Chapter 30 - Good Feeling

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Uhhh... damn... *rummages through papers*

...give me a sec... *ice clinking against glass*


With the vaccine still being processed and quarantine finally becoming normalized, I can finally go outside and breathe fresh air again... with a mask, but still. Neither one of us is sick, we're some of the lucky ones that got COVID and shrugged it off like it's nothing, few others were not so fortunate. 

For those people, I'm sorry...

Anyway, onto the better news. Seraphine is back to work, and right now she's out. Meanwhile Brighthammer tower is still shut to any staff that isn't a lab rat. So, Jayce, Mundo, Ezreal, in fact everybody that isn't R&D still has to work from home. 

I have become the cat dad, with Bao lying on my lap while I'm filing some returns for some of my clients. These are opinion returns, which is just a fancy term for "feedback". The feedback is in mass abundance because Ezreal and the sales force's inboxes are just exploding with clients. 

Thanks to this COVID thing, it made every corporation act all out of whack. It's a rough time, but I think we're getting a better handle on it. We're one of the lucky ones, we knew this was coming so we sent people home early. Seraphine was one of the first people outside the corporate world, I know... sounds evil... to know about what was coming. 

I kept her and the rest of my loved ones, so mainly her and Bao, safe first. I'm still worried she's working herself to the bone. 

She comes home from work and just goes right to the guitar, hell she's developing the problem where she doesn't have enough time for me... last couple weeks of July were like that, and now that we're in the END of August, life is hard. 

Ezreal: Hey... ugh... guess what?

Y/N: ...what? 

We're just so drained that we have to take our time speaking. Staring at a screen all day can cause problems for people like us. You'd think we'd get used to it by now but no, it's just hell. 

Ezreal: K/DA made a new track...

No emotion in that sentence, bro has become a husk.

Y/N: Woah, wait, really? That's actually fucking sick. Good to see they're still moving through the pandemic full force. Let's hope this track puts some life back in you. 

Ezreal: Yeah, tune into my stream real quick. 

I send the last reply to the clients for the day, then move over to the Zoom call to view his screen. Ezreal has been suffering hard. The quirky, snarky attitude hasn't been seen in months. When Ezreal can't go outside, he becomes like this. Even now, when he CAN go outside, he's still just like this. He's one of the few that got his life changed by this. 

I know for a fact... that in another universe... this wouldn't happen, and I'd be a buff Chad.

Ezreal and I both click play on the song and right away, the beat starts hard. So, this is a new song featuring Akali on the front cover on the album, just a single, The Baddest. 

Welcome back K/DA... 

Ahri says they never left, but seriously, they did, and now they returned when we needed them the most. To call me a K/DA fan would be a bit of a stretch, but I don't deny their songs sound so good, especially this one. 

I mean, also, if you were to go after one of them, you know, start a relationship or something... How the hell do you think they're going to like you if you don't support what they do? I don't need a relationship; I got a K/DA- nope. Uhhh... well, not yet. Just imagine the look Ahri'll give you when you say, "Oh, Ahri, you're so beautiful, you're so fun! Your music is ass." 

That One Barista (K/DA Seraphine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now