A lamb to the slaughter P.1

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As she trailed the corridors of Star labs, she smirked. Putting a hand gently on the thin coat of paint that was the wall.
"OH, how far we've come.." She murmured. It felt melancholic, to speak to something that didn't breath. Yet felt like each brick had been placed by herself. Through blood sweat and tears. To go from a "orphan" to a queen was a odd way to live life. Yet, as she looked upon her wife. Sleeping like a sleeping beauty, she knew she did the right thing. If the plan goes perfect, a new world will arise from the ashes. Her world. A free one.
"Don't worry, pretty duck.. I have full belief in them.." Kali spoke gently. Holding her hand as her gentle fearless eyes opened.
"Rest easy.. I won't let him die.. I promised you that"
Scarlet nodded gently. The one time she'd seen fear within those sapphire eyes was the night Crowley was missing. The ground begun to rumble. Kali lifted her gaze and sighed. Black dots jolted through the sky's as cries of pain echoed through the air.
"I'm sorry to the people I promised to protect.." She murmured. There wasn't much she felt, but to break a promise she'd made when she arrived, was painful in a different way.

Bricks collapsed as a wolfish creature landed on the pavement. It's weight caused ripples in the concrete. It didn't feel. It barely breathed. It slashed it's claws through the pavement, leaving tracks as it trailed.

Harvey scurried along, with the bodyguards close behind as he thoughtfully pondered. It didn't make sense. Crowley just left. And Lucifer didn't even seem to care. Fuck, she seemed pleased by the result. Like it'd been carefully planned. Crowley without any hesitation or limits was truly a beast that wouldn't stop at killing. He'd do worse. He'd torture. He'd seen it with the boy. Lucifer chose him, over any other member.
"A team, go south, B team you're with me"
"Yes sir!" They echoed. He sighed as he turned the corner to the main door and watched as the crew dismembered into their coordinated positions. The pavement felt harsh under his feet, and he felt shaky. It didn't feel right to haunt down the one friend he'd come to know since he came here. He knew he was probably delusional to believe Crowley considered him anything alike a friend, but to him, seeing another boy in his own position. One who, to him, was abused and thrown, and killed, but who stood for his own for as long as he could. He had resilience Harvey lacked. To believe, spite Lucifer's severe torture, that love and freedom existed within the world Lucifer had created. He smiled gently. It made his heart flutter.
"Lovesick puppy, that's me.." He muttered to himself. Ironic. He didn't know how he felt about it. Sometimes, he wish Beau was alive to tell him what to do. Each street begun to look the same, he thought as he noticed he'd trailed off in his own thoughts as they grouped up on the south side. Though, something seemed off in the pavement. He halted and crouched down. Trailing his finger along a barely visible carve in the stone. Nothing should be capable of doing this, he thought. If not..
"We have a track. I'll lead and you will stay back unless I give a signal, understood?" He commanded and looked over his shoulder. They all were hesitant, in the way their fingers were on the trigger and eyes scattered amongst the group.
"But what about-"
"She gave you to me, to listen to me.. now fucking listen" He snapped back. God. Lucifer had no empathy. No sense of empathy. He shook his head. Focus. He jolted through the alleyway, eyes fixated on the faint trail of Crowley. His possibly last. As he turned to the edge of it, he stopped. A faint growl echoed through the air. Okay. He breathed in.
"Just talk to him. he's your friend.. kind of.. half.." He muttered to himself as he stepped out of the alley-way. "It can't be that-" He halted his words, eyes widening as he watched Crowley revel in a carcass of another human. Digging his claws into the flesh.
"Yeah.." He nibbled on his lip, fiddling with his fingers as he fought the anxiety reveling up within. "Uh.. Crowley.. Hi.."
Crowley shifted his body to look over his shoulder. One eye was brown like the bear, gentle and another was purple like Lucifer's own.
"Uh.. how you doin?"
He growled, flashing a canine. Ok.
"Great.. uh.. so.. I heard about your.."
He growled louder. One of warning. He knew that much. It was like a rabid dog. Maybe, if it was a rabid dog.. What would it do to one of it's own? He nibbled on his lip and took in each feature Crowley wore. Then felt his skin darken to the black he'd gotten so used to, reforming as he hunched onto his knees. Paws grew out of his hands, digging into the pavement as his eyes became the same black, stretching out to a wolfish shape. Holy fuck. This was awesome, he thought in surprise. How was he even capable of doing this? Crowley seemed to calm down, staring at the reflection with curiosity.
"See? I'm like you.." He chirped gently. Crowley tilted it's head and he reciprocated.
"I guess it's odd to see yourself speaking huh?" Harvey said and chuckled. He seated himself, his tail coiled around his paws. He tilted his gaze down and lifted his paw. It looked like a wolf's. Yet moved on his accord. This was fucking cool. Crowley snuffed, causing him to lift his gaze.
"Sorry.. I got caught up in my own head.." He muttered and sighed. It felt odd to reveal yourself like this to someone you barely knew. It's like he knew something he shouldn't. It felt intruding.
