Chapter 32 - Leaving Konoha 01!

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[Chapter Size: 2400 Words.]
Third Person POV


It had been two years since Kimimaro had been cured. Naruto, despite not knowing much about the village's politics in depth, was aware of some emerging changes. First, since the elders had conspired against the Uchihas, they had lost so much power that they no longer participated in village decisions and almost were executed along with the Uchihas seeking justice for what happened. However, the coup that the Uchihas had planned was used as counterarguments, and their execution did not occur, only with a death request for Danzou.

His father, Minato Namikaze, continued to be an excellent Kage during times of peace, with the village thriving on the economy of local trade and ninja missions that many people from within and even outside requested from Konoha as the best nation on the continent.

His mother, as always, was in charge of the village's barriers, monitoring any threat or intruder that entered and left the place. His parents together played a significant role in the functioning of the village, and everyone in Konoha respected them for it.

Naruto's sisters were the darlings of the village and continued to be so as they showcased their astounding talents. The ninjas claimed they would become even stronger than Kushina and, if they became perfect jinchuurikis, would surpass the Hokage one day and be the pillar for this village in the future. Mizu had perfected the art of fuuinjutsu, while Sora specialized in Kenjutsu and her adamantine chains.

Naruto remained the same, always silent as his parents noticed and a loving brother to his sisters. The village people were no longer as hostile since Danzou had deserted, but there was still that certain disdain for expecting a powerful ninja like his sisters because he was the Hokage's son, not that Naruto cared about that, after all, he had always been indifferent.

Naruto knew he would not be his parents' heir, but that was better for him, after all, his days were numbered, while he lay in his bed alone at home when his parents went to work and his sisters to the academy.

Naruto turned his face to the closet next to the bed and saw a photo with his family. Mizu was always quite reserved while keeping her two hands together in front, Kushina behind her placing a hand on her head and waving at the photo with a cheerful smile, Minato beside her with a normal posture and a small closed smile, Naruto being crushed by his sister Sora, who had grabbed him by an arm around his neck while smiling in her mother's style.

'I will miss you all so much...' Naruto had this fleeting thought. After all, what he was about to do would break the heart of his entire family. However, he would be selfish enough to continue with his plans. He did not want to wait until he was older and would have to see if his family would forgive him one day. But Naruto had a sense of justice that intended to change this world or create a force against the atrocities that, even in times of peace among the five nations, atrocities were always happening. He himself had seen many of them in these last two years, perhaps not on the level of the Uchiha extermination night, but there was certainly always killing, theft, and horrible crimes happening everywhere, and many people could not even afford a ninja in a village to get justice. Of course, he tried to help whoever he could, but often he just found bodies by the road, villages burned after all sorts of heinous crimes.

'I will follow my own path from now on... I know you might even hate me for running away and lying to you, but it was certainly the best for everyone, I hope you forgive me one day, after all, I still love all of you.' Naruto spoke, letting a small melancholic tear escape from one of his eyes, still keeping his gaze on everyone in that image.

'I will no longer hold back, I will travel to all the places I can and will make my mark on this world, not just as a non-chakra user who lived his entire life without a drop of the vital force that fills all living beings and even Nature, but someone who will bring change to all nations and create a better world,' He said internally with determination.

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