Chapter 33 - Leaving Konoha 02!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV


Neji felt his body being thrust backwards at speed, while feeling his face swelling and in intense pain, he hit the ground while continuing to move backward like an uncontrolled object.

Tenten and Lee stood paralyzed as they saw Neji in that state, however, he didn't even have time to stop as Naruto appeared by his side, and without mercy, kicked him from behind.

"AHHH!!!" Neji screamed in pain feeling his bones cracking as he started to fly in another direction in the same state.

'What is this?! How is he moving at a speed that I can't even react to?!' He had this thought at this critical moment.

Naruto didn't attack him, allowing him to stabilize while trying to drag himself across the ground, standing up 20 meters away from Naruto, Neji felt his body go into shock from that and started vomiting blood, due to the last impact from Naruto hitting a quite important part of his body, causing a minor internal hemorrhage.

He placed a hand on his rib while spitting, looking at Naruto standing at a distance in disbelief.

"Neji!!" Tenten was alarmed by the state of Neji that Naruto had caused in 2 seconds.

"..." Lee knew that Naruto could be stronger than Neji after all the beatings he took, but this was too much, not even he saw Naruto moving at high speed.

"Come on, you talk a lot, but is that all you can do, get beaten up?" Naruto spoke raising an eyebrow.

"What is this? How can you be so strong!" Neji asked as his nose bled, feeling his body in great pain.

"Wrong answer." Naruto spoke before disappearing and appearing in front of Neji with a small streak of light, punching the boy in the stomach, this made him hunch feeling the pressure and strength of Naruto's punch, making him spit more blood while leaning back.

Neji didn't even have time to react before Naruto appeared above him and stepped on him, exploding the ground.


"Hey, Naruto aren't you exaggerating?!" Lee shouted quite alarmed, Neji was being beaten like a dog, something that Naruto never went to this point.

Naruto did not answer and took his hand to the ground picking up a badly injured Neji from the ground by the neck, while he was lifted in the air.

"You don't seem as arrogant as before, do you?" Naruto spoke with an arrogant tone since he had just discovered a new type of person he did not like in this world.

Neji still conscious, looked at Naruto, there was a glimmer of fear as his neck was suspended, he tried to use one of his hands while trying to hit Naruto, but his hand was easily grabbed by Naruto's free hand.

"You have to do something better than that." Naruto mocked and this boy needed a good lesson. "As they say, you beat and you might forget, but when you get beaten, you never forget, remember that and all my words, after all, it could save your life one day." Naruto spoke and Neji tried to hit Naruto with the other hand, but Naruto laughed and dodged. And before Neji could react, he felt a pain that he would never forget in his life.


"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Naruto broke the boy's arm that he had in his hand. Neji screamed immediately.

BOOM! Naruto threw him on the ground again, making the boy fall unconscious, he lifted him up again now knocked out and looked satisfied.

Tenten seemed shocked by this, looking at Naruto with fear, Lee frowned, he could not imagine Naruto being so relentless, he played with Neji as if he was nothing more than a child and Naruto was quite cruel with him.

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