Chapter 5

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Song of the chapter: Baby I by Queen Ariana
Kylie character changed: Olivia Holt
"Not A Date" outfit in gif (it is a date Bella is just delusional)


"WHAT?! HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" Johnson stormed into my room while Mahogany was brushing through my hair that she just took the majestic hair wand to.

"Jack...what are you talking about?"I laughed as I tossed my hair in front of my right shoulder.

"Your date." he said.

"Oh my god. It's not a date." I said.

"You're delusional."

"No I'm not."

"No I'm not." Cameron mocked in a Valley Girl voice.

"Hun, you're developing a crush. Trust me." Kylie said.

"How do you know?" I said.

"I see it in your eyes." she replied.

"No stop. I can't love people like that. Love hurts. I don't like pain. I've felt it to many times." I sighed and then walked out of the bathroom and I felt all eyes on me. I walked out and saw Danny approaching the hotel room.

"Oh hey beautiful."

''Hey handsome." I said and blushed. He smiled at me. I smiled shyly back.
Zamn! Kylie might be right.
"Shall we?" He asked. I looked down to see he had his board with him. Oh shoot I forgot mine in the room.
"Oh I forgot to grab my board. Lemme go get it." I smiled. He nodded. I walked in the room grabbed my board.
"Don't forget Danabella! I want Carter to give me 50 bucks."
"Oh my god. Shut up!" I said and shut the door fast.
"They're betting on us." Danny asked.
"Uh yeah." I said.
"Who's betting for us?" He asked as we walked towards the elevator.
"Well according to Mahogany she is but Carter says he ships Danabella. So when Danabella does exist Mahogany would win." I said. Daniel turned to me and smirked.
"When huh?" He said.
"Yeah. I ship us." I said. God I thought I specifically said love hurts.
"Oh really? I ship us too." he said and I looked over at him and smiled shyly.
"Even though love hurts?" he said. I looked at him wide eyed.
"Yeah. Taylor told me your story." he said.
"He's the only one who knows besides you and Cameron considering he lived with me." I whispered. He looked at me shocked.
"Yeah. I don't want everybody to know." I said and looked around the lobby we were currently in. I got a sharp pain in my head. I fell to the ground and started crying.
"Please stop." I cried as I was held down on to the lockers. Chase, my bully, lifted his fist up and punched me in the stomach. I fell to the ground and groaned. My stomach hurt and my eye that was punched this morning was still swollen shut. I heard laughs and insults said around me.
"Now you know what happens when you tell me to leave the nerd alone." He said and pulled Quinn, the school nerd, over next to me and punched him too.
"It's all gonna be okay Quinn. Problems don't last forever." I whispered.
"What was that?!" Chase yelled and kicked me until I was passed out.
End of Flashback
I cried continuously into Danny's chest.
"I was constantly in pain Daniel." I cried.
"I mean so tell me. Like what was it for? Why did Chase do that?"
"We were dating for like 3 months before I started this social media thing. He was sweet and stuff but one time I decided to take a skate to the park and on my way there I saw Chase and some other guys hovering over this kid named Quinn and I stopped to make sure everything was okay and I saw Chase punch Quinn. I stood up for Quinn and broke up with Chase and he targeted me after that. It took some of the hate off of Quinn but it met twice as much for me." I said. He hugged me tightly. I sobbed into Daniel's chest.
"It's okay Bellbug. That guy is a jerk and you're too good for him." he said. I felt two warm hands on my cheeks and I looked up to see a smiling Daniel.
"You're too good for anyone who tells you you're not good enough." he said and I smiled.
"I really really like you." he said.
"What?" I said confused. He smiled and repeated himself.
"I really really like you too." I said and started to blush really bad.
"You know what. I have an idea. Let's scratch the whole Six Flags thing. I have a really good idea." he said. I looked up and smiled. He grabbed my hand and helped me up and I took it as I pulled myself from the floor. He laced our fingers together. As we exited the hotel associate asked me if I was okay.
"Yeah. I am now." I said and looked up at Daniel. The lady smiled at us as we exited.
"Walk with me please."he said and I nodded and tucked my board under my arm. He led me to the boardwalk and soon we were at an empty part of the beach. He climbed a big area of rocks and helped me up by pulling me up big rocks. When we were finally at the top area of this section of rocks I looked out to see a setting sun right above the ocean and there was a big Ferris wheel to the right of it.
"Wow." I said.
"I know right." Danny replied. I looked over at him and he smiled. I put my head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand. He leaned down slightly and kissed my temple. We stood like that for awhile until suddenly I heard thunder and it started getting kind of windy.
"Come on." Daniel said and he led me down but I slipped on big rock and twisted my ankle.
"Ow." I groaned and I felt him pick me up and

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