Chapter 7

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Your POV
I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I groaned and turned around. I felt a warm breath on my neck and shivered. I realized Liu was behind me, asleep, with his hands on my waist. I tried to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't budge. It's been 2 weeks since the L.J incident and our injuries had healed. That also means me and Liu have been dating for 2 weeks also.
But... Ever since last week, Lius been acting strange. He'll be with me but after a few hours he leaves. At night sometimes before I go to bed, he comes back or when I'm asleep. But he's always here when I wake up.
I stopped trying to get out of his grasp.
'If I do keep trying, he'll wake up and our time together will be short,' I thought to myself sadly. Nobodies attacked me so that's a good thing right now. Slender went to server punishment for Ben and L.J. I shivered remembering what they had to do.
They had to go to the basement and watch over the rake and make sure Jeff and Jane don't kill each other. Hard work I tell you.
I sighed and silently began crying. I felt Liu move and get up.
"Morning (y/n)," he said in his sleepy tone.
I stayed quiet.
"(Y/n)," he asked.
I didn't reply.
"Hey are you alright," he asked worriedly.
"No! No I'm not alright," I yelled at him.
"What's wrong (y/n)," he asked as he reached out to grab my hand.
I slapped his hand away and it was quiet.
"(Y-Y/n)-," I cut him off by running to Janes room.
He kept calling out for me but I kept running. Then I had a brilliant idea well it's more of a escape.
"Smile," I yelled.
"Woof, woof," smile said as he ran along side me.
I got on his back and said," take me to the woods please! Or a quiet place!"
"Woof," he barked in agreement and we ran into the woods, I held onto his fur and cried. We finally stopped at a place that was very beautiful. There were flowers, and actual bed, and a swing.
Smile turned into his human form.
"This was the best place I could think of. Sorry if you don't like it," he said.
"It's ok thank you smile," I said.
"Why are you crying," he asked.
I told him what's been going on with Liu and he didn't know what to say. He turned into his normal dog form and put his head on my lap.
"Oh smile," I said as I began crying again.
Smile licked the side of my face in attempt to cheer me up. I laughed a little. I laid down on the bed and smile laid on the grass and flowers.
I petted smile and soon fell asleep.

Lius POV
Damn! I lost them! If I were smile where would I be? 3 places came to mind, in jeffs room, at the waterfall place, or in the relax spot for the creepypastas. Ok I definitely know she's not in jeffs room, so I'll go check the waterfall place. I ran and it took 30 minutes to get there. I looked around and they weren't here.
They're probably in the relaxation spot. It took me about 1hr and 30 minutes to get there. I looked all around and when I finally went to check where the bed was I saw smiles in his human form and (y/n) peacefully asleep.
"Thank god she's ok," I said.
"Physically yes she is ok but mentally she's not doing so well," smile said.
"What do you mean," I asked.
"Leaving her for a while is ok but if she doesn't know where you're going or if you're ok, it doesn't help her at all," he said.
"What are you talking about," I asked confused.
"She's heartbroken because of you," smile said coldly.
I froze. "I would never do anything to break her heart," I said.
Smile sighed and said," Liu, she noticed when you leave and she knows that you won't be back till night."
I realized what he meant now, all those times I leave (y/n) because of certain things, she gets sad and worries about me.
"What have I done," I whispered.
"Just tell her what's going on. Make things right," he said.
"Problem is that lover boy has troubles controlling his urges."
"Sully! Not cool," I said embarrassed.
"I really didn't need to know that," he said.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that smile," I said.
"It's ok but good luck with that," he said as he left.
I sighed and looked at (y/n). I don't want to hurt you (y/n)... But if me leaving to protect you is making you sad, I'll just have to have more self control.
I let her sleep more and sat next to the bed. After 15 minutes passed, she started to wake up.
"(Y/n)," I asked.
"Liu," she asked," why are you here? I thought you leave around this time."
"Listen (y/n)! Let me explain," I said.
She stayed quiet for a bit.
"I'll hear you out on one condition," she said.
"Anything," I said.
"You don't leave mysteriously today," she said.
"W-Well if you listen to the whole story you're going to rethink that," I said nervously.
"I don't care! Liu I miss you, I want to spend more time with you," she said on the brink of tears.
I hugged her and kissed her deeply.
"Alright I will," I said as we parted.
She buried her face into my chest.
"So you gonna explain," she asked.
"W-Well you see... Remember when we first kissed and I told you I didn't want to hurt you or anything," I asked.
She nodded.
"Well ever since then, the urge became more powerful and sometimes when I'd get a 'problem' I'd leave so I wouldn't hurt you," I said.
She hugged me tightly and said," you should have said something stupid!"
"(Y-Y/n)," I asked.
"I wouldn't mind doing it with you Liu. I love you so much," she said.
"I love you much more (y/n)," I said as I hugged her.

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