Chapter 14

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Your POV
I woke up and noticed Liu wasn't there.
"Liu," I asked.
No reply. I got up and teleported downstairs. However, when I teleported, I was 5 feet above the floor and fell.
"Owww," I said in pain.
"You ok (y/n)," Jane asked.
"Yeah thanks," I said as she helped me up.
"No problem," she said.
"Have you seen Liu," I asked.
"Nope! You know where is he well I don't care it's not like we all just saw him 5 minutes ago," she said quickly and left.
"Weird," I mumbled.
"Toby," I said.
"What's up (y/n)," he asked.
"Have you seen Liu," I asked.
"Yeah he's-," Toby got cut off by hoodie throwing cheesecake at Tobys face.
"It's on," Toby said as he began fighting with hoodie.
"E.J, have you seen Liu," I asked.
"U-Ummm n-nope! He is ummm I don't know why would I know," he said nervously.
"Ok well thanks," I said.
'Why is everyone acting so weird?'
"Smile," I yelled.
"What's up (y/n)," smile said as he appeared in his human form.
"Can you help me find Liu," I said.
"Sure," he said as he transformed into a dog.
I got on his back and he sniffed for Liu.
He found him. We began walking in the woods when I heard a girls laughter. Me and smile jumped into the trees and looked around. What I saw broke my heart into a million pieces.
Liu stood there with a girl. Normally this wouldn't phase me too much but they were hugging and smiling and she had his jacket. I looked closer and saw that they were holding hands. To make matters better Jeff was there too and he looked happy too.
"(Y/n)-," I cut smiley off by saying.
"C-can we go to town?"
He nodded and I teleported us to the outskirts of the woods. Smiles was in his human form and I was in my illusion form. We were looking around the shops and id see couples together. I bought some anime DVDs and a few candies for me and smiles since he wanted some too.
"Are you ok," he asked.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine! It's ok I'll be ok," I said with a shaky voice, trying my best to smile.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," he said.
"It's fine, it's better I know than be in the dark about it," I said.
We walked through the woods and it was quiet. I hear faint laughter but I ignored it.
"Smile, I'm going back to town. I'll be back at night so take this to my room and help yourself to some candy," I said as I passed him the bags.
"You sure," he asked.
I nodded and when he turned around I teleported and ran. Tears streamed down my face and sobs escaped my lips. I walked down the sidewalk and I'd stopped crying.
"Look at what we have here," a guy said.
They grabbed my arms and I tried to fight back.  They held a knife to my neck and I stopped.
"Do it," I said.
"What," he asked.
"Kill me. Please," I said.
"That's no fun," he said.
"Go.To. Sleep," a familiar voice said.
Blood poured from their necks and I saw Jeff.
"What are you doing out here," he asked.
"Nothing," I said as I laid on the sidewalk.
It began raining.
"Why aren't you at the mansion," he asked.
"Nothing," I said.
"That didn't even give an answer," he said.
"I want to die," I said.
"You can't stupid. You're a creepypasta. Only another creepypasta can kill you," he said.
"Kill me," I said.
"Hell no! Why would I do that," he asked.
"I saw what I shouldn't have. I have nobody anymore," I said as tears fell from my cheeks.
"What are you talking about," he asked.
"Liu he-," I began crying more and Jeffs eyes gave a shocked look.
"You saw," he said.
I nodded.
"Shit," he said as he ran to the woods.
I laid down on the floor still, cars would pass and throw mud at me but I stayed.
Hours passed by and it became dark.
"Child? Child where are you," Slendy asked telepathically.
"Nowhere," I thought.
"Come back to the mansion," he said.
"Ok," I said.
I walked through the woods, my clothes soaking wet. My legs covered in mud. When I got to the mansion, everyone stared at me. I walked upstairs and it was quiet. I passed Lius room and heard laughter from that girl. I continued walking and went to my room. I opened my window and sat on the roof.
"If you stay out there you'll get sick," Toby said.
"I know," I said.
Toby sat next to me and put an umbrella over us.
"You found him," he asked.
"I wish I didn't," I said as I began crying again. Toby patted my back soothingly.
"Let's go back inside," he said.
We went inside and I sat on the floor.
"Take a bath," he said.
I got some clothes and made a bubble bath. I filled the tub with water and took of my clothes. I got inside and made sure to take out the mud.
After a while, I got out and put on some dry clothes. When I went to my room, Jane was there.
"You ok," she asked.
"Feel like shit," I said.
"Yeah I know," she said.
"You knew," I asked.
"I didn't want to hurt you," she said.
"Thanks," I said.
She hugged me.
"Here. Slender said to drink this so you won't get sick," she said.
"Alright thanks Jane," I said.
"No problem. Oh and E.J went and bought you a phone," she said as she handed me a iPhone 5c that was (f/c).
"Tell him I say thanks," I said.
"Sure. Toby added everyone to your contacts so don't worry," she said.
"Tell Toby I say thanks too," I said with a soft smile.
"And I brought you your anime and candy," smiles said.
"Thanks," I said as I hugged smiles(he was in his dog form).
"Ben said he didn't want you to be bored so he gave you some speakers," smile said as he passed me a box.
Inside the box were 2 medium sized (f/c) speakers.
"Tell Ben I say thanks," I said.
"We got you cheesecake," masky and hoodie said.
"Thanks guys," I said.
They smiled.
"I brought you a hamburger," Sally said happily.
"Thank you Sally," I said.
"Here, a 3DS XL," lost silver said.
"Thanks silver," I said.
"No problem," he said.
(A/n: sorry if I missed someone!)

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