The Move

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★Alyssa's POV★

I woke up feeling better, but still as if I was going to cry all day. I got up and got dressed went down stairs to have breakfast when my Mom comes into the room. "Alyssa by the way we are picking you up at eleven today to leave to our new house." She said. I was shocked. "I thought we were leaving at nine o'clock." I said. We are moving Half way across New York city. At least we are in the same city so that I can visit Danny sometimes but it will be abit hard to date him still, so I will have to break up with him for that purpose. "Well the time changed. So we are leaving by eleven thirty OK have a good day." She said as I put my dishes away and walked away to put my shoes on. "Bye see you later." I said and walked out the door I walked to Danny's house because we always meet. I was waiting at his door for him. When he got outside he looked amazing, he was wearing a pair of black jeans a white 5sos tee-shirt I got him when we went to their concert. And a black sweater. His hair was was fabulous. (A;E on side not the person just the hair). Anyway, I gave him a hug and we started to walk to school. "Danny I love you."I said. "I love you too Alyssa." He said. We got to school just before the bell rang I gave him a kiss and said. "Danny we have to break up because I'm moving we can't really date anymore." "Okay I get it but let's take a picture before class okay." He said." Okay. Also I leave at eleven today." I said. "Really? I thought you said you were leaving at nine?" "Well yeah but the time got change so now it eleven. Can we get that picture done please I don't want to talk about this right now." I said pulling out my phone I took the picture and we did it twice once on my phone, next on his phone. The bell rang and I went to class we had Math first I sit beside Danny so I can tell him where I'm actually moving to.
†Skip class†
The office called me during break."Bye Danny. See you on face time." I said giving him a hug almost crying. "Bye see you face time, but please don't cry." He said and made his I'm about to cry face. I smile and gave him another hug and said by again and walked away I looked behind me he was standing there looking as tough he'd never be happy. I gave him a look and he got the message. I mouthed. "Its okay." And went out of the school and got in the back of the car. And was about to cry when I got a text from Danny.

Dan: Face time me when u get there I need 2 tell u something

Aly: ok c u l8r

Dan: k bye

I sat there in car for what felt like hours when I drifted off to sleep. I woke up and it was dark. I look at my phone its eight o'clock. I went to the biggest bed room and noticed it was way bigger than my old room it had a walk-in closet and a bathroom. My jaw dropped and I put down the sleeping bag I was sleep in for tonight and put pillow up against the wall. I face timed Danny. "Hey. So what did you want to tell me?" I ask. "You forgot your bracelet at my house." He said holding up my braclet. I said. "You keep it I don't want to have it anymore keep it as a souvenir." "Okay." He said getting up and putting it on his dresser." Bye I'll call you tommorow I'm really tired." I said." K night talk to you tommorow." He said and we both shut off face time. I got changed and I crawled inside my sleeping bag after brushing my teeth and fell asleep.

Your welcome my little 5sos'ers read on for the next chapter


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