Chapter 2

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Sally's POV
When I woke up (y/n) was still asleep. I decided to go back to Slender mansion for a bit. I went through the woods and bumped into liu.
"Hey Liu! Hey sully," I said.
"Hi Sally! What's up Sally," they said. (Sully is in bold. Liu is not)
"Going back from a kill," I asked.
"Yeah," Liu said.
"Where were you?"
"Oh! You see I met this nice girl! She was beat up yesterday... But she didn't do anything to deserve it! She's letting me live with her," I said.
"Huh a human," they said.
"You should meet her! She's really pretty! She told me her parents left her alone," I said.
"Alone," they asked.
"Yeah, sounds like her parents abandoned her," I said.
Liu looked like he was was thinking.
"Bring her to slender mansion then," sully said.
"But she only knows me and-," I was cut off by hearing someone scream.
"BIG SIS," I yelled as I ran back to the house.
"Sally! You can't show her you can kill," Liu said as he ran with me.
"But if I don't big sis will-," I got cut off when I saw the door had been broken open.
"Liu! Sully help her please," I begged.
They nodded and we ran inside.

Your POV
"Please don't hurt me," I yelled.
Three men surrounded me. They all had weapons. 2 of them had knives and 1 had a gun.
"Don't worry princess. We're only here to have a little fun," they said.
They tied my hands to the bed stand and ripped off my shirt. I began crying and begging them to stop. They took off my pants and one of them got on top of me.
'Someone! Please help,' I thought.
The guy cut the side of my neck not deep but to the point where blood came out. He locked up the blood.
"Stop! Stop please," I yelled.
I shut my eyes as he slapped me. He cut my arms, my sides, and my waist.
I heard a gunshot outside of my room.
Then the door opened and I saw another guy. He had brown hair, mesmerizing green eyes, a black and white scarf, and a black jacket over his outfit.
He looked at me and asked," are you (y/n)?"
I nodded and the guy on top of me slapped me.
"Kill him jay," the guy on top of me said.
The green eyed boy got his own knife and stabbed 'jay'.
"One step closer and sweetie gets it," the man threatened as he put his knife to my neck. The green eyed boy stopped and looked pissed.
"Hey, (y/n)," he said.
I looked at him.
"Close your eyes for a second please," he asked.
I nodded and closed my eyes.

Lius POV
Can I kill the dude now?!
I watched as sully threw the man to the other side of the room before he even knew what was going. He stabbed him and the man died.
"It's not nice to do that to an innocent girl," I said.
So what are we gonna do about (y/n)?
Awwww look! Little sully has a crush on a girl!
I'm not the one who's heart beat sped up when he saw her!!
That did not happen!!
By the way smartass! We have the same body and mind so if you like someone I like them too!
I looked over at (y/n). She was shaking in fear. I sighed and walked over to her.
"P-Please don't hurt me," she said as she began crying.
"Big sis," Sally said as she came into the room.
"Sally get out for a second please," me and sully said.
She nodded and left the room.
I cut the ropes that held (y/n).
"You can open your eyes if you want," I said. She opened her eyes slowly and backed away a little.
"Can't be helped. You were almost...," I trailed off. I took off my jacket and passed it to her.
"Here put this on," I said.
She nodded and put it on.
"I'm Liu, I'm a friend of Sally's," I said.
"I-I'm (y-y-y/n)," she said shakily.
"Well it's nice to meet you (y/n)," I said.
She nodded and avoided making eye contact.
"(Y/n), I'm going to tell you something. But promise you won't freak out," I said.
She nodded slowly.
"Sally and I are actually murderers. We live in slendermansion. We're not going to hurt you though," I said.
"Really," she asked.
I nodded.
"Now I can tell it's no longer safe here for you, so I'm offering you an option. Stay here and risk more of these attacks or come with me to slendermansion and I promise that you'll be safe," I said as I extended a hand.
"You promise I'll be safe," she asked.
I nodded.
"Who will protect me," she asked.
"Me," I said.
She slowly put her hand over mine and said," ok I'll go."
"Good. Sally's already got your things packed," I said.
Sally came into the room with a bag full of (y/n)s things. I put the bag on like a backpack. (Y/n) got up but was weak from all that's happened.
"I can carry you, if you want," I said.
She blushed and nodded. I picked her up bridal style and we began talking and getting to know each other. Sally had said she'd meet us at the mansion so she could get (y/n) a room.
"Liu," (y/n) said.
"Yes," I asked.
"Why did you save me," she asked.
"Well at first I did it for Sally but after I saw you I thought that it wouldn't be fair for a pretty girl to go through all this," I said.
"I'm not that pretty," she said.
I stopped walking and she looked at me.
"look (y/n). I may not have known you for long but I can tell your a nice girl and that compliments aren't something you're used to. But let me tell you this, you are beautiful, no matter what anyone says," I said.
She smiled softly and buried her head in my neck. I realized what I said and began to blush.
"Thank you, Liu," she whispered.
"N-No problem," I said.

(A love That Lasts Forever) Homicidal Liu X readerWhere stories live. Discover now