Beginning Of Our Tour

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★Luke's POV★

*Two months later

Me and Alyssa have started to sleep in the same bed now so yeah.(but nothing like that happens). We were having breakfast when my bands manager calls.

M: You guys should get ready your leaving for your tour in four hours!

L: Right I totally forgot about our Tour


"K!!!!" they all all back up.

L: We will be ready in four hours

M: You better be

And he hung up. " Alyssa you can come with us if you want but you'll probably be jet lagged as fuck." I said." That's okay I'll come." She said putting her bowl in the dish washer and going upstairs to pack for several months.

*four hours later*

We were all waiting for the limmo to pick us up to drop us off at the airport when a black limousine pulled up he put our bags in to the trunk and we hop in side there were bottles of wine and whiskey in the cooler. We all took a sip from a bottle of wiskey before the car drove away to the airport. We got to the airport and we hopped on to a privet jet off to Florida. We got to Florida and we signed onnto a five star hotel he ended up getting four rooms. One for me and Alyssa, one for Michael and Calissa, one for Ashton and one for Calum. We got to our rooms and when me and Alyssa got to ours Alyssa started jumping on the bed like a five year old. I started laughing and joined her soon enough we were sitting down laughing our asses off. We fell asleep later watching The Woman in Black.

Yeah I know it was a bit of a boring chappie but oh well.


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