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I curse as I check my watch, running towards the platform. I have to make it on time. Mum will kill me if I don't. I go looking for Sirius, Sydney, Remus, Peter, and James as soon as I walk through the wall. I hear Sydney call out my name as I begin to walk towards the caboose. I walk over and we all say our hellos and share the excitement of sixth year. Sirius slings an arm around my shoulder as Sydney tucks her arm through mine.

It's not the first time we've seen each other since school ended last year, we might as well look like it though. We all got together for Sydney's birthday and mine as well, being the only two with summer birthdays. Sometimes Sirius and I see each other at the ice rink as well. It just depends on when his hockey and my figure skating practices are.I look around at our group of friends and wonder how I got so lucky, yet those thoughts don't last as I look up at Sirius. Sirius' hair is a bit longer than normal and that it makes him look more boyish, I guess I'm not over my crush. What if he's gotten over me but I don't know yet? He does have his arm around me, that could be a sign. Maybe he only thinks of me as a best chum though. The time we had shared our feelings toward each other pops in my head and I begin to day dream about it.

"Haley, did you hear what I just said?" Sirius asks me. I blush as I respond, "I'm sorry, I was thinking. What did you say?" He responds with a hearty laugh and nudges me, "You are always thinking! I asked if you wanted to play cards with me on the train?" "Of course," I nod as I start moving to the train as a horn blows. We all board and find a compartment, most likely the last open one. As we stow away our stuff, Sirius slips a note into my book bag. I reach for it and he whispers to not open it until no one is around as he pulls my hand away from the bag. I nod, wondering what the note says and trying to distract myself from the tingling he left in my hand.

The ride to Hogwarts seems to fly by as it has since Fourth Year, when we all started riding together. We met in the middle of third year, when Sydney and I had to work together and she introduced me one late night in the common room. Funny thing is that I've never gotten over my crush for Sirius. It's been three bloody years. Do I even stand a chance? Sirius tells me it's soon time to get changed into my robes. I get up and head to the lavatory to change when I feel someone grab my wrist. I look up to find Remus, pulling me towards a corner. He blurts out, "How should I tell Sydney I'm in love with her and ask her to be my girlfriend? You're her best friend! What should I do?" My heart melts at the sweetness of his question and think about Sydney's confession to me about liking him, "Remus, ask her in a romantic way that is plain and simple. I don't know how else would be a better way than that." I then leave him there to think and hurry to change before we arrive in Hogsmeade.

I make my way back to the compartment and find James talking to Lily along the way. Probably trying to make her fall for him again, I think. I walk past quickly and get into the compartment right before I break out laughing. When Sydney asks what's so funny, I tell them what I just saw. Sirius is almost in tears laughing by the time James walks in, I'm glad to have made him laugh. Maybe that's a good sign. After this summer of being apart, maybe I'll have a chance. But, he's the player. Do I want to do this to myself? I sigh as I shake the conflicts from my mind and focus on what's happening now, James and Lily. He asks us what is so funny and that makes us all laugh harder.

Sirius falls from his seat to the floor. Remus is howling in laughter and Sydney has a silly grin painted on her face as she begins to snort from laughing too hard. I begin to laugh in a high octave, something that happens rarely ever since the incident. Was that really only two summers ago? I already knew Sirius then... Will did snap when he found out I knew other guys. But, he's a muggle, set up on a blind date. And we were fourteen. Just a summer crush, something that was supposed to be easy to get over. A person that was supposed to be a good friend. Someone I thought I could trust.

I snap back to reality as Peter lies that Sirius was just telling a funny joke, a bluff that James would believe, and Sirius rubs my arm. I hadn't realized he was next to me until I see the concern in his eyes. My heart flutters as I give him a shaky smile, he doesn't know about William. He never has to.

The horn blows, Hogwarts is in view and the train is stopping. We are some of the first off the train and get into a carriage immediately, as we had hoped from the beginning of the trip. We cram inside together, despite the complaining of Professor Flitwick. We end up at the gates of the grand castle in a matter of minutes and the boys race to the Great Hall. As upper classes, we blindly go through the back-to-school celebrations.

Soon enough, fifteen first years are new found Gryffindors and the food is stuffed into everyone. Everyone is excused to their common rooms after a speech from the Headmaster and almost every Gryffindor groans from the early stages of a food comatose as we fall into step behind the prefects. When we all are standing outside the portrait of the Fat Lady and waiting to hear the password, Sirius leans in and whispers into my ear,"Read the note tonight before lights out," and then goes back to talking to James. I hope he doesn't notice the way I rub my ear from the way his breath tickled me. We hear our prefect announce that the password is "Licorice Wands" and we all arrive inside. The common room looks the same as always, inviting and warm, and I wish I could stay down here by the fire with my book, but it's time to go to bed.

When the other girls all are getting ready and prepping for the next morning, I open the note from Sirius. It says:
Meet me by the fire at 12:00 sharp. Don't let anyone else know, it's our little secret.
I smile at this and begin to blush as I think about last time we talked in private together. It could be a similar speech, will I be that lucky? Will he confess his true feelings for me? Steal a kiss such as he did during that truth or dare game? Sydney walks over and asks why I'm still in my robes. I lie that I wasn't ready to put my book down. I see the clock, 10:50. Almost lights out. Almost an hour until I meet Sirius.
I hurry and get in my cutest pajamas but I can't seem to fall asleep, I'm too giddy to hear what he is going to say.

11:.45. I think I could head downstairs a little early. What could happen? I tiptoe down the stairs and make it to the common room to see that Sirius is already there.

"You're early," I quietly speak as I teach the bottom of the staircase. "Couldn't sleep," he says, looking me over as I answer. "Oh. Same here. What did you want to talk to me about?" Sirius gets up and takes my hand. He leads me over to a couch. Uh oh. Will this be good or bad? "I wanted to let you know that Peter doesn't think you should be here and will sabotage you if necessary."

I sigh, worried about what might happen and disappointed because of getting my hopes up,"Of course he will. He hates me! I wish I could prove to him I'm not just a mudblood!" Sirius sighs and closes his hands around mine, "I know. But I had no idea Peter hated you until he told me he couldn't stand you getting better grades than him. He said if you did, he would hurt you. I know this is a bit sudden but, I thought you should know."

"I don't know how to say it, but... This is my home. And I'm a mudblood. I can't be as good as the rest of you. Please, I am not a fool. I see the way people look at me with disgust. I know this is a lot to ask but, please, help me get through the teasing and make sure I don't leave, never wanting to come back to the wizard world?" I ring my hands as I worriedly push away any of the thoughts I had about this conversation earlier.

He looks at me with a shaky grin, "That's all I could ask for." I start to get up but he grabs me in a hug and whispers in my ear, "It may seem like Peter doesn't like you because of your blood status but you are amazing. And I will protect you as best as I can. I still like you."

The words melt my heart. I'm someone who comes from muggles. I always have felt like I don't belong. Now I know I do. I do in some people's minds. That's all I could ask for. I let Sirius hug me for awhile longer and then walk me to the dorm entry. Maybe this crush isn't so bad.
A/N: Hi there! Hope you liked this and I hope to get more votes! If you want to hear the start of this story with Syd and Hays, check out sydweasley 's book, The New Task! It's their third year! And we will continue to write in between, before, and after these books! Vote, comment! Love y'all! Thanks for all the support on my first novel!

Every Piece of Me. (Marauders Era) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin