Chapter 5

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Your POV
I felt like I'm forgetting something... What is is?
"It's him! He's hiding something," I heard voices say.
"Wait who? And who said that," I asked.
"Liu! Remember? That blonde boy said something about a sully," they said.
"I.... I can't remember," I said.
"It's ok! You'll remember soon," they said.
"Now who are you," I asked.
I saw 2 glowing circles, a blue one and a red one.
"I'm Sayaka," the blue circle said.
"I'm kyoko," the red one said.
"We're your inner voices! We protect you," they said.
I stood there shocked
"Time to go! Bye (y/n)," they said.
I woke up and shot up. I looked around and didn't see Liu.
"A-Wait.... What'd I dream about," I muttered.
I sat there trying to remember.
"So sullys in this too?"
"I'm Sayaka!"
"I'm Kyoko!"
"He's hiding something."
My head began to feel as if someone bashed a hammer against my head and I yelled.

Lius POV
I was talking with Slendy about a party.
Liu... Something's wrong
All of a sudden I heard a yell... It sounded like (y/n)!
"(Y/n)," I said as a ran upstairs.
I opened my room door and saw (y/n). I closed the door and in the blink of an eye (y/n) was on top of me with her hands around my if she were going to strangle me.
Stop her!
We both know we can't hurt her.

I put my hands besides my head with my palms faced up, and closed my eyes.
"L-L-Liu," she asked shakily.
"Are you ok (y/n)," I asked as I opened my eyes.
"W-why didn't you stop me," she asked.
"I could hurt you even if I wanted to. Besides I don't see why I would stop you," I said as she pulled her hands back.
I sat up and she sat on my lap.
"What happened," I asked.
"Sully... Sayaka... Kyoko," she said.
"Who are Sayaka and kyoko," I asked.
"They're the little voices that protect me," she said.
"But I protect you," I whined.
"Hahahaha Liu they tell me what's gonna happen and if somebodies going to hurt me," she said.
"Ohhhh," I said.
"Liu," she said seriously.
"What's up," I asked.
"W-Who's sully," she asked.
I stayed quiet.
"Liu," she asked.
I stayed quiet.
"Liu answer me-," I cut her off by grabbing her wrist lightly.
"Do you really want to know," I whispered into her ear.
She nodded. I put her hand on my neck where my pulse was.
"You going to answer her, Sully," I asked.
"Hi (y/n), I'm sully. I'm basically like another person inside Liu but I can only talk. When Liu is in trouble, i step in."
"Can you feel it (y/n)," I asked.
"Y-Your pulse speeds up," she said.
I nodded.
"A-And your voice becomes darker," she said starting to shake a little.
I let go of her and she just stared at me.
"I believe she's scared."
"I'm not scared," she said.
I looked at her curiously.
"Then why are you saying nothing and stuttering?"
"Well... I-I ummm... I.. That's the first time Lius ever gotten close to my hand.
I smiled and started laughing.
"Remember you were the one that held my hand when smiley was fixing your ankle," I said.
Her face turned extremely red and I blushed a bit too. She got off my lap and laid down on the bed. I got up and took off my jacket and scarf. Then I laid down next to her. We stayed quiet and we smiled. I pulled her close to me and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back.
"Is something wrong," she asked.
"I-I-I'm just glad you aren't disgusted by sully," I said.
We laughed.
"I don't think you're any different. You're still Liu and sully is still sully," she said.
I smiled and nuzzled my head into her neck.
Tell her!
You're crazy!
You don't say -.-
I'll tell her when i think it's ok
Wimp -.-"
Whatever sully
'I want to tell you so bad but I can't. Not yet,' I thought.
"L-Liu, you're hugging me a bit too tight," she said.
"Sorry," I said as I let go of her.
"Hey," she complained.
I looked at her questioningly. She sighed and nuzzled into my chest. I got the hint and hugged her again.
"You're so weird," I said.
"Why would you say that," she asked.
"You could've just said you wanted me to hug you," I said.
"Yeah but this is better," she said.
"Hey," I said after a while.
"Yeah," she asked.
"Want to go downstairs," I asked.
"Sure," she said. We let go and got out. When I opened the door, Ben was there.
"What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want," I growled as I hugged (y/n) protectively.
"I'm here to apologize," he said.
I held (y/n) closer to me.
"Do you want to (y/n)," I asked.
"I-I don't k-know," she said.
"You don't have to," I said.

Your POV
"Sully what do you think," I asked.
"I personally think you shouldn't, but by all means Ben give me and Liu a reason to kick your fucking ass!"
"Geez it's just an apology," Ben said.
Liu sighed and hugged me. I felt him put something in my pocket and when I was going to pull away he hugged me tighter.
"If he does manage to get you, I put a knife in your pocket. Use it and I'll find you as quick as I can," he whispered into my ear.
I nodded and hugged him tighter. When we let go of each other Liu leaned against his door and I met Ben halfway.
"Look (y/n), I'm sorry. I was just joking around. Sorry for scaring you," he said apologetically.
"I-It's o-ok," I said nervously.
I saw a clown looking guy and he smiled at me.
"Woah! Cutie alert! I'm taking you with me," he said.
"Not in a million-," the clown guy cut Liu off my throwing a knife into his shoulder.
"Sayaka! Kyoko! Help me out please," I said as I began running.
"Get down!" Sayaka said.
I got down and a knife flew by my head.
"Anywhere safe I can go guys," I asked.
"I can take you to a safe place!" Kyoko said.
"Get out your knife!" Sayaka yelled.
I got out my knife and kept running.
"Ok take 3 lefts!" Kyoko said.
I took 3 lefts.
"Ok take 2 rights!" Kyoko said.
"Move to the left," Sayaka yelled.
I moved to the left.
"Hurry to the right!"
I moved to the right but the blade hit my arm.
"Go through those doors!" They yelled.
I went through the doors but when they closed I blacked out.

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