Chapter 20

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Lius POV
I punched E.j and blood spilled from his mouth. E.j got out and (y/n) was shocked.
"Why'd you punch him," she asked in shock.
The pain came back when I saw the blood on her cheek.
"T-Take the blood off you," I said as my breathing picked up.
"Liu what's wrong," she asked worriedly.
I fell to the floor and she went to my side. I saw her neck and the pain became worse. I yelled in pain and put my forehead on her shoulder.
"Liu do I need to get slender," she asked.
"N-No," I said.
"Did he give you something to help," she asked.
"Y-Yeah," I said.
"Then-," I cut her off by grabbing her wrists.
"T-That hurts Liu," she said while wincing.
I looked her straight in the eye and she gasped.
"Y-Your teeth," she said.
"Get in the closet," I said.
I let her go and she went into the closet. I went to the cabinet and got the bottle. I drank all of it and there was faint pain. I put the empty bottle in the cabinet and opened the closet door.
"Sorry. You can come out now," I said.
"What's going on with you Liu," she asked.
"Nothing. sorry for worrying you," I said.
"Let's go to sleep," she suggested.
"Yeah sure," I said.

Your POV
We laid down and he kissed my cheek.
"Night (y/n)," he said as he pulled me close to him.
"Night Liu," I said.
When I knew he was asleep, I got out of his grasp and looked around. When I was in the closet, I saw Liu get a bottle and drink from it. I looked inside the cabinets but couldn't find anything.
"Where is it," I muttered softly.
Arms wrapped around my waist and I froze.
"Where's what," Liu asked.
"O-Oh I-I'm looking for my phone charger," I said nervously.
"Why are you so nervous," he asked curiously.
"You scared me is all," I said with a shaky voice.
He sighed.
"Why are you lying," he asked.
"I-I'm not," I said.
"Yes you are. What are you really looking for," he asked.
I stayed quiet.
"(Y/n)," he asked.
"I'm looking for the bottle," I said.
"What bottle," he asked.
"The one you had," I said.
He stayed quiet and so did I.
"Why," he asked.
"You won't tell me so I have to find out myself," I said.
"Don't. Stop looking for it. Please," he said as he hugged me tighter. 
"Tell me. Please Liu," I said.
He let me go and I moved my hand from the cabinet but a piece of wood cut my hand.
"Ow," I said as I pulled back my hand.
"C-Cover up the wound. Hurry up," Liu said breathlessly.
I covered my wound with my shirt.
Liu yelled in pain again.
"Liu," I said.
In the blink of an eye Liu was in front of me with my hands pinned to the wall. His breathing was heavy and he put his head on my shoulder. I felt his breathing on my neck.
"What's wrong l-," I was cut off by something biting me.
No way.... Liu.... You're a vampire?
I felt his fangs as he drank my blood.
"Liu... Stop," I said softly.
He held onto my wrists tighter. I began to cry and he pulled away. He wiped his mouth and when he realized what happened he gasped.
"I'm so sorry (y/n)," he said as he caught me before I fell.
"Why didn't you tell me," I asked.
"I didn't want to because I didn't want you to be afraid," he said.
"I wouldn't be afraid. I love you liu," I said as I smiled a little.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," he said.
"It's ok. I don't mind," she said.
"You should mind! I could have killed you," he said as he began crying.
"But you didnt. So don't worry," I said as I wiped his tears.
He hugged me and I rubbed his back soothingly.
"Hey I'm sleepy," I said as I yawned.
"Ok let's go to sleep," he said as he carried me to the bed.
He pulled me close to him and he kissed my lips.
"Goodnight (y/n)," he said.
"Goodnight Liu," I said.


I woke up and saw Liu on the couch.
"Liu," I asked.
He ran over to the bed and sat next to me.
"You ok? Does anything hurt? You can sleep more if you need to. Want me to get you anything," he asked worriedly.
"It's ok Liu. I'm fine," I said with a smile.
"You sure," he asked.
"Yeah," I said.
He sighed in relief.
"How are you feeling," I asked.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," he said.
"I will worry because-," he cut me off by hugging me.
"I'm the one who bit you, I worry about you. Not the other way around," he said.
"I don't want you to be in pain," I said.
"It's fine. I won't die from a little pain," he said.
I have him the 'really' look.
"Ok ok. I'm serious I'm fine," he said.
I smiled and tried to get up, but when I did get up I got dizzy. Liu caught me and said," you ok?"
"Yeah just a little dizzy," I said.
He put his scarf on me and picked me up. When we went downstairs, Liu put me down and we ate some waffles Toby made.
"What's up with you two," Toby asked.
"Huh," we asked.
"You're both really quiet," he said.
"I'm still sleepy," I said.
"But it's 5 in the afternoon," he said.
"I went to sleep late because I was drawing, " I said.
"I stayed up with her," Liu said.
"Cool. So Slendy said he wanted to talk to Liu," Toby said.
"Why," I asked.
"Who knows," Toby said as he left.
"Do you know," I asked liu.
"Yeah," he said with a sigh.
"Why," I asked.
"He knows what I did yesterday," he said with a serious look.
"What do you mean," I asked.
He moved the scarf a little and ran a finger over the bite marks he made.
"But that wasn't your fault," I said as he put the scarf back.
"(Y/n), you need to understand that if I bite someone, it's my fault," he said.
"No it's not! You can't help yourself," I said protested.
"Calm down. The others don't know," he said.
I groaned in frustration and Liu laughed.
"What," I asked.
"You're so weird sometimes. It's cute," he said.
My cheeks became pink and I looked away. He kissed my cheek and got up.
"Where are you going," I asked.
"To slenders office," he said.
"I'm going too," I said.
"No (y/n)," he said.
"But-," he cut me off by saying," it's my problem so don't worry."
I ran to him and got his arm. He looked at me and we were suddenly in front of lenders office.
"What'd I say," he asked.
"You're doing this alone," I said.
"Exactly," he said.
"But I'm going whether you like it or not," I said stubbornly as I knocked on slenders door.
He sighed and I smiled.
"Come in," slender said.
We walked into his office and he immediately threw Liu at the wall and was held back by slenders tentacles.

(A love That Lasts Forever) Homicidal Liu X readerWhere stories live. Discover now