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Aries's POV

As I got up, I looked at my alarm clock, 5:36. I looked over at sag's bed. He was gone, as usual. He always woke up earlier. I'm suppose to be the morning person!

As I got to the kitchen, there was sag. He was making food for himself. I sat at the table. "Wattup" Sagittarius said. I just didn't respond. I had a stabbing pain in my arm. "Do you have any pain?" I asked. "No, why?" Sag asked.

"Oh never mind, I'm just gonna go make toast." I said as I went to get the knife and bread. I got the knife out of the holder and got the bread out of the bag.

I got the bread and cut the knife through, but I was looking at one side, I turned my head to the other and realized I was cutting my hand off, how could I not notice that?

"Ah, F*CK!" I yelled. Sag ran over. "You ok?" He asked. I couldn't believe what i saw

-to the doctor-

"So your blood is black?" The doctor asked. "Yes, and it was red before" I confessed. The doctor typed in some things and became eye wided.

"What's wrong" me and sag asked. "Oh, umm, it's hard to say, so I'm going to print this out-t."

The doctor went outta the room. I sat there worried out of my life. Sag tried to calm me down. After a while the doctor came back with the printed paper.

"Well, have a good day gentleman." The doctor said and we left.

-to the fire castle!-

As we got to the castle, sag went through the printable. He was stressed because of the 4 pages of things to read.

After 10 minutes of reading he finally finished. He seemed nervous. "Aries, I don't know how to say this, but you got the NOH (needle of hearts) vaccination in you."


"You can't be serious!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, but it's true!" Sag confessed. Aries got to the phone after his tantrum. "Guys! You need to help me! I don't know what I'm feeling, but it's not good! Help!"

Taurus's POV

"We all came as soon as Aries called." I said as the rest stood behind me. "Aries hasn't been himself after he called, he has been saying things about someone named R, has blue flames, and has blue catish eyes!" Sag detailed. Since Aquarius was the healer of the group, he had a full first aid kit.

When we got to the bedroom they slept in, Aries was just laying on the bed, facing the wall with no emotion.

Libra, Aquarius, and Sagittarius went in.

Aquarius's POV

we slowly shut the door behind us as libra went up to Aries. "Hi Aries, we are here to help you, or R?"

"Yes I do prefer that"

Aries then got up. Sagittarius was right. Aries had blue basically all of his eye, just the pupils, which were like a cat.

"Hi Sagittarius, Aquarius, and libra." 'R' said. "How do you know our names?!" Libra asked. "Oh I know lots of things" 'R' said. Then made Aries's body like a camera roll, showing pictures of things.

"What are you doing with Aries's body?" I asked. "Oh, you don't know me to well, do ya." 'R'

"And this happens before the war" I heard libra whisper under her breath. Then that gave me a thought. "Um, 'R', or whatever you call yourself, do you what Leo did in the past 24 hours?"

Aries looked at me what a creepy smile. "Well, yes I do, I won't put it in to much detail, she and her siblings went to New York City, and got the NOH, she then got back and finished the job!" 'R' answered. "The reason it didn't happen to all of you is because she really put the needle in this one." 'R' added.

'R' then showed us the poke (wtf) that made Aries possessed. 'R' was right. It was really in there, you could see some of the metal in his skin.

"So I'll give you a deal, I'll let you friend back in his body, but you have to kill someone." We all listened carefully.

"You have to kill one of Leo's siblings."

Aries's POV

Oh God. Kill one of her siblings? I wouldn't even make that deal. I'm fine just living as a ghost. Why would it want to kill one of her siblings?

"Why would you want one of her siblings dead?" Sag asked. "Let's just say that's personal. Do we have a deal or not." 'R' said holding out its hand with blue hands at the hand.


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