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Amber's POV (Noah in gif. Call em crazy but he looks like Nash to me. rate like 100000000)

 "NOAH!" I squealed and the cold water splashed down my back.

"You're going to die." I said. As the coach of the soccer team (due to the fact that my amazing team won) Noah was obligated to throw water down my back.

"Run Noah!" Miyaa squealed. I ran after him and I finally caught up to him.

"No don't hug me. Hug your team. They're the winners." Noah said. I jumped on his back.

"Yeah well you're the loser." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You got my shirt wet." he said.

"It's ugly. West Hollywood YMCA? Really? Everyone knows that East is better because that's my team." I said and gave the whole team high fives.

"Your players are taller." he said.

"That doesn't have anything to do with it." I said and looked at my favorite, Miyaa of course, with admiration. She scored the winning goal today so I promised her ice cream.

"Miyaa is short and she's the best player." said the Head Coach, Hayes.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Aww! Little Miyaa is awesome on the field." Noah said and rubbed her head.

"Noah I'll ask that you don't mess up her hair. I worked particularity hard to braid it today because, poor thing, her hair has to be perfect for the royal butt whooping we put on your team." I said.

"You...you...are awful." he said. I stuck my tongue out at him and motioned for him and Miyaa to follow me. I walked over to my parents and told him about my plans to go get ice cream for Miyaa.

"Ooh yum. Sounds good. We can go now." mom said.

"Okay Mom. Let me get next week's practice agenda from coach." I told her and walked over to coach.

"Hey Coach. I was gonna get next practice agenda from you real quick." I said.

"Sure." He said. He flipped through his clipboard and then pulled out a sheet and handed it to me. As I put it in my backpack I heard a scream. I turned and saw Miyaa and Noah sitting down on the ground Indian Style. Miyaa was screaming

"No Miyaa. I can do it louder." he said and he screamed really loud. Miyaa shook her head and covered his mouth.

"That's too loud." she said.

"I've known the kid since he was 3. You've known him his entire life. You know just as well as I do that he's a good kid and that he cares about you." he said. I smiled.

"Yeah. I know."

"Are you dating him?" he asked.

"Hayes!" I scolded. He laughed.

"Are you?" he asked.

"No." I said.

"He's going to ask you out today. Don't go breaking his poor West Hollywood heart." he said. I laughed.

"But I'm not joking about him asking you out today so say yeah." he said. I nodded.

"Oh I will." I said.

"Because that's my nephew." he said.

"I know." I said.

"Stay out of trouble." he said.

"Okay Hayes." I said and raced off.


  Bella's P.O.V.

 Sadly, our ice cream plans were canceled because it started raining so we went home and watched movies instead. Noah joined us. We watched the movies. Noah and Amber just sat in the kitchen and talked the whole time. I looked over at the kitchen at one point and witnessed (at least to my understanding) the first kiss.

"Daniel. Look." I said and motioned to them.

"It's weird. I'm getting deja vu." he said.

"Because we did that. In that little apartment with that wood counter and I'd be tuning my guitar and you'd just come up and kiss me." I said.

"They're talking about us." I heard Amber whisper.

"Mr. Skye, you're not the kind of dad who like owns a gun or anything right?" he asked.

"Nah." Daniel said and turned to the TV.

"He's laid back." Amber said with a chuckle. I nudged him and I could tell it bothered him.

"Aw babe. It's okay.  You still have Miyaa." I said.

"Of course." he said and nodded slightly.

"Boys have cooties." Miyaa said.

"That's right! You remember that." Daniel said and I laughed.

Oh, they're all going to find something like Daniel and I...if they're lucky enough.

The End


I enjoyed writing it! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book that I hope you <3

i love ya!

I love Daniel!

I love everything!

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