Chapter Forty-Nine: Prom

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Damian POV: Saturday, June 20th, 2026 

I despise dances. The loud music, the horny teenagers rubbing against each other, the teachers whispering amongst themselves about the students. This dance would be far worse than all the others. This dance had two crowns that would be given to two unworthy teenagers. 

I never attend these things. I hear enough about it from Brown and Thomas. But tonight, I would go for one reason. For one person. My Angel. 

She begged me to go until I finally caved in yesterday. I thought if I had given in late, then maybe she would not have anything prepared in time. I should have known better. If she could make three outfits in five hours, then she could make two in one night. I could hear her sewing and humming all night. Then at 4:00 am she knocked on my door, handed me my suit, then went back to her room. 

Now, at 7:00 pm. I wait for my Angel at the bottom of the steps in the manor. I haven't seen her since breakfast. Brown, Cain, and Gordon took her away from me for a 'spa day' whatever that is. 

The sound of heels clicking against wood brings my attention to the top of the stairs. The sight of her takes my breath away. I mean that literally, I cough as I struggle to bring oxygen into my lungs. Angel rushes down the stairs and pats my back.

"I knew he would choke up, but I didn't think he would actually choke." Brown and Todd double over in laughter behind me. 

"Be nice to him, he is just in a state of shock." Angel giggles.

"Ms. Marinette, Master Damian, it's time to leave if you want to be on time." 

Angel grabs my arm and rushes both of us to the door, waving goodbye to everyone inside. 


As I stand there, my eyes fixed on Angel, I couldn't help but feel like I was witnessing a masterpiece come to life. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in gentle waves, framing her delicate features like a halo. Every movement she made was graceful, every smile she gave was radiant, and every word she spoke was like music to my ears. 

"Angel," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the music and the chatter of the crowd. "You look absolutely stunning tonight. I am sorry I did not tell you so earlier."

A blush crept onto her cheeks, making her even more enchanting. "Thank you, Dami," she replied, her voice soft and filled with warmth. "You look pretty handsome yourself. "

I offered her my arm, a silent invitation to dance. As she placed her hand in mine, I felt a surge of electricity course through me. The world around us faded away as we moved to the rhythm of the music, lost in each other's embrace.

I attempted to not pay attention to everyone surrounding us, to stop myself from glaring at people that bumped into us. I finally gave in when I spotted two guys in a corner looking at my Angel's ass.

"Those guys," I growled lowly, my grip tightening around her waist.

She followed my gaze and sighed, shaking her head. "Dami, don't be like that. They're just admiring my dress, that's all."

I scoffed, she was too innocent to know what was truly going their minds as they gazed at the most beautiful girl in the room, "No, Angel. They are looking at you for one reason and one reason only."

She looks up at me, confusion evident in her eyes, "What reason?"

I shake my head, "A reason that you don't need to know." 

She looks startled before releasing me and glancing around her dress, twisting and turning trying to get a good look at her backside. 

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for the tear in my dress. That has to be the reason they are looking at me, maybe I missed a stitch." 

I grab her by her shoulders and hold her still. "There is nothing is wrong with your dress. It's perfect, you're perfect. The guys are looking at you for a completely different reason, a reason that has nothing to do with your dress."

"So the-"

"I'm not telling you the reason. Let's go get a quick drink."

I drag her across the dancefloor and towards the tables filled with finger food and a variety of beverages. I grab two bottled waters and handed one to her. 

"Thank you." She opens her and takes a sip; I follow suit and do the same, "This isn't what I thought an American prom would be like. It's very different in the movies."

"School dances are the epitome of my annoyance."

"Wanna get out of here?" She turns to me and smirks.

I smile at her, grab her hand and race towards the exit door, "This is one of the many reasons why I love you." 

She laughs behind me, the sound echoing in the wind around us. We come to a stop at a streetlight, and I turn to her. 

She smiles up at me, "I'll race you to the manor." 

With that she took off, sprinting in funking six-inch heels. 


Even with her head start I beat her by several minutes. She may be fast, but I knew every in and out of Gotham. I stand at the entrance of the manor, waiting for her to come into view.

The door behind me opens and shuts, the sound disturbing the peaceful night. 

"What are you doing here? It's only" Brown looks down at her phone, "9:18!" 

"Angel didn't like it so we came back." 

"First of all, I hate you, you made me lose three hundred bucks, and second of all, where is my soon to be sister-in-law?" 

"She should be here in a minute."

Silence settles around us, but it doesn't last long. Brown opens her abnormally large mouth. 

"So, when are you going to ask the big question? Make it official? Put a ring on that finger?" She wiggles her ring finger, showing off her wedding ring. She and Todd got married last year, and not long after them Drake and Cain followed. Father and Kyle got married two years ago, while I was in Paris. 

Everyone expected Angel and I to have already married as soon as we both turned eighteen. I intended to wait until school has ended. But maybe it isn't too soon to propose. 


The outfits that they wore are above! One more chapter left!

The outfits that they wore are above! One more chapter left!

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