Chapter 43

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August 7, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 14:00

Principality of Qua-Toyne

There was a solitary confinement cell in a prison established within the capital. Originally intended for violent murderers, the cell had been left unused for years, evidenced by spiderwebs weaving in the corners. Upon closer inspection, the walls were seen to be covered in mold, and with no ventilation, the air was heavy and unpleasant, making it unsuitable for prolonged stays for hygiene reasons.

However, the occupant of this cell was someone who, from the perspective of the Qua-Toynian side, might be considered as having "received some leniency." This was because they were the ones who had the arrogance to insult the people outside the Third Civilization Area as "barbarians."

Inside the dimly lit room, undergoing interrogation, was a staff member of the National Strategy Bureau of the Parpaldia Empire, which reigns as a great power in the Third Civilization Area. Through reports from Yamirei, it became clear that he had been providing military support to the Kingdom of Louria through the Parpaldia Empire and was the sole witness who could testify firmly. As a result of the decisive battle at the royal castle during the Battle of Jin-Hark, the conflict escalated, resulting in numerous casualties, including non-combatants. The staff and intelligence agents of the National Strategy Bureau, who were confined within the castle, cursed their fate and could only pray that no harm would befall them.

At the end of the battle, panicked by gunfire heard in their confinement, a large number of staff and intelligence agents rushed out of the room and inadvertently launched magical attacks against the Japanese forces they encountered. Perceived as combatants of the Lourian army by the attacked Japanese forces, they were promptly shot dead. Except for one staff member who, startled by the gunfire, collapsed and cowered in a corner of the room, clutching documents related to the war efforts of the Kingdom of Louria, everyone else perished.

"How fortunate it would have been if I could have died alongside my comrades at that time..."

Subsequently captured by the Japanese army, he, in a moment of desperation, pleaded to be released through diplomatic channels, claiming to be a citizen of the Parpaldia Empire and merely caught up in the war this time. However, it was revealed that he was associated with the military support to Louria, resulting in his repatriation to Qua-Toyne. Both the Japanese military and the Qua-Toynian military police were interrogating the National Strategy Bureau staff, discussing how to handle them, as they had effectively assisted in the war.

Eventually, he was liberated from the moldy and damp cell by the Japanese military police and transferred to a somewhat better room.

In the room with a view from the window, sunlight and a pleasant breeze streamed in. On the table were bowls of meaty soup steaming warmly, freshly picked apples, and bread made with wheat from Qua-Toyne.

"You'll be interrogated in another thirty minutes. Finish your meal by then," he was instructed as he sat down to eat.

The staff member, who had been receiving only tasteless soup and dry bread for the past week, found the meal that he had been accustomed to back home to be a feast.


As he slurped the soup with a spoon, the rich flavor of the ingredients entwined, making it the most delicious soup he had tasted recently. He savored each sip and chewed the ingredients thoroughly, tasting the bread and apple slowly, feeling much better than he had moments before. However, the fleeting moment of enjoyable mealtime quickly passed.

After finishing his meal, three men dressed in black entered the room. From their appearance, they seemed to be Japanese rather than Qua-Toynian natives.

Two of them, holding cameras and microphones, began adjusting the equipment. They were about to extract a confession from the staff member and record both audio and video. While it was an interrogation, it was also conducted as a deterrent against the Parpaldia Empire and intended to be used as diplomatic leverage.

The remaining man, responsible for the dialogue, took a seat in front of the staff member. Even from the staff member's perspective, it was evident that the elderly man before him was quite shrewd. Glancing briefly at the staff member, the old man began speaking in a calm tone.

"I am Suma from the Japanese Empire, currently serving as the Director of Security Maintenance for the Rodenius Continent. You can relax... If you speak honestly, we intend to release you immediately and send you back to your homeland."

Suma proposed a deal to the staff member as a condition for returning home.

It involved disclosing how the Parpaldia Empire had provided military support. Given Parpaldia's unilateral decision by the National Strategy Bureau to support the Kingdom of Louria militarily, the staff member had some understanding. As part of power struggles within the Parpaldia Empire, they also knew about its involvement in conflicts in various foreign countries.

"If you answer truthfully, our country will ensure your safety. If you wish for asylum, we won't hesitate to cooperate."

The Parpaldian National Strategy Bureau's mistakes were already known in the homeland, so it was about time. Moreover, even if he testified here and returned home, the safety of the staff member was not guaranteed. At best, he could face demotion, at worst, he could incur the wrath of the Emperor and be executed. Furthermore, witnessing their support being annihilated by opponents they had previously underestimated as barbarians from outside the civilization area left them with no choice.

The staff member had only one option. To survive, he had to sell all the information he knew, apart from the confiscated documents, to Suma, the elderly man before him.

"Okay... I will tell you everything..."

The staff member spilled everything.

Realizing there was no way out, he expressed a desire for asylum and divulged information about the National Strategy Bureau to Suma without hiding anything. And that scene was recorded firmly on video equipment crafted using transistor technology by the Teito Tsūshin Kōgyō, documenting the conspiracies and schemes of the Parpaldia Empire.

After about two hours of questioning the staff member, Suma instructed to store the recorded video and audio. This footage and audio were to be delivered to mainland Japan on the same day and utilized to formulate countermeasures against the Parpaldia Empire.

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