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The air was tense, so tense it was almost possible to see and if you had a knife, you could cut right through it. The sun was on the horizon, perked up against the old buildings on the south side. His heart was thumping through his chest as he stared her down. He flinched as another bullet grazed his shoulder, ripping open a small slit in his shirt. He growled, eyes shining as he stared her down.
"Once you're a threat, you won't be left alone till you're eliminated.." Scarlet muttered, her eyes darkened, staring him down. There was a certain anger within her eyes, like a flame that'd never die down. "You operate like we do.." She shrugged and another bullet rang through the air, hitting his leg. He growled, forced onto his knees by the pain and jolted forward, grabbing her legs as he did and ascended, his wings extended into the air. A 25 meter drop should kill a human, he thought as his wings flapped in the wind.
"Oh fuck you don't-" Scarlet yelped as a gun echoed through his ears, causing his ears to ring so heavily his eye sight begun to blur over. The trees were a blur and it felt like his head was disorientated he didn't notice he was falling until he was on the roof floor. Scarlet yelped out, rolling over on the floor. She must've landed on her back, eyes flickering as her chest rose and lowered, breathing.
"You think.. because you're having a tough time, everyone else has to be depressed too?" She asked and rolled onto her feet. She was slightly hunched over, feigning strength spite her hand hovering over her stomach.
"Harvey was my stone.. he was the only sane thing left after you fucked off and Rosalie went awol.." She snapped, tears coiling her eyes. Falling past her rosy cheeks.
"THE ONLY THING THAT FELT SANE AND YOU FUCKING KILL HIM" She screamed and cocked the pistol back, lifting up to her sapphire eyes, glinting in the dawn light. "DOES THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY? HUH?" A gun shot rang through the air and he leapt to the side, flashing a canine. "DOES THAT FUCKING FINALLY MAKE YOU HAPPY?"
As each shot rang through the air, he leapt left and right, eyes fixated on her as he leapt closer. His heart thumping in his ears. Kill her. It was all his mind was on. A target to dispose of. He lifted his hand, letting fur spew out of his skin, coloring it darker and was inches away from her face when he growled out in pain and stumbled over on the floor. Tinnitus rang in his ears so loud he couldn't hear her and his eyes flickered to his legs. His tail jolted through her leg causing her to scream out in pain and stumble to her feet. He flipped on his feet, hunched over as he growled. Was she dead? He paused, for a moment, eyes glaring down at her as she laid there, on her stomach. He squinted. There was a slight rise in her back and he growled and lifted his tail. Kill her. End it.
"Kill her, little puppet.."
He flinched and lifted his gaze. In the shadow of a tall, slim birch tree was a woman. Eyes pink, flaring up with a crazed look as coils of blond stroke her porcelain cheeks. He growled.
"Kill her.. or.. you can become free.." She murmured. Her voice was another kind of smooth. Knowing exactly what to say and do.
"Little puppet, their own show.. their own life.."
He gulped. In her shadow, a woman stood. Her eyes were soft, gentle and brow. Black curly hair coiling around her thin figure. A white blouse so familiar it felt sickening to stare at. This woman. A gun shot rang through the air and he felt dizzy. Dizzy in a weird way, a calming soothing way, as if the world was paused. And for a minute, as he lifted his hand to the girl, he thought of something. A voice in his head. The scent of alcohol and sweat.
"I'm Rosalie" She said with a soft smile. Crowley grinned and shook it.
"I'm Crowley" He replied. She quirked a brow.
"That's a cool name" She remarked and leaned back, thoughtful. He perked up a bit, curious of what she thought about.
"Were your parents religious?" She asked all of a sudden, earning a confused lost look of Crow. He shrugged. He didn't remember his parents anymore.
The name Crowley was a old name, a name given because of it's meaning; being a sign of death and destruction, if what he'd read up online was true. He felt his eyes roll to the back of his head and his body slumped over.


"How long will he be out for?" A voice echoed through his head. A feminine yet familiar one. He tried to open his eyes, but it was like they'd been open for 48 hours, unable to even bother to respond to him. He groaned. His head felt odd. Light, yet heavy.
"We don't know.. A bullet to his heart should've killed him. He's lucky it didn't.." Another voice responded. A masculine voice. He felt his consciousness slip.

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