Hey Guys!

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★Luke's POV★

"So I got a call at like six this morning." I said to Alyssa this morning." Who was it?" She asked making a bowl of cereal." Uh some guy named Brandon. He said that he was your ex." I said just a little concerned. She stopped midway pouring the milk.( like it just kept pouring and pouring)" Uh Aly the milk." I said and she snapped back and lifted the milk jug and closed the cap and put it back into the fridge."Brandon called you? But how did he get your number?" She said looking at me." I don't know, he said he had his ways. But is he your ex?" I asked." Yes. What else did he say?" She asked trying to sound casual." Uhh he said he was going to find a way to break us up." I said. She looked me as if almost sad. " I'll be back at three." She said and left and walked to my car and drove off. I ate her cereal. When Ashton woke up and came upstairs I said." I was up when that girl came over." "What?" He said." I saw you go past the lounge with that girl." I said." Who? Marissa? Yeah about that." He said." She's my girlfriend." He said I walked over and sat down on the couch." Really? Good job bro." I said. "Thanks." He said and walked down stairs. I got a call from our manager. He said we had a tour coming up in about two months. Cool, is all I thought, and I hung up. " Hey! Luke we got to go shoot she looks so perfect!!!" Yelled Calum from downstairs."K!!!" I shouted back down." Alyssa we need to go we are shooting She looks so perfect." I said telling her she got up went up stairs and changed. She is going to be one of the people shedding their clothes off. we got into my car and drove to where we were filming. When we got there Alyssa had to go to certain room so I stayed behind. I walked to the guitars and chose my favourite. I walked away as Michael and Calum walk the other way.

★Michael's POV★

I walked into Calum's shot "Hi." Calum said and I said this in a weird voice.
"Hey Guys! I'm Calum!." I said." I'm ready to talk!" I said " Go on." I said." You talk!" Said Calum " Well no I'm not going to talk with you here!" I said." So I'll just stand over here." He said walking behind me and going to the side." So we're behind the scenes of our first music video uh we ever properly done." I said and pointed at Calum." Is it my turn yet?" Said Calum." Yeah." I said." Okay." He aid and walked over." Hi. There's alot of people here." He said and we srted doing this weird dance." Thats what our video clips going to look like." Said Calum as Ashton walked over eating an apple. And started to dance weirdly again. We started to laugh as the camera came off of us." What the fuck were you doing!?" Laughed Ashton." We don't even know!" Me and Calum said laughing. When it was all over we got home band we all sat and watched a movie. I think it was paranormal activity 3. Calissa was scared have to death through most of it she was holding as if her life depended on it. I held her tight and she calmed down slightly. I lied down on my back abit and she ilied down next me and put her head on my shoulder. I was smiling because she didn't do this often. She did it all the time but I always found it sweet. She was sleeping when she when she started to whimper so I huged her tight to calm her down like as if she was dog but anyway. I fell asleep and woke up what felt like ten minutes later. To a cold breeze. I looked it was like what eight in the morning and I was still asleep with Calissa until I woke up.(thanks a lot captain obvious). So I got up carefully and put Calissa's head on the cushion I was using as a pillow. I got up and closed the window. I lifted her head carefully again and lied down again a replaced her head where it was before on my chest, and fell asleep again.

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