching.

"Hey, was there night training scheduled for today?"

"I don't know... but hey, aren't those wyverns flying too?!"

"And not just that! They're even mobilizing lindwurms... what in the world is going on?"

"I have no idea... I have no idea at all, but... what kind of commotion is this?"

"This might not be just some ordinary affair..."

Though the patrons are unaware, one thing is clear: the destination towards which they march is Paradis Palace, where the imperial family resided. Many were puzzled by the sight of soldiers forming ranks and marching late into the night. It was common to see military parades or marches for relocation during the daytime. However, such movements at such late hours are extremely rare. Moreover, the act of marching towards the palace itself was perplexing.

The soldiers themselves were antsy, but they simply followed orders from their higher-ups, including their Chief of Operations, Martal.

"Hey, what's going on... being woken up right after bedtime for deployment..."

"We haven't received any notice about conducting nighttime combat training... but we're told to deploy due to an emergency..."

"Emergency... what could have happened?"

"I heard rumors that the radicals are attempting to start a war."

"A war... who are we going to fight against?"

"I don't know... anyway, we've been told to gather in front of the palace..."

Many soldiers of the army are marching towards Paradis Palace. Of course, the details of the coup were kept secret from them. The sudden mobilization of the military and the actions of various foreign bureaus caught the radicals completely off guard.

Among them, Remille, the leader of the radicals who had been trying to persuade the emperor, was shocked awake in the middle of the night in her own mansion, imagining herself and the emperor nurturing their love. Normally, being awakened from sleep like this would warrant dismissal, but seeing the sheer urgency in her demeanor, even her anger evaporated.

"Milady! We've received reports that the Capital Defense Force, First and Third Foreign Affairs Bureaus, the Military General Staff Headquarters, and the Navy Marines are marching armed within the capital!"

Upon receiving the sudden report of the military action, Remille froze in disbelief. From her perspective, there was absolutely no reasonable explanation. Furthermore, there was no reason for them to conduct training at night on their own, nor had there been any communication about conducting a large-scale exercise.

"Huh... the army and navy units are taking action on their own in the capital?"

"Yes, and please look at the sky! Those are naval wyverns in the sky!"

At this moment, realization finally dawned on Remille.

She had heard that a faction was being formed by Kaios of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau with its relatively conciliatory policy within the Parpaldia Empire. It was just before they planned to dismiss him, a weak and passive diplomat, and replace him with another radical member.

"Damn it... they're targeting me... They planned to get rid of me!!!"

In other words, at that moment, Remille realized that the military had turned against them and staged a coup. Being caught in a coup meant life was in danger. It was time to flee, even if just with jewels on.

With a sudden explosion, the mansion violently shook.

Peering out the window, Remille saw the military police manning cannons, firing at her mansion.

"The military police...!? What in the world are they thinking!? This is my estate! Attacking a noble's estate is a grave crime!"

Remille's face flushed with anger. But as the mansion was bombarded, soldiers armed with muskets and bayonets stormed in.

"Why is the military police attacking us!?"

"Don't ask me, goddammit!"

"Ahhh! My eyes! My eyes are blinded! I can't see!!!"

The security guards employed by Remille, who were stationed inside the mansion, attempted to fight back, but being ill-prepared for combat against regular troops, having only short swords or longswords, they were mercilessly killed. They were held accountable for their actions as accomplices of the radicals. Nevertheless, amidst the chaos, Remille was determined to inform the monarch about the situation at any cost and attempted to escape through a secret passage in the mansion.

She used a female staff member as bait and ordered her to buy time for a safe retreat.

"Milady, I'll hold them off here while you inform His Majesty of this situation."

"Alright. Protect this place until then... understood?"

"Yes, please take care..."

"Yes, serve me loyally... Farewell..."

After about ten minutes, the military police, having seized control of one section of the mansion, apprehended the female staff member attempting to escape from a room on the second floor, but she had already set up magical explosives to destroy the secret passage. Meanwhile, Remille had already dashed through the passage, making several detours, and was now sprinting towards Paradis Palace.

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