☆Everything gonna be alright☆

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"Shh.. Shh.. It's okay, It will be alright. I will do everything on my power Ga Eul. Tomorrow, we are going to another doctor, and we are going to get a second opinion. We will go to my family doctor, we will get another opinion. I don't care how many doctors we are going to see but we will have another physician check on you. I don't care how it takes, if it takes to go to the U.S to get check we will. Right Jandi?" Jae kyung said.

"Yes, we will. If it takes for me to stop going to school, I will." Jandi added.

"No! No! That's not what I wanted." Ga eul blurted.

"Please Ga eul if you valued our friendship let us help you. Let us help you or Yi Jeong and the F3 are going to find out. Jandi has to blackmail her best friend although she and Jae Kyung will definitely need to let the f4 knows but not yet. Not yet.

"Right Jae kyung?"

Jae Kyung nodded. "Ga eul, we are here. Ok? Don't you dare forget that."

Jandi and Jae kyung could not believe what they had learned. Gaeul is healthy, yes she is fragile but she eats right, she exercise, she takes care of her body. Yes, she looks pale, weak, and tired all the time but she is happy. Happy people just don't get sick. She is not just happy, she is in love and people that are in love, live life to the fullest. This is just not possible.

No! Not Jandi's Gaeul, not Jae kyung Gaeul, not the F3's Gaeul and most of all not Yi Jeong's Gaeul. This just can't be.

Ga Eul ♡ Yi JungWhere stories live. Discover now