I Ask Alyssa To Do Some Karaoke

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★Luke's POV★

We met up with Hailey again at the same spot the next day, she was here before us."So Luke, do you like Alyssa?" Hailey asked me, as Alyssa walks past with a guy. "Wait. What?" I said looking back. "You right as hell heard me." She said." I'll admit that I didn't talk much with her but she is very pretty, I like the fact that she has a lip ring." I said looking at my shoes. We all got up and waked toward Alyssa and the guy she was with. I thought he was her boyfriend. I sat on the other side of Alyssa, Ashton sat beside the guy, and Calum sat beside me. Michael and Hailey were standing. Alyssa got up and said to the guy beside Ashton." Austin I'm going for a walk, okay?" She said. "K."said Austin. She started to walk, everyone was talking Ashton was talking to Austin and Calum and Michael and Hailey were talking to each other. I was feeling a bit awkward so I got up and walked to Alyssa. " Hey." I said. "Hey." Alyssa said. "Who's that over there?" I asked." Austin is my older brother." She said." Oh sorry I thought he was your boyfriend for a moment." I said feeling bad." Its okay." Alyssa said. So we talked about things from our past and about what we did and didn't like. I know that Alyssa hates peppers and beans. Which is weird because I don't like peppers and beans. (Sorry I don't really know what he doesn't like so I made something up LOL) By time we got back to the tree we were acting as though we've known each other like forever. But before we got to the tree I asked." Alyssa do you want to go to do some karaoke tommorow at twelve. Just as friends I though." " Uh, sure I'm not doing anything I'd love to go." She said. We got to the tree and her brother said." Let's go" "Why?" She asked getting pulled behind him. Their voices faded as they moved on. " so I asked Alyssa if she'd do karaoke tomorrow at twelve." I said feeling abit embarrassed telling the guys this and Hailey. To be honest she is a bit of a gossip girl. So ya. "Really?" Calum asked." Ya." I said staring at my shoes. "Oooooo Luke got a crush on Alyssa." Ashton said as if he was six. " Shut up." I said blushing." Oh he's blushing." Hailey said." Luke and Alyssa sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G." They all started to sing like six year olds. " Shut up! " I said again and we all started laughing. "See ya guys later I gotta head home" I said walking away. Thinking about tomorrow. I got home changed and went to bed and fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Alyssa. Yes I gave my phone number to her. It was a text.

Aly: Sorry can't go 2 karaoke I gotta go 2 the hospital

Lu: y?

Aly: Austin was driving home last night and got into an accident

Lu: That's horrible

Aly: I could possibly go 2 karaoke next Thurs

Lu: k that's gud wit me hope ur bro is fine

Aly: thnx

Lu: bye

Aly: bye

Well that sucks I was looking forward to this. I got changed put my Nike shoes on and went to the school where we meet up.
It was one so ya. " So why are you here?" Asked Ashton. "What a nice way to greet your friend." I said a bit upset that I couldn't do karaoke with Alyssa and sad for her at the same time. "No but seriously dude what happened?" Michael said. " Her brother got into a car crash last night as he was driving home and now he's in the hospital." I said sitting down looking at my shoes like I've been doing so often. "Oh my god really?" Said Hailey. "Ya." I said. I felt very sad but it was not the time so I tried not to talk about it. And spent the rest of the day there with my friends.

Your welcome for a story plot twist the idea was MichaelPizza95 's so I added the plot twist. If you enjoy this vote for more my fellow 5sos'ers


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