"I used to have a sister.." He muttered, catching Crowley's attention as his ears perked. "She died a while back.. a explosion.. heh.. sometimes I wonder why Mimi chose me you know? like it was some sick joke I was suppose to laugh about.." He rambled on. Lucifer had chosen him for a similar reason, he believed. It took him a while to see that. "She revived me after. Showed me the results of the explosion. I watched the fires eat up the remains of the house.."
He lifted his gaze to the sky and sighed. It was a painful memory, but one worth renewing. He never understood that joke, and it bothered him. He nibbled on his lip. A echo of gun's cocking made his blood run cold. His eyes widened as he realized what happened. The gun's were aimed at Crowley, within seconds, he jolted around screaming.
Within a second, he felt something hit his back and for a second, he thought Crowley pounced on his back to dig his claws into him. He didn't want to breath, until he felt something grow out of his back. What the. He felt his body leap into the air and watched as feathers extended out of his back. How..
Crowley.. He'd jumped into Harvey, expecting the black ink to consume him or kill him. He took a chance to save Harvey. Why? The wings flapped on their own, leading them to a place he wasn't sure where were. He felt something trickle from his back and shivered as he felt Crowley leave his body and grab onto his arms.
"EWW THIS IS DISGUSTING" He yelled over the air. He heard a soft chuckle, so faint it was almost like he imagined it. Shots rang through the air and he screamed, grabbing onto Crowley's arms as they tilted, legs stilted up in fear. Fuck. I fucking hate height.
He tilted his head. Crowley was still a wolfish creature he wasn't able to recognize. How could he? He shook his head and grabbed onto his arm tighter. Merge. I'll help you remain in control. It didn't feel like hesitation. The adrenaline washing through his veins. The sudden feeling of power that washed through his veins as the two merged into a black dark furry beast. He felt.. powerful. Shots rang through the air as he tilted and leaned to the side to avoid it. He didn't know whether he liked that power or not. But, he needed to defend Crowley. If someone were to become free, Crowley deserved it more then he.
"You could at least make a life with Star Labs" Crowley's voice spoke in the back of his mind. He snuffed.
"Scarlet thinks I'm dead.."
"Scarlet wants me dead" Crowley replied. He felt a chuckle hit his lips before he could contain himself. He'd forgotten about the fact Crowley killed him a week ago. There were yelling that had become distant. He knew the member's would report back to Lucifer. They had to find somewhere safe. As the two ascended as high as one could, he lifted his hand to the roof. It felt sandy. He'd never been able to actually touch it. And doing so felt.. odd. Freeing. He smiled.
"Maybe it's just like that joke.." He retorted. Just a funny joke.. Scarlet would laugh. Right. She wouldn't hate him. He didn't feel like Scarlet was capable of hating anyone.
"Oh.. she doesn't.."
"So you two are.."
"Old friends.. you?" Crowley asked.
"Old friends.." Harvey replied with a chuckle. "Seems like we're like a mirror reflection"
"I'd never cut my hair that short.." Crowley replied but he felt the sarcasm lace it. It wasn't of mean intent. It was just him. He smiled. Why did it feel nice to talk. Even in a world like this, where they were merged, scouring for safety.
"I'd never fuck strangers" Harvey replied sarcastically.
"Wait till Lucifer tells you to.."
"She can shove it up her ass.." Harvey retorted. Holy fuck how freeing it felt to say that.
"Whaaaat?" Harvey whined. "I'd love to see her face at this" He yelled and extended the wings as far as they could reach. A beast that was immortal and invincible. Letting the feathers graze against the roof top of Eitir as they glided on the wind.
"She can still control me" Crowley said with a sigh of defeat. The flaps of the wings were calming. A sensation that felt odd, like a second part of you, but freeing too. He gazed at the sunset and smiled.
"She can't control me.." He mumbled softly. In truth he wasn't sure she could. Was that out of her power? He gazed down at his blackened paws. Or was she not capable of controlling him as he was liquid? Whatever that liquid was, who'd consumed his lungs and his body like a toxin slowly killing each cell. Yet for once it was the one thing protecting him.
"Irony at its peak" He muttered under his breath. "Now I'm curious.." He thought mischievously. His arms extended at his will, forming hoves at the tips.
He felt Crowley's hesitation and swirled onto his back, letting his form deteriorate in size until it was nothing but a furry little, thin, long creature, leaning on it's wings. He'd always wanted to be a ferret. It felt like he was riding on the wind. The adrenaline was amazing. Even Crowley had cracked a smile. The rooftop on the side was clear. Most citizens didn't seem to travel to the east. He presumed it was due to the older constructions. Seems kinda dumb. He spiked down to the concrete cowering inside himself in a shell, to roll over, out and perk up his tiny nose. A armadillo. Holy fuck. He shivered as Crowley dispatched from his back.
"I'm never getting used to that.." he shuddered and let his limbs re-extend to their original size as he breathed out, hands leaning on the roof-top to catch his breath. Crowley paused, his darkened eyes a slit.
"She can't control you.."
He nodded. It didn't seem like she could. Or didn't want to? He wasn't sure. Harvey folded his legs over one another, shifting to get comfortable.
