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Libra's POV

As I sat on the bed and thought about my future, I though where leo was, what if she is going with the dark side? What if, what if, what if. I can't let that happen to leo.

When I almost heard Scorpio say something, there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door, wiping my tears. I opened it up to see one of the ladies that help around the castle. "Yes?" I asked. The lady gave me the signal to follow her, so I did.

When we got to the thrown room, I saw a humble family from it looks to be the air realm. They were all on there knees, crying. I ran over to them and put my hand on one of them.

"What happened?"

"W-w-well, we were h-having a party, b-b-but then, outta nowher-r-e, we saw a lady jump in the y-yard and killed my d-daughter." The oldest one said.


"What did the woman look like?" I asked. "S-s-s-she had Lon-ng black hair with a black sort-t-a warrior outfit." She said

"That girl was leo." I said. The woman looked at me, some of the guards let out most of the family. "L-l-leo? Who's leo?" She asked.

"She is the main leader of the fire kingdom, it might sound weird she is killing people, but something happened to make her evil."

I calmed down the woman a little bit and after that she left, then Taurus came and told me to come to the room. So I did. Taurus lead me to the computer and I looked at it.

It said leo was right in this room.

Leo's POV

As I looked at everyone looking for me, I was just thinking about what I did, it wasn't right.

I am invisible by the way, so no one could see me, that is why it says I'm room the room, but can't see me.

As I went over to the main area of the castle, aka the thrown room, I sat in my fire thrown, it felt nice.

After a while I wanted to leave and see more people, so I did.

And I turned visible

Libra's POV

After a while, I looked at the computer again, she was out of the room, finally. I told everyone that the coast was clear.

Then another knock was at the door, and I ran to go and open it. It was the same person from last time. I knew she wanted me to follow here again, this time, I brought everyone with and we came to the throne room.

When we all got there, there were two guards holding leo. Yes! Leo was in handcuffs, strong ones to, maybe the strongest.

She had a cloth to over here mouth, all black, and of course, her long black hair. I told the guards to leave. I then went up to her "it's over leo." I said and ripped off her cloth.

One problem

This wasn't leo.

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