Chapter 29 - OMW to a Breakthrough

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I'm here in my call, my mouth partway open as I feel like I'm just... a husk... of my former self. I'm not sick by any means, and quarantine hasn't really changed much... but it's just so rough having to order take-out all the time and have groceries delivered. 

Yeah, some places aren't strict about it, like worst case you have to wear a mask, but in Piltover, it's literally a prison state. If police or quarantine specialists find you outside, they will fine you and order you back to your place of residence. Worse, if you're outside and you're sick, they'll take you to a quarantining area, AKA a police holding cell they turned into a miniature hotel suite. 

Seraphine is feeling better, she's moving around at least. 

Ori: ...and so far, we really don't have much else to report on the vaccine front. 

Y/N: Well, that is a bit unfortunate to hear, but how about in terms of progress? 

Ori: For progress, we are getting there, however finding-

Ori looks away from her camera at some incoherent yelling. 


Jayce: LET'S GO!!!


Ori: Come in, come in! I'm on a call with the execs right now! For the past couple weeks, we needed a compound that would stabilize all the other ingredients but each one either made the liquid bubble fizz, even sometimes boil... we... gave that unfortunate test subject a letter to her family... 

Jayce: They volunteered. 

Ori: Yeah, they did, that's true, but that doesn't justify it. 

Jayce: They signed the form. 

Ori: Yep... we're gonna make their family millionaires, that's the best we can do... 

Jayce: No court fines, we can do it. 

Y/N: Have we even scraped into the government relief we got? 

One of the lab rats takes Ori's spot in her office and discusses the medicine with a vial in her hand. 

???: We haven't needed to! We've used everything in the lab to try and mitigate the fizzing, bubbling, and even the boiling!

Ori: What ingredient was it? 

???: Sugar. Literally. 

Y/N: Who... 

Jayce: You did, remember? 

Y/N: And it worked, did you administer it to any testers? 

???: They lost motor function due to the soreness in their bones, however the next day, they were completely cured, they had COVID traces for the next 10 days, but the traces were killed off by the natural antibodies.

Ori: And the antibodies are like the other failures? They last a lifetime?

???: Exactly. The antibodies are in your system, permanently, with no signs of bodily reject. That's the other compound we forged in the lab... it's just sugar, sucrose, it's crazy. 

Y/N: Well, what are we waiting for then? We need to tell the board that we made a breakthrough, but worst of all they're going to try and make us sell it. How much did it even cost to make one vial? 

Ori: More effective than the competition... for only a dollar? 

???: One dollar. 

Y/N: How many billions of people do we have in the world? 

That One Barista (K/DA Seraphine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now