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~time skip a day, nothing but training for the both of them and other stuff that isn't important, so this is the last day before the war~

Leo's POV

After that I got a letter that said the last day was just a day to relax and such, so we all decided to go to Emily's work and help her out sense she is only one there for the whole day.

As we entered the store, we asked Emily how long she is here so we can get an equal amount of our work time. "I stay here from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm" she said. That means 10 hours. Since Emily works here a lot, we gave her the 4:00-5:00. Thomas got the 7:00-10:00 shift. Ashley got the 10:00-1:00. I got 1:00-4:00. "Alright let's do this" Thomas said as he got to the desk and stuff. Emily got to show us a room for employees only, it was like a hangout area.

As I got into the fridge, there was milk, pizza rolls, pizza, cake, ice cream bars, and pop. I went for the pizza rolls and pop. I got sprite and 20 pizza rolls. I saw the microwave next to the fridge. I put the rolls in at 2:00. Emily was on Twitter, and Ashley was napping on the couch.

Thomas's POV

As I got to the desk, a couple came in and she ran over to the woman section when the man came up to me. "Can I return this top?" The man asked. I nodded and took the shirt and scanned it as returned. "Thank you" the man said. "You too" I replied as I went over to put the shirt back. Once I did, I returned to position and then found a whole shelf of books under the counter.

I grabbed a book called witch world and started to read it. I've heard of it just never re(a)d it. My sisters always liked to read, me too. You could say we are from a family of readers.


Nobody really came for the time I was here, and it was almost 10:00. That's when I texted Ashley and Leo to let them know. I got a text from Leo.

L:Ashley is napping, and won't get up.

T:that's strange, she gets up right away when someone wakes her up

L:Emily will take the shift until Ashley wakes up

T:ok coming

Ashley's POV

I couldn't do anything. I was somewhat tired from breakfast. Who has that?

Anyway I was having a nightmare. You know, the dreams that scare the heck outta you.

But I was on a tight rope, no cushion at the bottom if I fell, no stick for balance, and I was miles from the ground.

When I looked around the tight rope and saw someone else there. She had blonde, curly hair. Grey eyes, and was wearing a spy suit.

She had laser gun and pointed it at me. "Do it!" She yelled while the gun was still pointing at me. "Do what?!" I yelled back. "Just do it!" (Shia XD) she yelled. "I don't know what your talking about!" I yelled.

She then tight-roped closer. I tried to tight-rope backwards. Then I remembered the ground. Nothing safe, but this is a nightmare, nothing can hurt me.

As we just stood on the tight rope, it was just silence. Nothing to be heard. Then I heard a small rip. I looked around then realized its was the rope. It's was snapping. As she looked the same as me, worried, the rope went with a snap.

As we hung up to one of the ends of each part of the rope. I was on one side, she was on the other. She then got out the gun and shot the rope and snapped my end.

I was falling, but I'll be okay right? I'll be ok.

Leo's POV

As I was getting a chemical to help her wake up, I heard she yell "OW" and was yelling over and over. I ran over to her and put the chemicals on her body, but right after, she shoot up and yelled "WHY?!"

"Ashley! Are you ok?" I asked worried. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, finally" she answered. "I was just on this rope,  and and this girl was with and and was trying to shoot me with this laser gun, and I was falling after she shoot an end of the with a laser gun" she said all in a second. "Ok, well, just get to the job and don't mention it to anyone, I think it has to do with the royals." I suggested and she got up and went to the front desk, they soon saw Emily come in. I then went to the fridge and opened it, and saw Tom come from the bathroom.

"Hey, who wants pizza?"


Hi! So hope you all like this chapter, and yeah, cya


Also, my book for the original story line is called "Trouble (a zodiac story) alternate endings

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