Chapter 1

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Your POV
I sat in my room, surrounded by my parents and friends. I was about to be 16 in 5 minutes.
"Alright everybody count down," my best friend (best friend name) said.
"Happy birthday (Y/n)," everyone said happily.
"Thanks everyone," I said happily.
Everyone left since it was late and I'd decided to open my gifts tomorrow.
"Goodnight (y/n)," my parents said.
"Night," I said as I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm and got dressed for school. I went downstairs and found a note from my parents.
'Dear (y/n),
Your father and I are going to Paris for a month. See you then!
Love mom.'
Yay. Home alone.... It's not that bad I guess. I went to the bus stop and didn't see any of my friends. When I got inside the bus, people started whispering things about me.
'Great. Now people are saying things behind my back' I thought.
We arrived at school and someone pushed me to the lockers.
"Look who it is! It's the little bitch," jasmine said. (Sorry if your names jasmine:( you can change the bullies name) jasmine was the popular girl, she had a tendency to pick on people.
"Jasmine! How nice to see you too," I said sarcastically.
"Well you won't be able to see out of one eye for long," she said.
All of a sudden I saw my friends behind jasmine.... Were they going to hurt me? They all ran at me and started hitting me and calling me mean things. They even started to rip some of my clothes. I limped to the nurses office and when I stepped through the door, I fainted.


I started limping home since I knew the bus home wasn't going to be any better. All of a sudden, it began to rain. I sighed. I looked at the ground as a limped.
'What did I do to deserve this,' I thought to myself.
Out of nowhere I heard someone crying. I looked around and behind a bush was a little girl. This little girl had long curly brown hair, a pink dress, and a teddy bear.
"Hey, what's wrong little one," I asked.
"M-My mommy and daddy left me here and they said they'd come back for me but t-they never came back," she said as she began crying.
I noticed she had pretty green eyes too. I took off my jacket and handed it to her.
"Here. I'm (y/n)," I said as I smiled.
"I-I'm Sally," sally said as she put my jacket on.
"Would you like to go home with me? My parents left me alone too," I said.
she nodded and held my hand.
"Why are you hurt (y/n)," she asked.
"Oh these are just scratches! Some girls ganged up on me and beat me up but I'll be ok," I said with a smile.
"I can help your wounds get better. Well I can at least put bandages and all that," she said.
"Thank you Sally. That might be the nicest thing anyone's told me today," I said.
Sally smiled. We finally got to my house and I unlocked the door. We got inside and I locked the door.
"Wow (y/n)! Your house is really pretty," Sally said in awe.
I laughed and smiled.
"Come on, let's get you washed up before you catch a cold," I said.
I got a towel and started drying Sally.
"Let's get you a change of clothes," I said as Sally nodded.
I got some of my old clothes that mom had stored and gave them to Sally.
"Can you shower by yourself or want me to help you," I asked.
"Can you help please," she asked.
I nodded and we went to the bathroom. I filled the tub with water and put some strawberry scented bubbles.
"I'll turn around and you get in the bath ok," I asked.
She nodded and I turned around.
"Alright (y/n)," Sally said.
I laughed as I saw Sally make a snowman out of bubbles.
"That's amazing Sally," I said.
Sally smiled and started making other things. I filled a cup with some water and poured it on Sally's head.
"I don't get it (y/n)," Sally said as I began to wash her hair.
"Don't get what Sally," I asked.
"You seem so nice and people actually hurt you. That's not ok," she said upset.
"Well Sally, some people are just so stupid for something's. For example, I'm guessing someone said something bad about me and those girls decided to beat me up," I said.
"But doesn't that mean that the person who told them that is lying," she asked.
"Yeah, it does. But when life gets hard just turn that frown upside down and keep going," I said.
"Yeah you're right," Sally said with a smile.
I rinsed her hair and Sally stayed in the bath a bit longer. We told stories about princesses and fairies to pass time.
"Alright I want to get out now," she said.
I nodded and she rinsed.
"The towels right there and your clothes are next to it," I said.
"Ok thanks (y/n)," she said.
"No problem Sally," I said as I turned around.
"Hey Sally. I'm gonna get some clothes so I can shower too, be right back," I said.
"Ok," she said.
I got some of my (f/c) pajamas and underclothing. Oh! And a towel!
I knocked on the bathroom door and Sally came out.
"I like this dress (y/n)," she said happily.
"I'm glad ^-^ I thought you might not like it," I said.
She hugged me and asked," can I call you big sister?"
"Sure, if you want to," I said as I smiled.
"Yay," Sally said excitedly.
"Alright well I'm gonna take a bath. I have some dolls under my bed so you can play with those," I said.
She ran and squealed when she found them. I took a 10 minute bath and smiled when I saw Sally dressing up all the dolls.
"Big sis," she said as she came over and hugged me.
"What's up sal," I asked.
"How are your scratches," she asked.
"Well it's mostly bruises," I said.
"If you need help, I'll help you," she said.
"Thanks Sal," I said.
"No problem big sis," she said.
"You hungry," I asked.
She nodded and we went downstairs and I made some soup.
"Thanks big sis," she said.
"No problem," I said.
After we ate, I got a air mattress and I let Sally sleep on my bed while I slept on the air mattress. I tucked Sally in and she fell asleep right away.
"Night sal," I said.
"Night... Big... Sis," she mumbled.
I laughed softly and fell asleep.

(A love That Lasts Forever) Homicidal Liu X readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن