Chapter 11

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Daniel's POV

I looked out the window of the tour bus that we were using for the rest of the stops.

We were headed to Orlando, Florida.

"Whatcha doing?" I heard a small voice ask. I turned to see Bella.

"Just thinking." I said and she sat next to me on the couch.

"About?" Bella asked and gave me a small smile.

"You." I said. Which was the honest truth. She smiled and I smiled back. She looked down. Is something wrong? I wondered

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked.

"Did you see Twitter and Instagram?" she asked and a tear fell down her cheek. I shook my head and she sniffled.

"Did something happen? Or is it hate? Or what ?" I said frantically.

"Hate." she mumbled. I clicked my phone on and opened Twitter to see the hashtag #nobodylikesmagcon trending. It was basically a hashtag to hate on Bella, Kylie, and Mahogany. I shook my head and wrapped Bella into a big bear hug.

"I love you baby girl. You're beautiful." I whispered as she cried into my chest.

"Where's Kylie?!" We heard Nash say as he came in.

"She's on her bed." Bella said and Nash nodded and ran out fast.

"Mahogany?" I asked. Mahogany was like my big sister. I wanted to make sure she was okay.

"With Jacob." she whispered. I nodded.

She looked up at me. Her big, usually bright, brown eyes looked dull and the little mascara she wears was running down her face. I frowned. The sight of this pained me. It made me extremely upset. I grabbed my phone furiously and tweeted this out: 

If you don't know her personally, you can't say ANYTHING about her. 

I looked down at Bella to see she had her phone out. Suddenly a smile curled on her lips. 

"What?" I asked. 

"I love you." she said. She must of saw my tweet. 

"I love you too." I said. That's when something caught my eye. It was the fact that she was wearing a sweater in June. 

"Bella. Let me see your arm." I said calmly. Knowing that if I made a big deal out of it that it could scare her and she would be upset. She looked at me and shook her head. 

"Bella..." I said and my eyes flooded with tears. She shook her head again. I sat with her in silence. Then she pulled her sweater off, revealing recent scars. I wrapped her in another hug. We sat like that for a long time. 

"What makes you so beautiful

is you don't know how beautiful 

you are to me. You're not trying to be 

perfect. Nobody's perfect but you are 

to me. It's how you take my breath away 

Fill the words that I don't say. 

I wish somehow I could say them now." I softly sang in her ear. She sniffled. 

"When did you do it?" I asked. 

"4 hours ago." she said. 

"Why didn't you just talk to me?" I asked. 

"I was too scared you'd talk me out of it." she replied and then burst into tears. I pulled her onto my lap. 

"I know. I know." I whispered. But I didn't. My whole life I was treated like I didn't have flaws. The real hate didn't come until I started to get into the spotlight. It's never been so bad. I really admired her though. It's incredible really. How she can stay strong when it hurts so bad. I shook my head. Her phone started buzzing. She reached for it. I got it before her. 

"Oh my god." I whispered. 

"What? What is it?" Bella said. 

" added Taylor and Shawn to the hashtag." I whispered. Anger filled her eyes. She's so close to both of them. 

"This means war." she said as an angry tear fell down her cheek.

Cameron's Little Sister (A Daniel Skye FanFiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant