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★Calissa's POV★

*A few days later*

I was told that Mikey was in the hospital four days ago so I ran to my car ( again) and drove to the hospital. When I got there I walked to find Mikey I finally found him after about seven rooms. I was sitting there by him just waiting for him to wake up, to explain from his side of the story. I was crying and mumbling." Why would Calum do this? Its not like Calum to do that? What happened exactly?" I was mumbling when I heard a moan. I looked up Michael moved and stopped. I thought he was waking up for a moment. I started to cry again. I heard footsteps I look it was Ash." Ash? What are you doing here?" Then I see Alyssa behind him she was also crying I looked around and saw that Luke was here too. Alyssa looked around the corner and saw Luke and started to cry and tried to leave. But Ash put her in front of him so she couldn't leave. So she sat down in a chair pulled it up to Luke and cried into her hands. " To get her out of the house and to prove that Luke's okay." Ash said grabbing a chair and sitting down. I looked at Michael he still wasn't moving but he was making sounds. I smiled because I was happy that he was slowly getting up. Then there was Luke, he wasn't moving or making sound just lying there as if he was dead. I was sitting there talking to Ashton, listening to Alyssa crying. When I look back at Michael as he opens his eyes. He looked around for a bit then sat up a said." Good to see you visited me." He said smiling. I smiled back and he looked at Ashton." You to?" He asked. Ash jestured towards Alyssa. He looked and saw Luke. "I only Came to get her out of the house and to prove that he was okay." Ash said. We all looked at Luke and the cut at the back of his head still was bleeding." Holy Shit its still bleeding." Ash said. Michael looked and then looked guilty." Are you okay?" I ask." Yeah, I just feeling guilty because of me and Calum accidentally punching Luke." He said. " I just want to know. What exactly happened?" I asked." Well I don't really remember, uuuuhh... All I remember is that Calum yelled at me saying that Hailey was crying for a week and he punched my nose. Then I remember accidentally punching Luke and getting punched a second time and blackness." He said. "Oh." I said I looked at Alyssa and she was still crying. Then I looked at Luke. He should have woken up by now." Uh Ash. I think Luke should have woken up by now." I said. He went over and took a closer look at the cut." Your right Cali. I think the reason must be the fact that the cut is still bleeding and they aren't doing anything." He looked again." This looks really deep. I think he's not waking up because he's still losing a lot of blood." Ash said." I-I want to g-go." Alyssa said crying covering her face. " Uh... I think your brother is still here we could go see him." Ash said. She got up and Walked back to my big bro. "See you later guys." Ash said leaving with Alyssa. I looked at Mike. He looked at me and he said." Why is everything spinning?" " Lie down then." I said he did and he ended up falling asleep. I walked over to Luke and took a look at the cut. It was dirty so I cleaned it with water. I sat back next to Mike and fell asleep in the chair.


