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Leo's POV

After thinking of the whole thing, I remembered that I have fire powers (see what I did there randan1021 ). I tried to remember how to use them so I can break out, because I think I remember that main leaders are strong enough to keep there powers in the magic free cells.

So I finally remembered how to make a fireball to break out, to bad they didn't lock me up in chains. As I silently said the spell <insert magic spell here> and broke down the cage. I could hear footsteps, so I took the steps across the cage and it was too late for them.

Libra's POV (before the big crash)

So as we walked out of the dungeon, we started to talk about what we could use to get Leo's memory back. Like something she liked when she knew the realms.

"Maybe we could use her crown"




as soon as we heard it, we all ran to Leo's cage. It was on fire with ashy footsteps leading to the stairs. We all knew leo finally knows her powers or someone broke her out with their powers. As I started to follow the footsteps, everyone followed me and we ran up the spiral staircase.

Later we heard panting, of course leo, or another guard chasing after her. But we tried to run after her. I think she heard us because we saw fire hot coals on the stairs not short enough to just jump. As soon as we tried, we stopped. The only people who can touch them and not get burned is Aries and Sagittarius, and who can put them out is Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

"Go Aries! Go Sagittarius!" I yelled as they stepped onto the hot coals and Pisces using her water to cool down the coals.

Aries POV

after we heard libra yell to go get leo, we did. Although I'm pretty mad that we have to do all of this for the fire kingdom. I mean, we could just get me or Sagittarius as the overall ruler of the fire realm.

As we continued to run up the stair case, Pisces and the rest of water are putting out the stones. We then got to the top of the stairs. Me and Sagittarius are looking around to halls to see which way to the main room. As asked everyone around the halls "have you seen leo?"

"Have you seen leo?"

"Have you seen Leo?"

I mean, what if she just turned to the dark side that easy? I hope she didn't. She would be a threat to all kingdoms with all of her knowledge of weaknesses and strengths.

Who knows. Maybe that's the last of her good side.

Look on the bright side, she didn't bring her needle of hearts.

Leo's POV

As I ran down the main hall of the thrown room, people were looking at me weirdly and wondered how I woke up so fast. Then I soon knew I was in trouble.

Because the gate usually has a code to follow on the inside. The guards open it on the outside. So I needed a better escape. As I ran back to the throwns that had a big stainless window, I saw Aries and Sagittarius. Dang it! They got past my stones. Well, they are fire signs.

After I ran up the stairs, aka skip a few, I slammed my body into the window and jumped through. Also breaking an $1,000 window. That's okay though. We have enough money to replace it.

I just need to escape.

Libra's POV

As Pisces and Cancer finished putting out the coals, we ran up the stairs. But we then heard a big SMASH

that made us go faster and faster to the point it was at fast as lighting. But we then saw the big window from behind our throwns. Aries and Sagittarius were just standing there and aw.

"We tried libra, we tried." Sagittarius said as I knew leo was going to the dark side. I tried to not have a break down and asked one of the people for rooms. We were gonna stay until we get leo back. Besides, we can't go back.

Leo is the key for us.


Lol continue

Ain't I nice :)


Leo's POV

as I got into the door that led to the earth realm, I wondered how people would see me after this prank. I would actually have to kill people, or use fake bodies. But I'm doing it for the prank and blaming it on the dark side.

But I can't make it like a prank and be like 'U JUST GOT PRANKED BEAHAHAHAHA' I'll just get everyone.

As I opened up the door to the earth realm, I went along the villages in the realm. Everyone in the earth realm knows me so this is gonna be a problem. I need to get something to not get noticed.

As I soon saw a clothes shop, I soon though of an outfit to get. I walked into the store and nobody was really here, just a girl close to my age at the counter. And a woman with a child that was about 8.

I then went to the junior's section to look for black clothes. As I went over to the fire-ish looking clothes, I saw an outfit that had the perfect look for a fire person. It was a black long top with red, orange, and yellow sparks saying fired up with the fire symbol. With black skinny jeans.

I already had the prefect shoes so no worry. I looked at the price (everything is cheap so not like kohls price -$22-) the top was five dollars, pants three. Seven dollars. I looked in my pocket, I remember putting money in there. $10! Yes!

As I went up to the counter, the girl looked up from her phone and looked at me. "Hi welcome to- OMG YOUR BACK!" She said as she got up and hugged me. Then I remembered her voice. It's Emily! I hugged her back. "Hi Emily!" I said back. "I would like to buy this" I forgot to introduce her. She is Emily. She is one of my sisters. I have a brother to, he is a water sign.

Emily looked at the clothes. "Oh no, since your back, you can have then for free (I wish stores did that to me). Let me just cut off the name tags." I then wanted to tell her the prank.

"Emily, I wanted you to know, I'm doing something." I said as she looked up. "Okay, do you want it a secret?" She asked. I nodded. She then promised to keep it a secret. "I'm doing a prank to the signs to make them think I'm going to the dark side" I whispered. She snickered. Emily is like me with pranks, she does em so well.

"K got it." She whispered back. "Now, here are the clothes, have a great day!" She said as she passed out the clothes to me and I went to the fitting rooms.

-shortest time skip-

As I got out, Emily looked at me. "Why do you need them on now?" She asked as the child and her mom went out of the store. "Because of the prank, I have to not be noticeable. I looked at the plastic bags. "Could I have a bag?" I asked.

Emily looked at my clothes, then knew what I was taking about. "Sure." She said as she took out a bag and gave it to me. I then put the clothes in the bag and walked out the store. I waved to Emily outside and came into hiding mode.


Hi! So here is leo going into hiding mode. I'm glad it was token to this. But sorry if it wasn't for Ü

Cya :D

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