"This is our moment.. to strike.." his voice was a grumble, a incoherent noise that expanded into words within his mind. He couldn't quite explain how he knew what he said. Was it a weird thing being under Lucifer?
"I'm not sure.. I'd rather take Lucifer over Mimi.."
"What about neither..?"
He raised his gaze slowly. Searching Crowley's eyes for any sign of amusement, or sarcasm. He couldn't possibly think killing her wasn't pure insanity? You can't kill something that's already dead.
"Even if, we theoretically kill Lucifer? What's to say Mimi won't reclaim me..?" He asked quietly. It wasn't a chance he'd ever take. The years of abuse didn't warrant enough for him to act upon a simple theory. And you can't kill Mimi. He'd known that from the beginning. Mimi wasn't human, she was above any humane simplistic name. She'd once even claimed to be a god. He wasn't sure if he wanted to confirm that or not.
"She can take me instead" Crowley inquired. He shook his head frantically.
"I'd rather die then let you do that.." he spoke before he thought, which was his mistake. Upon realizing the mistake, his cheeks begun to flush red. Fuck.
"I didn't mean I'd literally die haha I can't die but uhm I'd like if you rather didn't like you know not die or I mean die!"
He rambled on until he was out of breath. Grasping at loose straws to create a excuse for his own demise. Then when he looked up, he paused. Crowley was smiling. In the way that made him shine. It's the apocalypse isn't it.. the most romantic time and place..
"I.. like you.. and I'd rather if.. I'd be able to like you... alive.." he mumbled and lowered his gaze.
"Why? I kill everyone who's ever loved me.." Crowley retorted. He nodded softly.
"You weren't in control. It's silly to blame yourself for something you didn't do" Harvey muttered, smiling weakly. Lucifer was a second hand, forcing him to do her bidding. It wasn't Crowley. He wasn't that kind of person. To revel in the death of another being.
"It wasn't your choice, was it?"
Crowley paused and gulped. Then he shook his head. It was faint.
"Then it wasn't your fault" Harvey chirped. "You're silly, you know that.."
He chuckled softly. It felt odd. Something he'd himself felt when Beau died. Guilt. Wondering why he'd been the one to survive it and not her.
"She deserved to live on more then i ever did. I was a school dropout that drunk and slept if I wasn't reading romance books. She'd be able to make more out of her life. Yet i was chosen. Sometimes i still wondered why. But i've come to realize something. Does that matter? It happened. Why not live for her?"
He didn't realize he'd said it out loud. It's a quirk he had. Speaking his thoughts. Made more sense then the incoherent rambles in his head. He couldn't lie though. Spite coming to the realization she was dead, he still blamed himself sometimes.
"I'm rambling i'm sorry.." He muttered on and scratched his head. He felt antsy.
"I.. I don't know you.." Crowley replied. His voice was hesitant. Harvey lowered his gaze and nodded, fiddling with his fingers. It was true. He didn't. He felt the defeat in the pit of his stomach. "But uh.. I'd like to.."
He lifted his gaze, his eyes quirked as he fiddled with his skin, grabbing at it thoughtlessly.
"Maybe.. once this is over.. uh we could do normal people stuff.. together?" Harvey inquired softly. He noticed how Crowley stared at him, like he was joking. He didn't think he was. He hoped Crowley knew he wasn't either.
"I killed my ex.."
"I think we both know you didn't.." Harvey retorted. "Lucifer did.."
"I was the one who killed him.. and my old friend.."
"You didn't chose to and I bet you fought your hardest to prevent it.." He retorted. He didn't know the specifics. Nor what happened. Only Crowley did. He'd been in that position himself. Being controlled to do another person's bidding. Never, ever, did he relish in it on his own and he didn't ever not feel guilty about it. Though he didn't ever have the displeasure of killing another person, he knew how the guilt of surviving was. And to take another life must've been horrendous. If it was his choice, he would've never done it. But that's the funny thing. It wasn't his choice. He noticed Crowley had gone quiet. His eyes fixated on something behind him. He lifted his gaze, shifting himself to look and notice smoke in the distance. South side. It'd begun.
"I need to check that out.." He muttered to himself and pushed himself up. Then lifted his hand out to Crowley. To help one another. Some part of him felt like Crowley shouldn't be alone. Crowley's eyes flickered between his, baggy, yet gentle eyes. Like a gentle giant. Then, he trotted forward, calmly and perked his nose up to his hand, letting himself be consumed by the dark ink that'd consumed him before. He shuddered and shook his arms, making a noise of discomfort. God. I'm never getting used to this, he thought to himself and hunched over. It was beginning to feel natural to shape shift like this. Even if it'd look weird, as his shapes were black, without much color compared to Crowley. His size decreased to a mere inches, with a long frail tail and perked nose. He scurried up to the ledge and jumped in between small pipes that gave a sort of path down to the ground. On the ground, he gave out a squeak. Heh. I always wanted to do that. He snuffed and trotted over to the edge.
"I know a short cut" Crowley's mind echoed through his mind, itching at his back. He nodded. Lead the way.

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