Chapter 19: He's About To Lose Me

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Disclaimer: All belongs to Mrs. Meyer, sadly.


*Chapter 19*


Bella POV

I woke up to the smell of chocolate pancakes. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I felt around for Marie, she wasn't there and I started to panic. I quickly pulled the sheets off me and ran out of the room into the kitchen where I saw Lauren making pancakes and Alice playing with Marie. They looked up when I came barging in. I let out a breath and walked over to Marie, "Oh, thank god! I thought something bad happened to her. I never woke up without Marie there with me." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Well as you can see she's fine but what about you? Are you feeling better?" asked Lauren.

"Kind of, my stomach feels uneasy though." I said rubbing my stomach.

"Maybe it's because you haven't eaten yet, silly." Lauren said turning around and placing a big plate of pancake on the island. Yummy!

I longed for the pancakes, stuffing them all in my mouth. Halfway finished, I looked up to the eyes of Alice and Lauren. They were starting at me fill my mouth with their mouths hanging open. "What?" I said with my mouth full with pancakes.

"You, pancake…" Lauren said then filling her mouth with air, making her look like chipmunk. I giggled then did the same as Lauren, Alice broke down laughing.

I let the air out and started to giggle uncontrollably. My mouth started to feel dry so I took a sip of water but my mouth still felt weird, I felt something coming up my throat so I stopped whatever I was doing and ran to the bathroom, putting my head over the toilet and throwing up some of my breakfast. Lauren and Alice followed me there. Lauren held my hair for me while Alice rubbed my back. When I was done throwing up I washed my mouth and face. Lauren took me to my room while Alice looked for some medicine. Lauren sat on my bed with me, rubbing my back as I looked at the floor. Alice came back with Marie and some water with medication.

Marie sat on the other side of me, resting her head on my chest, I rubbed her back. Alice handed me the water and meds and I took them quickly. Lauren took my glass from me and put it on the night stand.

"Bella, are you okay?" asked Alice, sitting across from me on the other bed.

"I don't know. I feel weird, and groggy."

"You're probably not used to the change of the atmosphere. Don't worry. The weirdness will die down eventually. Just relax for now. Alice and I will take care of Marie and we know Marie's sick, her fever has gone down now. I'm going to give her some soup then I'll make you something." Lauren said before leaving the room with Alice and Marie. I lay down and closed my eyes, letting myself drift off. Just a few minutes into sleep, I heard a soft knock from the door. I opened my eyes and said, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Alice." A soft voice said from the other side.

"Oh, Alice, come in." I said sitting up and resting my back on the headboard. Alice came in with the phone in her hand. "It's Edward. He wants to talk to you." Edward. A smiled painted my face at the sound of his name. I quickly jumped off the bed and grabbed the phone out of Alice's hands. She left and I pressed the phone to my ear, "Edward?"

"Bella, I miss you so much. I wish I woke up to your face this morning." I smiled.

"I do too, Edward. I miss you so much. But, you shouldn't be talking to me, won't Tanya get mad?"

"Oh, don't worry about her; she's at a doctor's appointment getting an ultrasound."

"Shouldn't you be with her?" I asked, sitting back down on the bed.

"I should be but I told her I had some work to finish up. I got bored and I missed your voice, so I called you." A tear ran down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away with the back of my hand.

"So…Bella, Tanya told me that you were going to be one of the bridesmaids. Is it true?"

"Um, yeah, actually it is. But, let's not talk about that. So, um, how are the baby and Tanya?"

"I don't want to talk about Tanya. But, I should tell you I chocked Tanya yesterday in front of Alice. That was the best thing that happened all day, well that and when I locked Tanya in the laundry room." he laughed.

"Oh my god, really? Why did you chock her? What did she do? Did Marie see? Because if she did you, Mr. Cullen, are in big trouble, young children are never supposed to see adults try to kill each other even when the person is a bitch."

"No, she didn't see because Alice sent her upstairs to pack before it even happened. I only chocked Tanya because she called you a tramp. I couldn't just let her stand there and insult the woman I love. I would be very happy if she died in my arms, too bad Alice pulled me away before I could kill her. Alice also said it would be bad for my rep, so since she's like a sister to you, she's my sister too and even if I had a sister, I would listen to her too."

I laughed, "Um…so how’s everything?"

"Well, Alice told me you got sick. And Marie's fever went down. Are you feeling okay? What happened?"

"Edward, I'm fine just a little uneasy but Lauren says it's just that I'm not used to a different place. If I'm not feeling better by tomorrow, I'm going to go for a check up."

"Well, I'm kind of a doctor myself. Tell Dr. Cullen what's been going on." I giggled before starting.

"Um, I feel uneasy, like I'm about to faint. I'm eating a lot, this morning I stuffed my face with pancakes." I giggled, remembering what happened, "I threw up, wait a second I think the rest of breakfast is coming back up!" I said before I dropped the phone on the bed and running into the bathroom, and throwing up the rest of my breakfast. I flushed the vomit and whispered to myself, "Looks like those meds didn't work like I hoped it would." I washed my face and mouth before going back to my room. I picked up the phone again, "Sorry about that."

"Bella, are you feeling okay?" he said, sounding worried.

"Better now, why? Do you know what's wrong with me?"

"I don't know if I'm right but…" he trailed off.

"But what? What's wrong with me Edward? Oh no, please don't tell me I'm going to die!" I said.

"Bella you're not going to die! Never say that! But, I do think I know what's wrong with you."

"So? What's wrong with me?"

"I'm just guessing here but, I don't know it for sure but I think you may be pregnant." The phone slipped out of my hands and on to the floor then before I knew it everything went black.


Author’s Note: AHHHHHH! I saw Pirates of the Caribbean on Friday night with my best friend Megan, my ‘daughter’ Valeria, and my friends Rachel, Marqua, and Ebony! That was an awesome girl’s night. Lol, Valeria and I finished our popcorn before the movie even started, well that’s probably because we were sharing it…and 2 heads is faster and better…anyways! I got a Henna Tattoo! It going fade in like 2 weeks :( If you wanna see it, it’s on my Facebook. I went to a fair yesterday and I bought some summer dresses! Technically, it was a Fun Fest with rides (cools ones) but anywayzers…how’s life? Mine is awesome! Finals are on its way in 2 weeks!  THIS PLACE ABOUT TO BLOWZ! GIGGLING COOKIE! I feelz happy! Till I update again eat, sleep, pee, poop, I don’t care care as long as your alive and breathing! I love you!

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