Chapter 35

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Your POV
The boy I had met had now started coming over every night and we'd talk. It's been about 2 weeks and I feel more comfortable around him.
"Seriously though, why won't you tell me your name," I asked.
"I'll tell you eventually," he said.
He laid down on my bed and put his head on my lap.
"When's eventually," I asked as i played with his hair.
He shrugged.
"How's your head," he asked.
"Hurts from time to time but hey it happens," I said.
He closed his eyes and I smiled softly.
"I'll call you... Fluff," I said.
"Ok," he said nonchalantly.
"Well you don't care about anything do you," I asked sarcastically.
"Not really when it concerns you," he said.
I smiled and so did he.
"11:55... I should probably be leaving," he said.
"Awwww how come," I complained.
"Because my parents get mad too you know," he said with a laugh.
'I lived here before they found me.'
I gasped and he looked at me worriedly.
"You ok," he asked.
"Y-Yeah," I said.
He got up and straighten his clothes and hair.
'I want to feel safe and protected! But only you can do that.'
'I don't want my own room! I want to stay with you!'
'I promise I'll protect you no matter what.'
The room started spinning and right before fluff jumped out the window I grabbed his hand.
"something wrong," he asked.
"You don't live with anyone do you," I asked quietly to buy some more time.
"Of course I do," he said.
"Stupid! Put the letters together!"
"L.....L.....I....... U," I said softly.
"Huh? You ok (y/n)," he asked.
"L... L.... I.... U," I mumbled.
He looked at me questioningly. I gasped and looked at him. I let go of his hand and stepped back.
"Is everything alright (y/n)," he asked worriedly.
"No way," I whispered as I put a hand over my mouth as tears fell from my eyes.
"(Y/n) what's wrong," he asked again.
"L-L... Liu," I asked a little above a whisper.
He froze in shock.
"I don't know who you're talking about," he said as he turned around.
"My name," I said.
"What about it," he asked.
"My name is (y/n) (l/n). Not (y/n) peters," I said.
He looked at me over his shoulder.
"No wait that's not even my name is it," I asked.
He turned around, so I had his complete attention.
"My name is (y/n) woods," I said.
"Yeah," he said.
"And you're Liu Woods. I'm engaged to you," I said.
He looked at me and smiled happily.
"Liu... You found me," I said as he hugged me.
"I told you I would," he said.
"Why didn't you ever tell me," I asked.
"You'd black out trying to remember so I waited," he said.
"You didn't give any hints... You could've done that at least," I said as i hugged him tightly.
"You're right, I'm sorry," he said.
"Wait," I said as I looked at him.
"Does that mean this family is fake," I asked.
".... No they're memories are just altered," he said as he looked at the door.
"W-What? No that can't be I've lived with them for all my life! They were so close to me," I said as tears fell from my face.
He wrapped his arms around me protectively and put his head on mine.
"Don't cry please," he said.
I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. Liu sighed and comforted me as best as he could.
"Want to lay down," he asked.
I nodded and he picked me up. He gently laid me on the bed and sat at the edge. He moved the loose hair strands from my face and looked at me.
"You really haven't changed," he said with a smile.
He moved his hand and and stood up.
"Liu," I asked.
"I'm going back home. I'll come back tomorrow ok," he said.
"But-," he cut me off by saying," you really like this family and I don't want to see you cry. You can stay here."
"But I just remembered and you're gonna leave," I asked.
He froze and looked at me.
"I... I," he didn't have anything to say.
He turned to the window and kept walking. I ran and hugged him.
"Please... Don't leave me," I said as more tears fell.
"I'll stay until you fall asleep, and when you wake up I'll be here too," he said.
"Ok," I said.
I let go of him and he turned to me. He had that serious look and just stared at me. He grabbed my chin and I looked up at him. He slowly leaned in and I closed my eyes. He stopped a little before our lips touched so I closed the gap. I put my arms around his neck and he put his free hand on my back.
"I missed you so much," he said between the kiss.
"I missed you too," I said.
I slowly backed up and fell on the bed. Liu laughed a bit and we parted.
"Not funny," I said.
"I think it is," he said.
"Shut up," I said.
He smirked and we kissed again.
*knock, knock*
I froze and Liu hid. My door opened and I sat up.
"Jack," I asked.
"Yeah it's me. Can I come in," he asked.
"Sure," I said.
Jack closed the door and sat on my bed.
"Everything ok," he asked.
"Yeah in fact I was just going to sleep," I said.
"Good. You probably need the rest," he said as he messed with my hair.
"Yeah from all the black outs and headaches I need a break," I said with a sigh.
"Make sure you take your medicine, it helps with that," he said.
"I will," I said with a smile.
"Alright, I'm going to my room, night," he said as he kissed my cheek.
After he left, I waited a bit and sighed.
"Excuse me," a very angry voice asked.
"Uh-oh," I said.
"What the hell?! My brother my ass," Liu said angrily.
"He is my brother... Or at least my pretend brother," I said coldly.
"Oh please, siblings don't give kisses to each other," he growled.
"Says the guy who didn't even tell me anything until today! And for all I know you're still holding back information," I yelled.
"You know what, fuck this! I'm not going to put up with this," he yelled.
"He's my brother! There's nothing wrong with that," I yelled back.
"No he's not! Even though he thinks you're his sister, you're not (y/n)," he yelled.
"I know that! But i don't know what's the truth anymore," I yelled.
"For starters, he's not your family. That means you shouldn't let him kiss you," he yelled.
"Liu, (y/n)! Both of you stop this!"
"Stay out of this sully," I growled.

(A love That Lasts Forever) Homicidal Liu X readerWhere stories live. Discover now