Chapter 1

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Song of the chapter: Good Girls by 5SOS
"CAMERON! NO! YOU'LL POINT THAT WATER GUN THE OTHER DIRECTION IF YOU KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YOU!" I yelled. He smirked evilly at me and did this weird face that I didn't know was humanly possible.
"You look like you've been possessed." I laughed. He sprayed me with the water gun. My shirt was soaked. I rolled my eyes and ran outside when he pointed the gun back at me. Bad choice. The pool is outside. He ended up pushing me in. I groaned and grabbed his ankle and pulled him into the pool with me. When he resurfaced I was laughing my butt off. He stuck his tongue out at me and I made a crab face. He laughed.
"I'm gonna miss you Cam." I said. He was going on tour with MAGCON for 3 months.
"No you won't." He said. I rolled my eyes.
"Of course I will." I said.
"No... You're going with me." he laughed.
"Oh my god! Really?!" I screamed.
"You don't check your email very often do you?" He asked. I shook my head and jumped on him.
"YAY!!!" I screamed.
"What are you so happy about you've been on tour before?"
"1) I get to get outta Chino Hills. I mean come on I haven't left in like six months. 2) I LOVE MEETING MY FANS, HELLO?! 3) I get to see Mahogany , Taylor, Kenny, Carter, and Matt!!!" I said excitedly. I had become really close with the 5 of them when I went to DigiFest. I smiled brightly.
"When are we leaving?" I asked.
"5 days. "
"Good because I don't feel like packing." I laughed. He chuckled and I got out of the pool. 5 days until I see my friends. Can I wait that long?

I decided to tweet it out.
@BellaDallas : Can't wait to see my beautiful bellarinas @ MAGCON. COUNTDOWN: 5 DAYS! Not to mention my buds. Especially Lox my homegirl.
I got amazing responses. One of them really caught my eye.
@iamdanielskye : Can't wait to meet you! :)
"Hey Cam!!!" I called.
"What Bella?"
"Do you know a Daniel Skye ?" I asked clicking on this Daniel kid's account. Oh he's cute.
"Yeah. I did a collab with him a few months ago."
"Oh. I figured he knew you." Hmm, he sings. I wonder if he's good. I looked him up on Vine.
Well Zayum! He's got some chords.
I followed him on twitter. After that I got a text from Mahogany.
(M=Mahogany B=Bella)
M: So are you gonna reply?
B: maybe...
M: Me and Carter are betting on you two just thought you should know.
B: Fabtastic.
M: lol. Oh I have a very urgent question.
B: and what may that be?
M: cat ears with fur or glitter?
B: glitter.
M: yay!
B: Imagine cat ears with fur AND glitter. :o
M: Fab. Hey I'm heading to the studio. I'll talk to you later.
B: sure. catcha later lox
M: bye bellbug
I laughed and tweeted back to Daniel.
@BellaDallas : Totally! I'll see you soon! xx
@iamdanielskye : Definetely! Until then. <3
I smiled. hmmm...Daniel Skye.

••••••••Read Me. I like llamas••••••••••
So new book. I'm experimenting. XD
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Twitter: @True_ChloeJ

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