Chapter 19

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Lius POV
"L......l-iu," (y/n) mumbled.
I looked at her and her eyes fluttered open.
"What's wrong beautiful," I asked.
"Nothing. Just a feeling so I woke up," she mumbled.
"Nothing's wrong. Go back to sleep," I said as I kissed her cheek.
"No... No," she said more stern.
She looked around and yelled," leave Liu alone!"
"Hey we're not doing anything," Ben said.
"Liar! I could hear you! I don't know how but I could! He's not using me," she yelled on the brink of tears.
"(Y/n) clam down," I said.
"Hey, bens telling the truth. For all you know he is using you but you're too stupid to see it," Jeff yelled.
(Y/n) froze and I stood up. She stayed there and I punched Jeff straight in the jaw. Blood splattered and I punched BEN too except I punched him in the stomach.
"If you EVER call (y/n) stupid, I will personally kill you," me and sully said.
"Nope he's not using her," e.j said.
I went back to (y/n) and she was still shocked. I hugged her and she held onto my shirt tightly.
I picked her up and slender appeared.
"Liu! You know what happens when-," I cut him off by saying," I know. I know what happens if I do and I still did it."
"Liu, don't do this again," slender said.
"Then don't let them insult (y/n) ever again," I said.
I started going upstairs.
"I'm fine," (y/n) said with a shaky voice.
"No you're not. I know it's killing you that someone from this household called you stupid," I said.
"You don't know the half of it," she said.
"What do you mean," I asked.
"You don't get it do you," she asked.
"Don't get what?"
"My point proven!"
"Well explain so I can help."
"You can't!"
"Why not!"
"Because why?"
"Because you just don't get it!"
"What don't I get (y/n)!"
By now she was standing up and I had my hands next to her head, with her back to a wall.
"He's your brother!"
"So?! When have I ever cared about what he thinks!"
"Well I do!"
My eyes went wide in surprise.
"Why," I asked.
"See! You don't get it!"
"Explain it so I can understand you then!"
"He's you're brother! Why can't you understand that!"
"I understand it but I don't get why his opinion matters to you!"
"Because! Maybe... Maybe one day he'll become my brother-in-law."
"Wait what," I asked.
"Maybe one day Jeff will be my brother-in-law," she said as her cheeks turned pink.
I hugged her and said," yeah. I like that idea."
We held hands and went to my room.
"What was slender talking about," she asked.
"When," I asked as we walked into my room.
"When he said you shouldn't be doing that and you said I know," she said.
"Hmmm don't remember," I said as I fell onto the bed.
"After you punched Ben and Jeff slender said oh shouldn't do that but you said you knew the consequences but still did it," she said as she sat next to me.
I put my hands under my head and closed my eyes.
"Liu," she said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Answer the question," she said with a with a whiny voice.
My throat started to hurt.
'Damn! Didn't expect it to happen this quick,' I thought.
I put my hands on my neck and I started panting.
"Liu," she asked.
"G-Get back," I said.
"Liu, what's wrong," she asked worriedly.
"I said get back," I yelled.
She got up and backed up.
"Liu tell me what's wrong," she said.
"G-Get out o-of here," I said.
"I'm not leaving you! Tell me what I can do to help," she said starting to get scared.
"G-Get slender! H-Hurry," I said.

Your POV
"G-Get slender! H-Hurry," Liu said.
I ran to slenders office because for some reason I couldn't teleport.
"Slender! Liu is in pain," I said as I burst into his office.
"I told him not to," he said.
"Help him," I yelled.
"Stay here," he said as he teleported.
"Please be safe Liu," I said as I tried to calm down.

Lius POV
"This is the first time you actually call me to help," slender said as he appeared out of no where.
"I know she can't leave your office without p-permission so I know she's safe," I said.
"Fair enough," he said.
"Just make it s-stop," I said.
"I can't," he said.
"Why," I growled.
"That's what you get," he said.
"J-Just help... Please," I said.
"Here," he said as he passed me a bottle.
"W-What's that," I asked as I fell to floor.
I clutched my shirt and put my hand on the bed.
"Blood. At this point, you can't resist it any longer," he said.
"I won't drink it," I yelled.
"Liu. This is only temporary," he said.
"I said no," I yelled.
"If you don't, you'll attack someone and I doubt you want that," he said angrily.
"Lock me in here," I said.
"Liu don't do that," he said.
"I don't want to drink blood and I don't want to attack anyone," I yelled.
"It's artificial blood. There's no need to make a big problem," he said.
"No," I said.
"I'll bring (y/n)," he warned.
"Don't," I said.
"Drink it," he said.
I looked away and the pain got stronger. I looked back and got the bottle. I drank some and the pain went away.
"Just drink that every time the pain returns. Smiley is still trying to find a solution," he said as he left.
I put the bottle in the cabinet and laid down.
'You ok Liu?'
I'm fine.
'That's what you get."
Shut up sully
'(Y/n) is going to find out.'
No. I don't want her to know.
She doesn't need to know.
'Yes she does!'
No, she doesn't now shut up.
The door opened and closed. I moved my arm a bit and saw (y/n). I put my arm back and sighed.
"You ok," she asked.
"I'm fine," I said.
"Can you tell me what happened," she asked.
"You gonna lay down," I asked.
"Not until you tell me what happened," she said stubbornly.
"Well then you'll be standing," I said.
"Why can't you tell me," she asked.
"Because," I said.
"Because what," she asked.
"Because you don't need to know," I yelled.
I sat up and looked at her.
"I was worried about you! I think I have a right to know," she yelled back.
"You don't have to know," I said as I looked her right in her eyes.
"But-," I cut her off by yelling," I mean it (y/n)!"
Tears fell from her eyes and she sat on the couch.
"Guys what's going on here," e.j said as he opened the door.
He saw (y/n) and when he was about to put his hand on her head, I punched him.

(A love That Lasts Forever) Homicidal Liu X readerWhere stories live. Discover now