Your Arms

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Lord Jesus, keep me in Your arms.

Keep me safe away from the world. Away from sin. Away from everything wrong.

Lord, I trust You to keep me safe. I know there is disbelief still left within me, but cast it out. Help me to trust You with all my heart, soul and mind. Help me never to doubt my well-being in Your arms.

The Father has revealed Your truth to me. Through His grace, I am saved by faith. What a truly remarkable gift. Who am I, that God would hear me? Who am I that God would see my heart? And who am I that God would plan something wonderful for my future?

Though I may not understand why I was given this gift, I'm grateful it was bestowed upon me. I want to be worthy of this calling, Lord.

My heavenly Father has gifted me to You, Jesus. He gave me to You. You're my Good Shepherd. I am Your little sheep. You take extreme care of me. You fight for me. You leave the ninety nine for me. You gave Your life for me. I am Yours, forever secured in Your arms. No evil power could ever steal me from Your grasp.

This gives me hope, Lord. Help me to put on my spiritual armour every day in order to defeat Satan's attempts to drown me and seduce my eyes off of You.

Keep me in Your arms in the face of temptation. In the face of opposition. In the face of failure and fear. Keep me under Your wing from those who seek evil against me. Help keep me abiding in the Vine, when things get hard.

Help me to praise You in all situations, Lord. To keep my eyes on You. Lord, when I stumble, please let Your face not turn from me. Let Your ears not ignore my pleas. May forgiveness and mercy await me, in Your arms.

God, protect me from the sin that is all around me. Build in me self control. Help me to rest in Your presence. Help me to remember You already have the victory. You have joy and peace covering me in Your arms. I have purpose and life in Your arms.

Protect me, Good Shepherd. Lead me down the path You've set for me. Speak to Your sheep and teach me to not part from Your guidance and goodness. I will follow at Your side, Lord. And in Your arms, will You carry me.

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