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Gemini's POV

After everyone got there, we went to go see the antman, but when we got there, they said it was delayed


Leo: tickets to see the antman please.

Cashier (THAT FAIL): ~looks at screen~ sorry, that movie is apparently in delay, sorry.

Leo: ok then, what other movies do you have?

Cashier: we have MIB (men in black) (sorry if it is old)

Leo: ok, we will take that.

-End of story-

So after we got all of our food and drinks, we got room 2B, MIB. We all sat in a boy, girl order for some reason. I was sitting next to Capricorn and Sagittarius. Cap on my right, sag on my left.

~Half Way Into The Movie~

Oh my god, that part scared me. Leo I think jumped out of her skin. Scorpio just held on to her. They did look cute together. I mean, seriously.

~in the car~

I thought it was pretty great, libra went to the library, and Leo said she would walk alone, thing is you don't know what is in New York, or trouble (see what o did there? Hehehe)

Leo's POV

I had a pretty fun time, and Scorpio asked me out on a date! Yes! I can't wait to do my happy dance. The movie was great to, best so far.

As I was walking, I saw a man in all black, when he saw me, he went to talk to me. "Hello, do you know the nearest hotel?" He asked. (It's night time, so they did the rest of there stuff in the city.) "umm, well, I just moved here, so I don't know that much about NYC, but I do know there is an American inn over there" and pointed behind me.

"Cool" he said. No one was around really. It's hard to believe. But no one. Soon after that, he said. "You can hold on to this napkin, you look like you need to blow your nose." He handed me a napkin and I took it. He walked away and I blew my nose. Then suddenly, I felt dizzy, and more dizzy. He turned around, snickered, and it was the last thing I saw about I blacked out.

Libra's POV

As I got back from the libary, Leo wasn't home, I beat her, yay! Wait, where is she? She had to be somewhere. I called for her. "Leo!" I called. No answer. I called a second time, no answer. I then got my phone out of my pocket.




Hello, you've reached the number of Leo. I'm not available at the time so pl-.

I turned off, who listens to voicemails now a days? I called again and again, man I hope Leo's ok.


Hello! I'm so sorry for the shortest chapter ever. But I hope you all enjoyed it, so Leo is finally kidnapped!

And sorry I didn't post regularly, I went somewhere with... What for it... NO WIFI IT SUCKS.

I will be having photos to show what things look like in the book, so hope you all like it! Bye!!!!!!

Trouble (a zodiac story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon