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Leo's POV

There coming for you

Tearing you apart

Watching you die like a weak mortal

Killing and tearing your soul apart slowly

They don't care for you

They want you DEAD

And I woke up

Another dumb nightmare, the fifth one this week. I looked into the dark of me and libra's room. I looked over at her. She was as peaceful as an angel. I quietly and softly tapped her shoulder. Her boyfriend was right of how cute she was when she slept (LEO IS NOT LESBIAN). After looking for danger for about 5 minutes, I then got under the covers and tried to sleep again, it would take me forever of course. I can't go to sleep that easily.


As I woke up from the sleep I took, I patted libra's side to see if she was awake and out. No body, she is probably making pancakes for L Saturday. (Libra and Leo's day to make breakfast.) as I got to the kitchen, I saw libra at the stove. All of us signs lived on the same level of a NYC apartment place, but they didn't have to be fancy to go on Saturday, so we basically see everyone in pjs when we make breakfast.

"Hey libra, sorry I'm late." I said, libra turned to see me in my 'I woke up like this' look. "its ok, it's not like you do it every Saturday." Libra greeted and confessed. I sat at the 12 chair dinner table. "But I would like help setting up the table." Libra said. I jumped to my feet. Making the table for people is the best part!

I went into the cabinet on the right and got all the good pancake sized plates and set the glass/plastic plates on the table, 12 plates. Then went to the cabinet on top of the plate cabinet and got the cups, forks and knives. First I placed the cups in the right corner of each plate, then the forks as near as I could still see the girl and the plate on the right, then the knives right next to watch fork. Then I went to the left cabinet and got the original and lite syrup, cancer, libra, Aries, and Gemini usually like the lite syrup.

After placing the syrup in the middle, libra was done with the pancakes and made about 48 pancakes. 4 for each of us. After placing about 2 on each plate, libra asked me to hold the plate of extra pancakes and get the butter, blueberries, and chocolate chips. I agreed and held on to the plate of pancakes. During the scavenger hunt for the butter, taurus and virgo came through the door. "Hey Leo, hey libra." Virgo greeted. I just said a hey and libra yelled hi in the back. "Libra is looking for the butter." And just as I say that, libra comes with butter, blueberries and chocolate chips.

"Hey Taurus, hey Virgo." Libra greeted again. Taurus and Virgo are mainly the early birds. They come around 8:00, and everyone is usually here around 8:30-8:45.


After everyone was here, we got to digg into our pancakes. I was starving so why not? After about 1 pancake I thought about the nightmare, did they even care about me and think I'm to bossy? I must have been daydreaming because I heard snaps. "Leo! Leo!" It was Scorpio. Scorpio has a crush on me, he thinks it's not that obvious, believe me. You can tell.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Scorpio. "I was thinking we could all see a movie today." Scorpio suggested. All of us agreed to go to the movies, thing is what movie?

Then I wanted to ask the question. "Umm guys" I tried to raise my voice but it was so quiet. "Guys, Leo is talking." Libra said. All faces on me. Here it goes. "Do you guys care about me?" I asked. Then answers went flying through the room.

"Of course we do" "why not" "why would you asked that? Of course!"

Then the voice in my nightmares said just said a sentence .

No they don't, don't listen to them, they hate you for being so bossy.

Then it just got to me. "Or are you all lying and just hate me for apparently being so bossy." I rode my voice. Then everyone quieted down. "Leo, why are you thinking like this?" Sagittarius asked. I got angry. "And why do you all think I'm bossy and mean?!" I yelled and ran to my room, hiding the tears.

Libra's POV

That is starange, we were all eating pancakes, Leo started yelling, and ran off to her room crying. What's been getting to her? She has been asking the same question to me for the past 4 days and she believes me, why not everyone else?

Everyone was silent until I finally said "I'm gonna go and check on Leo." And got up to walk, but then took another bit of pancake and walked off to see Leo.

As I went on the creeky wood, I went to our bedroom. Leo had shut the door. I put my ear up to the door slowy, you could here some crying. I lifted my ear from the door and turned the knob. The door slowly opened and Leo was just crying on our bed. I closed the door behind me, I don't think Leo would like the open at this point.

I took some steps to the bed, Leo didn't seem to notice, because she kept on crying. "Leo are you okay?" She looked up and shook her head no. she then went back to crying. "Leo, do you mind if I stay here?" I asked. She shook her head no again. I walked slowly to the bed and sat next to Leo. "Leo, can I asked you a question?" I asked.

She look up slowly, and her voice creaked a little. "S-sure" she answered. I asked the same question sagitt asked. "Why are you thinking like this?" She just stared. Then after a few seconds, she responded. "Well, I'm having nightmares, and the voice in my head has been getting to me. I don't know why, but it's not like me, I know." She explained. I hugged her. "Leo, I believe you." She returned the hug. "You do?" She asked. I hugged her tighter. "Of course I do, I'm your best friend, what friend would lie to a friend."

We let go after about a few minutes and got back to eat breakfast.

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