Our Last Date

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★Alyssa's POV★

I just lied there on my bed feeling like my whole world was falling apart when heard a knock on the front door downstairs. "Hi, Mr. Wolffe, uh is Alyssa home?" It was Danny. "Hi, she's upstairs." My Dad said. "Thanks." Danny said walking upstairs. I was feeling alot better Danny can always put a smile on my face. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked sitting on my bed. I got up and sat beside him and gave him a hug and said. "Sort of." I said tears still falling down my face. "Alyssa. Please stop crying you know it makes me sad to see you cry." He said looking at me as though he was about to cry. I smiled. That's my Danny, I thought and gave him a kiss. He sat there trying cheer me up as much as possible until I burst into tears. "Alyssa what's wrong? You were happy a minute ago, what happened?" He asked." I'm just going to miss you so m-much." I said sobbing into his shoulder again for like the third time today. "It's okay I'm going to miss you to." He said. We just sat there for like five minutes hugging then we released each other and kissed." Danny do you think you can help me finish packing." I asked. "Sure." He said, we both started to unpack my dresser. We put all my clothes into Boxes except for the ones I'm wearing to school tomorrow. Luckily tomorrow is the last day of school. Next we took apart my bed. It was hard to get the mattress downstairs. Once we got everything done Danny said he'd bring me somewhere for our last date since we can't date again. Well again till I move out of my parents house which I can like next June fifteenth. So I gave Danny a hug and a kiss before he left to go get ready for our last date. "Bye see you later." I said closing the door and slipping down it to cry again because I don't want to leave him. He told me to be ready at eight o'clock. So I went to find my box with all my dresses init when I found it I decided to wear the dress I wore on our first date it was a black silk dress that had seaquins all over the top part of the dress. I was crying again because I remeber that I wore the dress to junior prom and that was me and Danny's first date. I got up and put it on. I was surprised that I still fit it. It was eight o'clock and Danny knocked on the door. I answered it and he took me into his arms and kissed me as if we were doing the salsa. We walked to his car I sat in the front seat and went with him to his house. We got inside the lights were off when Danny turned them on it was almost as if I travelled back in time. His living room looks exactly like our first date/prom. I was on the verge of tears. "Alyssa please don't cry." Danny was saying but I ended up crying out of happiness."I-I love it!" I said gave him a hug and cried into his shoulder again for the fourth time. We dance and most of them were slow dances, we were having a good time when I realised it was ten minutes to midnight. "Danny? It ten minutes to twelve I should probably get going." I said. " Can you wait just a few more minutes?" He said. "Yeah sure, but why?" I asked. "You'll see." He said. He left the room and grabbed something from the kitchen he came back." Close your eyes." He said. I did waiting after about thirty seconds Danny was holding a mirror in font of me. He put the most beautiful necklace around my neck it looked as thought it was glowing it was full of tiny gems." I love it Danny!" I said crying I gave him a hug and I kissed him for the last time in a long time. "Bye see you- later I guess." I said and walked to my Dad's car. I look at Danny's sad face. At least I get to see him tomorrow. When I got home I got changed into a lose flannel crop-top and a pair of sweats and lied down on my little sleeping bag and cried into my pillow until I drifted off to sleep.

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