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Leo's POV

I then realized what I did. Why did I have to tell him? Why can't I just reverse time? Wait, there is a spell for that.

Scorpio was looking at me, speechless because of what happened over the day.

I then thought the spell. <insert reverse time spell here> and thought of the time I think it was 12:39 so I snapped my fingers and said bye to Scorpio.

And poof

I was back to hugging Thomas. And then I saw that flash. I looked at the window so I saw Scorpio again, and went to the window. It was the only way for him to move. I stayed and did what I did last time and waited for the right moment. "LEO WATC-" Thomas yelled as I grabbed what seemed to be an ankle. I then turned around and kicked Scorpio to the ground.

I then yelled at Thomas to get a cutting knife. He commanded and got the knife, I was holding down Scorpio. Thomas then put the knife in my hand and kept it there.

Then I yelled at Scorpio "SHOW YOURSELF." He then said "never, I'm libra's messager." He lied. Then I ripped off his mask.


That made me put the knife to his neck. He just looked at me. Thomas was just staring at me. Everyone that was up in this house was staring at me.

"Sure, your libra's messager. Your just Leo's boyfriend that I've heard of, I think the name Is Scorpio?" I asked and added some evil in my voice.

Thomas I could also see was smirking. He was accepting the idea. "Yeah, just let me go!" Scorpio shouted. He struggled to move "nonono, we don't want to get any scars on the neck shall we?" I asked again awesomely evil (love that quote!). Then I needed something to make him think I got my good side out a little bit. So I waited for his words. "Leo! If you are still in there you can get her!" Scorpio yelled. I accepted it so I pretended to have a headache and gripped into my head. I thought of the spell to change my eye color, because I somehow got the look of yellow in my eyes and need red (yellow=evil). Scorpio then got up and started to cheer on my good side. "Go leo! You can beat dark leo!" Scorpio cheered. "Shut up!" I yelled. Then I silently said the spell and got my eyes red. I then took off the grip on my head and looked at Scorpio. Thomas still here shocked.

Scorpio then looked at me. "Leo, you're here!" He cheered and ran up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and looked at Thomas. Thomas was lipping 'how did you pull this off?' I winked one eye to show him one yellow eye and back to red. He smirked. I then felt Scorpio pull away from the hug. I then tried to keep the eye color red.

"Leo you need to come to the good side."

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