Part 42

683 19 18

Slender's POV



"Slender we can always just kill her if you want," Spiders fang said.

"Yes but that would cause a riot to occur again," I said.

"Actually, I have a plan. We just need your permission sir," Spiders fang said.

They explained how they had ran into her and how they had already disliked her, so we could use that to our advantage. Then they planned her death clearly.

"....kill her," I said as I dismissed them.

"Yes sir," the girls said.

Your POV


"Hi guys," I said happily as I jumped onto Liu's back.

Before I made them aware I was awake, I had quietly snuck up on them. 

"Hi (y/n)," everyone said happily. 

"Hi (y/n)," Liu said as he held onto me. 

I smiled happily and put my hands on top of liu's head and messed with his hair. Everyone continued what they were doing and I joined conversations here and there. It took a lot of convincing to let Liu let me walk around the mansion, but with my awesome persuasiveness I convinced him... Ok well all I did was be stubborn and he gave up 0-0 but potato patato. I felt like someone was watching us so I looked around carefully. 

"(Y/n)? What's wrong," Liu asked. 

"Huh? Nothing," I said as the felling disappeared. 

All of a sudden, I felt killer intent and I immediately dropped Liu to the ground. 

"(Y/n)?! What-," a knife was stuck to the wall we were close to just seconds ago.

We got up and I saw my least favorite people. Elsa and her gothic sister. 

"Why hello Grim, nice to see you," The gothic sister said.

"Been a while hasn't it," Elsa asked. 

"Not really, just a day or two. Like seriously guys! Get a calander or some shit," I sighed disappointedly. 

Elsa made a web in the snap of a finger that kept everyone in place except me. They both came at me, but since my body was still recovering from yesterday's fight, I couldn't activate my powers.

"Something wrong Grim? You wouldn't happen to not be able to use your powers would you," Gothy asked as she chocked me. 

Everyone couldn't speak or do anything no matter how much they tried so this was my fight. I struggled against her but no success. She threw me to a wall and I coughed until my head was pounding. They both came at me and I doged... Unfortunately they did cut my arm and cheek. 

"This is all you're capable of? How pathetic!! *laughs* you sorry excuse for a killer," Elsa said. 

I wiped my mouth and saw the knife they sent at me earlier behind them. 'If only I could get it...' I got into a running position and they laughed. 

"What are you gonna do? Trip us? Oh my god don't break your leg by trying," they laughed. 

I ran at them as fast as I could and the got ready. I slid and twisted gothys leg and Elsa's leg as well. I got up, got the knife, and sliced Gothy right under her rib. Elsa came at me too fast and stabbed my arm. She twisted the knife around and I screamed in pain. I got the knife and tried to stab her but she twisted my hand. I kneed her stomach and stood up. Then, Gothy was in front of me and sliced across my stomach and legs. I coughed some blood and she kicked me to the floor. 

"Beg if you want to live," she said angrily.

"Never," I yelled. 

She stepped on my stomach and I tried not to statist her by yelling. She kept on and at this point I almost cried. She stopped and scoffed. 'Bad move!' I turned halfway into a creepy pasta and got my scythe. I fought against both of them as much as I could and only ended up cutting them. 'The rest of my powers!!' I glanced at the others and Liu tried telling me something but I couldn't understand. He shook his head and looked at me with panic. Blood loss increased from my body and I coughed up some blood. I looked at him and he kept shaking his head. 'He wants me to not over do it but... I have to.' I stood my scythe up and stood on top. I busted all the lights and casted 30 different nightmare sections. I got knives and began throwing them at them until I was sure they were dead. Blood surrounded me, it was a mixture of theirs and mine. My scythe dissappeared and I fell to the ground. Mumbling and footsteps. I got up and saw blurry. I wasn't crying, I had just lost a lot of blood. Someone held my hand and picked me up. I kept coughing and coughing. My killer outfit hadn't gone away and I knew that this would be my death bed. Slowly, my eyes closed and I went limp. The only thing that went through my head?

I'm sorry.....

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