I was still in Luke's bed room crying I only ever got out to get food and go to bathroom. Every time I saw Ashton I would get my food as quick as possible before he would see me and go to Luke's room again and wouldn't come out for hours. But today I stayed in the room, I didn't go to even get breakfast or lunch. Oh no I wasnt hungry for one reason, I asked Calissa to tell me if Luke has woken up yet. Each and every single time the answer was no he hasn't even moved or made sounds. So I would just start to cry after I hung up and Ashton would ask through the door." Are you okay?" And I would answer." Yeah." A that was that. Until today I was still cry I think this must have worried Ash because he came on and said." Get dressed and brush your hair we are going to go we Luke." Why?" I was still crying but I wiped the tears off my face." F-fine we can go but when I ask to go please let's go." I said." K." He said and walked down stairs. I just got out of the room and Calum walked by muttering something I couldn't make out. So I just walked past still abit mad at him. I got into Ashton's Car. And we drove to the hospital. We got there and I wasn't too keennto get out of his car, but I did anyway. When we got in we started looking for the room with Michael in it when we found the room we saw Calissa sitting next to Michael crying. We got in side and Calissa saw Ashton and asked. " Ash? What are you doing here?" Then she sees me. I looked around the corner and saw Luke I tried to leave but Ashton put me in front of him so I couldn't leave. I pulled a chair next to Luke and sit down and bury my face into my hands. " To get her out of the house and to prove that Luke's okay." Ash said grabbing a chair and sitting down. I heard Michael making noises while he was out. I wasn't smiling or even happy. I just felt worse. " Good to see you visited me." Michael said. " You to?" He asked. "I only Came to get her out of the house and to prove that he was okay." Ash said. " Holy Shit its still bleeding." Ash said. " Are you okay?" Calissa asked." Yeah, I just feel guilty because of me and Calum accidentally punching Luke." Mike said. " I just want to know. What exactly happened?" Calissa asked." Well I don't really remember, uuuuhh... All I remember is that Calum yelled at me saying that Hailey was crying for a week and he punched my nose. Then I remember accidentally punching Luke and getting punched a second time and blackness." He said. "Oh." Calissa said. " Uh Ash. I think Luke should have woken up by now." Calissa said. He came over and took a closer look at the cut." Your right Cali. I think the reason must be the fact that the cut is still bleeding and they aren't doing anything." He looked again." This looks really deep. I think he's not waking up because he's still losing a lot of blood." Ash said." I-I want to g-go." I said crying covering my face. " Uh... I think your brother is still here we could go see him." Ash said. I got up because anywhere was better than here. "See you later guys." Ash said leaving with me. When we got to Austin's hopital room he saw us and grabbed his crutches to say hi. "Hi, what's up?" He said looking at me and I started to cry again this time because I thought my bro was able to get out of this place, but I guess not. "Wha- Lys why are you crying?" Austin asked. "I'm crying because your still in the hospital and, and Luke and Mike are in here as well." I said sitting on his bed. "Wha- who do you mean by Luke and Mike?" He asked." First you know I'm dating Luke and second you don't really like Mike." I said." Oh them." He said. " Why are they in here?" He asked. I couldn't talk now I started to cry again and Ash told him." They are here because well its a bit difficult to say, but basically Michael and Calum were fighting four days ago Luke tried to calm them down they isn't listen and he got inches by both of them and he hit the wall unconscious with a cut at the back of his head and mike got punched afterwards and he became unconscious and now they're here." He said." Oh okay." Austin said understanding perfectly. I started cry harder. "Ash I want to leave." I said through sobs." Okay I guess we are going then, bye Austin" Ash said as though he were three. "Bye see you later." He said as we left. When we got home I went straight to Luke's room again this time joined by Ashton. He was sitting there trying to comfort me saying Luke is okay and hell wake up soon and other things that I don't want to say. He left the room at like eleven and he went to his room and I sat there slowly falling asleep.

★Michael's POV★

I open my eyes. I looked around for a bit then sat up a said." Good to see you visited me." I said smiling. Calissa smiled back and I looked at Ashton." You to?" I asked. He jestured towards Alyssa. I looked and saw Luke. "I only Came to get her out of the house and to prove that he was okay." Ash said. We all looked at Luke and the cut at the back of his head still was bleeding." Holy Shit its still bleeding." Ash said. I looked and then felt guilty, I must of look guilty too because Calissa asked." Are you okay?" " Yeah, I just feeling guilty because of me and Calum accidentally punching Luke." I said. " I just want to know. What exactly happened?" She asked." Well I don't really remember, uuuuhh... All I remember is that Calum yelled at me saying that Hailey was crying for a week and he punched my nose. Then I remember accidentally punching Luke and getting punched a second time and blackness." I said. "Oh." Calissa said. She looked at Alyssa and she was still crying. Then she looked at Luke. He should have woken up by now." Uh Ash. I think Luke should have woken up by now." She said. He went over and took a closer look at the cut." Your right Cali. I think the reason must be the fact that the cut is still bleeding and they aren't doing anything." He looked again." This looks really deep. I think he's not waking up because he's still losing a lot of blood." Ash said." I-I want to g-go." Alyssa said crying covering her face. " Uh... I think your brother is still here we could go see him." Ash said. She got up and walked over to Ash. "See you later guys." Ash said leaving with Alyssa. Calissa looked at me. I looked at her and said." Why is everything spinning?" " Lie down then." Calissa said I did and I ended up falling asleep.

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