First Day Of Summer

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★Alyssa's POV★

I woke up the next morning still feeling a bit sad when I went down stairs the living room was already made and my parents were crashed on the couch. I decided to have breakfast, I looked in the fridge I saw a box of chicken. I know that chicken is technically not breakfast but grabbed it anyway and brought it up stairs to my room. And looked on instagram, looked at Danny's profile he posted the pic we took yesterday. It said. Going 2 miss the most beautiful, funny, and loving girl ever. Bye @5sosAlyssa46 miss ya 4ever. #sad.
I was bout to cry, but stopped myself, because right now was not the time to cry. I got up changed and in to a lose black Nirvana crop top tankf black preripped skinny jeans and a pair of black hidden heels hightops.(on side). Finished my sort of breakfast and went off to see the school. It wasn't very far it was right around the corner. When I got there I saw girl with Neon green hair a four boys one also had neon green hair, one of the boy's lips was pierced in the exact same way as Luke Hemmings then I realized that Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum were all here. I walked past resisting the temptation to fangirl especially fangirl over Luke. So I walked past and heard Michael say." What are you doing Luke?" I kept walking but then turn around to see them all looking at me except Michael. That was understandable, I guessed that the girl with Matching Hair as him, was his girlfriend. I dig in my pocket to find my phone when I notice its not there so I walked back home grabbed it and headed out again. I walked past them a second time this time with a sketch book and some pencils and went out to the field sat under neath a tree and started to draw the trees. I heard footsteps I look up it was the girl with the green hair. "Hey." She said." My name is Hailey, I'm Calum's sister, and Michael's girlfriend." She said sitting down beside me. " I've seen pictures of you on instagram I'm following all of them.(not in a creepy way). Anyway my name is Alyssa." I said. "Nice to meet you Alyssa. So tell me how hard were you trying not to fangirl." Hailey asked. "Was it that obvious?" I asked. " Well only I noticed." She said." Nice lip ring. Did you get the idea off of Luke?" She asked." No I've had this since I was thirteen." I said. To be honest I only started to wear it again since I moved. " Really? So about the dye Michael?"she asked and I said." Nope I've kept dyeing it the same color since I was ten." I said, why was she asking these Questions. Then all the guys came over Michael picked Hailey up and brought her to the side. Luke sat in Hailey's place and I kept drawing the trees. "Nice drawing" Ashton said looking over my shoulder." Thanks." I said. I started to feel abit uncomfortable. Because Calum was looking now. And I have to admit that he is good looking, but I'm like no, hell no he ugly. "How long have you been drawing for?" Luke asked. "I've been drawing since I was three." I said feeling butterflies in my stomach. Luke was the cutest out of all the band members, but Ashton was quite cute to. I got up put all my pencils in my pencil case and looked at my drawing it was a quick sketch but it looked amazing. Then my phone started to ring. It was Danny. I answer it.

D: hey what's up?

A: not much you?

D: not much. I miss you so much its been really boring so far. It was always fun when you were here.

A: I know I miss you too, but I got to go okay I'll call you later, okay?

D: Bye.

A: K bye.

I put my phone in my pocket, and I start walking home. I was walking past Michael and Hailey when I heard parts of thier convo. "Stop pestering her." Michael said. " I'm not I was just asking Questions." Hailey said. "I know what you try to do when you ask questions." He said. " Then what do I do when I ask questions?" She said sounding annoyed. " You try to see which one of us they like." His voice faded as I walked away. Now I had the thing Michael was telling Hailey stuck in my head. I finally got rid of it by eating popcorn while watching Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix. My fav out of all the movies. And also play Five Nights At Freddy's. I called Danny again said I met the Members of 5sos and Michael's girlfriend. It was lunch and I sat there watching My fav show Big Bang Theory and I fell asleep on the couch, and it was two pm.

You're welcome for a long chappie my fellow 5sos'ERS, next chappie should be a bit shorter for some reason.


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